The Parables of The Sower
The Obsolence of the Argument
Published 02/19/19 by Whisper [0 Comments]

Every once in a while someone approaches me and, full of absolute and unshakable conviction that they expect to receive my full and undivided attention, declares:

“You are bad, your advice is bad, your should feel bad, fight debate me!”

Unless I’m bored at the moment, my typical response to ignore them, psychoanalyze them, mock them, or simply say absurd and nonsensical things until they go away.

Why, you might ask, am I less and less interested in debate over time, and what good is this to you, and especially what does this all have to do with getting laid? After all, you’re twenty years old, you’re horny as fuck, and you want to learn how to get lots of trim.

Well, everything is about sex, except sex, which is about power. Understand power, and you’ll get laid.

To understand what debating has, or doesn’t have, to do with power, think about what a debate is, and what it has meant in the past… the nature of the argument has changed a lot over time.

Once upon a time, the argument took the form of classical discourse. This was not so much a back and forth process as a rhetorical speech intended to persuade. While this could be intended for a single person, the assumption was more often that this speech was directed at an audience.

The second age of the argument was modern discourse, a back and forth process between two debaters who took on oppositional roles, but essentially engaged in a cooperative process whose goal was to establish truth by determining which case was more persuasive.

The third age of the argument, most noticeable only in the past few decades, is that of post-modern discourse. This takes the form of no-holds barred struggle to discredit not simply the other speaker’s position, but the other speaker himself, the goal being not to prove the opposition wrong but to silence it so that one’s own position will dominate the conversation.


  • Classical discourse, intended to persuade an audience. (“This is important because...”)
  • Modern discourse, intended to establish truth by playing advocate. (“You have committed a logical fallacy...”)
  • Post-Modern discourse, intended to establish your views as a social standard via sheer dominance. (“You are a racist!”)

Most people would say that most arguments nowdays are post-modern, and this would probably be largely true.

But what goes unnoticed is that we have entered the fourth age of the argument, the Post-Discourse Age, when argument itself is obsolete.

You may have noticed that arguments no longer persuade, they no longer establish truth, and they no longer determine whose views will dominate the social discourse.

To persuade requires an open minded audience. Post-modern discourse has purged us of this.

The means to establish truth is to test, not to joust with theoretical constructs of logic based upon arbitrarily selected premises.

And whose worldview shall dominate thinking and language is determined by how those ideas spread themselves, and whose cooperation they require to do so.

Debate is no longer relevant either as a means of discovery or of dominance. Who wins the debate is not determined by debating. It is determined for forces entirely external to the debate.

What this means is that arguing is no longer empowering… it is merely a means of entertainment which is no more productive than masturbation or video games.

In situations where you wish to achieve power, or appear powerful, you must avoid debating. Debating is at best an idle pastime, and at worst a weak move that signals an internal need for others to agree with you.

Impose your will upon the world by acting, doing, and showing, not by passively begging others to agree or to act.


(Young man dealing with an overbearing mother)

Bad: “You should let me move out and get my own place.” (Argument about whether this is a good idea ensues. Nothing happens.)

Good: “That van out there? Oh, they’re moving my stuff to my new place. I’ll put the key on the counter when we leave.”

(People don’t like TRP)

Bad: “We’re not misogynists because reasons. Our advice is good because reasons.” (You have signaled a need for approval. Others influence you by withholding it.)

Good: “And how do you plan to stop us?”

(Girl displays significant LMR)

Bad: “Come on, baby, don’t be a tease.” Tries to push through. (You have signaled investment in her. Now a power struggle is taking place, and she has something you want that she can withhold.)

Good: “Oh, okay, cool. Well, goodnight, then.” Looks around for coat. (She must scramble to prevent you from withdrawing much further than she intended if she values your attention. You now have something she wants that you can withhold.)

If there is something you want, never argue. Do.

1 tip given to Whisper by the community for this post.
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