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Just that one grey hair. No dying anything other than that single strand of grey hair pink
11h ago The Dark Winter
@First-light The topic is interesting because it lays bare people's ability to decipher inherent truth. Yes, the climate is changing - it has been changing for billions of years and it will continue to change right up until the moment the atmosphere is torn from the magnetosphere and cast into the void of space.
In fact, I think we've all done ourselves a mischief by agreeing to engage on the topic by citing "climate change" in the first place. Alas, here we are.
What we're really arguing is the idea that humans have impacted it to such a degree that the absolute worst of weather conditions can be pinned directly on us... which is, frankly, absolutely fucking retarded. We can all be absolutely confident that if a hurricane is building in the gulf it had diddly squat to do with the industrial output of Northern Alberta or Beijing for that matter.
Quite distinct from "climate change" however is environmental manipulation. Things like deforestation, diversion of rivers, damming, overfishing, poisoning rivers and lakes through discharge etc etc. are all very real and have massive impacts and are the thing anyone should actually be talking about. These are all issues that have fuck all to do with carbon output and very much to do with the growth of one stock tracker or another.
I'm not actually against the notion that we're in the middle of a mass extinction event, based on observations of my own like massively declining insect populations, which directly affect the food chains all the way to the tippy top, us. Pesticides, fertilisers etc etc.
But none of that has anything to do with the extreme weather conditions that happen to burn down one state that has demonstrably shown itself to be full of the most abject retards you could possibly imagine. Climate change is the scape goat for bungling extreme weather responses or preparation, and I can't abide anyone that uses it that isn't affiliated with the state because you're (royal you) just doing their PR job for them.
Read More10m ago The Hub
I call that using Foreskin instead of forethought...
12m ago The Dark Winter
@WokeDown Maybe you’re not wrong and the climate will tip too far on balance in that direction and we’ll live through some truly terrible times.
My argument is that it is absurd to believe that the Earth has and will continue to remain at a perfectly balanced level.
I know it isn’t news to anyone here but the Earth is a delicate Petri dish of chemical reactions that is at the mercy of grand cosmic events that could snuff us out in the blink of an eye. Yellowstone could erupt, trigger the San Andreas fault and then it’s goodnight America and all of these policies about reducing .1% are condemned to some footnote in the Akashic records.
A volcano erupts in Iceland and my carbon footprint for that year, and 10,000 or more people is instantly erased.
The magnetic poles shift and cause the earths orbit to shift a degree to the left, bringing our hemisphere closer to the sun increasing temperatures by 2 degrees on average, there goes the Paris climate agreement…
You get the point. Worrying about this or that to the point where you think we’re holding a knife to the planets throat is beyond insanity.
And of course, humanity adapts. Always has, always will. Human civilisation survived the ice age, conditions far more extreme than you could possibly imagine.
We’re going to be okay.
Read More24m ago The Dark Winter
@MentORPHEUS I have, in no less than 4 replies, made it very clear and in no uncertain terms, have I faced and am clearly willing to address the angle of climate change - and refute it I have.
Here, have my angle on climate change in emoji form:
I value empirical evidence of mismanagement, apathy, destructive ideology and critical mass stupidity over some vague notion that you haven’t defined or substantiated.
I’m not sure who it is that will obligingly nod along when “climate change” is invoked, but it sure as fuck isn’t this audience.
4h ago The Dark Winter
My problem isn't with the idea of a changing climate - as @Stigma noted, that's a given to anyone with an IQ over room temperature. Where I take issue is with the political agenda trying to stop us all driving effective gasoline vehicles, stop eating meat and generally adopt a dystopian lifestyle medieval serfs would find intolerable - as well as with the religious ideology that's built up around that, as you noted.
Also, per your last couple sentences, that was precisely what I was referring to by referencing the Medieval Warm Period above. That shit ain't taught in schools anymore, or wasn't when I was going through it, because it totally fucks up the narrative. It's part of why Greenland is named Greenland. Granted, that was also a PR move on Erik the Red's part, but when he and his crew were exploring the North Atlantic in the late 10th century it was actually a fair bit warmer than it is today, leading to more of Greenland being habitable and arable than is currently the case.
Read More1h ago The Hub
So neither the L.A. City or County fire departments knew that the Palisades reservoir was empty. It was out of service because it needed a repair to the cover, which no one had gotten around to for nearly a year. It's connected to the drinking water supply, and the cover is to prevent contamination. But it didn't need to be emptied. It could have remained full for emergencies and simply disconnected from the city water supply. no one thought to do that. Utter incompetence.
1h ago The Dark Winter
The topic: Wild fires in LA
My explanation: Bad policy, bad environmental management, ideology that allows for criminal behaviour to go unpunished
I’ve explained it numerous ways to you, I honestly don’t think it’s that difficult to figure out.
Feel free to offer a counter at any time, of course.
Just saying “climate change” leaves everyone here wanting.