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1h ago The Hub
@Lone_Ranger The only good thing about UK devolution was how it came to bite labour in the back side. They thought it would set them up forever by killing the nationalist appeal. Instead we get to watch corrupt non entity politicians make rules that are designed not to solve problems but to prove they are not English, while English tax payers pay for it. Genius socialist idea.
It was a crap idea and costs money. Like pretty much all socialist ideas.
Found the pussy password and it works until you talk about fight club
[TheRedPill] [Red pill example]
Guys i was on a date with a chick that was responding very poorly to my escalation and game at the mall chipotle when i got the urge to take an absolutely mad shit in the men's room. Bless the custodian that had to wear a hazmat suit to go in there
Anyhow, while my asshole was reeling from the red salsa i saw "*pussy password: bangbang68" on the bathroom stall graffiti and under it in all caps: "FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB, DON'T TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB" I'm guessing the 68 was to prevent people from discovering the truth
My date was nearly as shitty as that nuclear dump and i asked if she wanted to go back to my place and she said "hell no" and so i just sat down and trolled and said "bangbang68". Suddenly her mean bitch demeanor became incredibly soft and i saw a girlish glow in her face. She nuzzled up against me and said "what do you have in mind?". I said "bangbang68" and she bit her lip and gave me fuck me eyes.
Back at my place we fucked almost instantly. She was trying to strip in the passenger seat ffs in my car and i barely got through the front door with my belt practically off and her trying like hell to unzip my pants. We started fucking and every time she told me to talk dirty to her i said "bangbang68" and she came.
This went on for 2 weeks. I started texting hinge bitches "bangbang68" and they would just make plans. I'd looked for a texting guide on here for months and never found one. I had a roster going and it was amazing. No one ever told me this is how you talk to women. Fuck hard work and improvement and learning social skills.
Then one day i fucked up. My main squeeze from the mall asked me how i got so charming and I told my main squeeze that i found the pussy password. Suddenly that girlish charm disappeared and she got as bitchy as she was at the mall.
She called me a misogynist and accused me of following Andrew Tate and being a red pill guy. Guys, don't talk about fight club. That apparently undoes the charm. Even my hinge bitches went cold on me. They all stopped responding it's like they knew.
Can someone please give me a texting guide now that the pussy password stopped working for me? I need to build a connection over text.
Read More1h ago The Dark Winter
Do I look like I care what sour racists think of me?
Since when have we been able to see each other here?
Holy shit i just saw a nipple after using it. But now i have autism
14h ago The Hub
@Stigma Had to check this out. Seems its just attention seeking lies (who would ever have imagined a cam whore seeking attention!) Her little pal -the other slut who she topped, is now also pretending to be pregnant not to be upstaged. The rivalry in their race to the bottom is priceless.
Best of all I learned she has a husband. Cuck of the millennium! I hope he is just waiting till her worth peaks and then he will divorce her.
@Vermillion-Rx Aw man, well... we still got the memes I suppose
@deeplydisturbed Oh this reminds me, did anyone else see that the onlyfans slut that slept with 1000 dudes or however many it was is now pregnant? LOL
The memes on X have been fucking sublime.