Your Chances are Better Than You Think
Published 11/16/18 by darchetype [0 Comments]

Let's analyze a field report of mine and break down some theory from it:

Field Report:

Out at a club with my LTR and her single, tall blonde friend. Blondie is an 8 or 9 depending on your tastes (I more prefer the binary scale). You could tell she was horny as all get-out and immediately set her sights on the first tall guy she sees, probably a 6’-6” dude, in great shape. For the first half hour she’s pining to get his attention; tries her best to rub up against him as he walks by us, but to no avail. This drives her absolutely nuts, and now every other guy is invisible to her except tall dude.

Now along comes an average-looking Asian guy who starts mackin’ on her, probably about her same height, 6’ or so. I’m thinking this guy has no chance since she’s tunnel-visioned on tall dude, but he makes fun convo with the three of us and gets her to dance with him. They have some fun for a bit and by now it seems Blondie has forgotten about tall dude. Asian guy ends up getting her number but doesn't escalate to take the interaction further. The club is closing down and the three of us hail our respective rides home, when Blondie reveals that she was hoping Asian guy would have kissed her and taken her home with him.


We all know being good-looking and charismatic matters; and being tall/in-shape basically lets you have your pick of the litter. What we tend to forget is girls want sex just as badly as we do; they are just better at hiding it, and/or we are afraid to escalate. It was interesting to see how things progressed that night from Blondie's perspective. As some point in the night you could tell she was willing to settle for almost any guy there (as long as they were her height or taller of course). Instead Blondie went home sexless and still horny. To my knowledge nothing happened between her and Asian dude; he missed his chance*.

The message I took from that night was your chances* are usually better than you may think, and will only improve as the night goes on. Girls can and will settle to a certain degree, and while SMV is still important, it becomes less of a factor.

*The word chance used in this context is a blue-pill term. A truly confident and comfortable individual would see these interactions as opportunities and be unfazed by the outcome; not treat it like a roll of the dice.