A Conversation: Dara and Rob
Published 08/24/21 by deeplydisturbed [2 Comments]

Recently overheard conversation between Dara and Rob. It went something like this:

D - Hey, excuse me I have this problem. We need your help.
R - Hi. Who are you?
D - Oh, hi. I am Dara. Please help us.
R - What's the problem?
D - There is this horrible issue and we need new laws to fix it.

R - Well, can we fix it some other way? I am not a big fan of giving government any more power than is absolutely necessary.

D - No. You don't understand. The bad people are making this bad thing happen. WE need to do something. The ONLY way is to restrict people from doing this thing.

R - Fair enough. So, what do you propose?

D - There are two parts. First, we should restrict the freedom of the average person. Second, we need to tax the average person. That will fix it.

R - Woah. Hold on. Aren't there like a thousand laws on this already? And if you look at taxes....

D - Yeah! But those laws aren't enough. We need more sensible laws. And why are you complaining about taxes. We need roads don't we?

R - (sighs internally). First of all, I am not complaining. I just think that "we" tend to throw money at problems without ever seeing results. In fact, the results tend to be "Give the government more money".

D - You don't understand!

R - I am trying. But you want to restrict my freedom at the behest of very powerful charismatic elite folks. I am not okay with that. Why are you even listening to celebrities for such things?

D - You sound racist.
R - Wait - WHAT!???
D- Yeah. Racists and sexist and misogynists all say the same sorts of things.
R - Woah. Hold up right there. You came to ME asking for help. Yet you cannot explain why you want it, but you seem to be clear about the money and the "give up my civil rights" part. On what planet is this okay?
D - You know nothing about civil rights! I bet you are for voter ID aren't you. Like do you even know a black person?

R - Are you going to try to get me with the whole "Oh, so you have a black friend so you can't be racist" thing? What the Fuck! Back people listening to this rn would have something to say about what you are implying about them.

D- You watch NNN (Nazi News Network) Don't you. That is right out of their playbook!

R - Hey, that's not nice. I said nothing even remotely Nazi like. Look. I am not interested in your beliefs. I just want to be left alone. That is all I have ever asked. So please leave me alone. And BTW, stay away from my children.

Have a good day.

D- Did you just threaten me!
YOU are a member of the group that is entirely responsible for all of the suffering of the world since pretty much forever. You are a bad person and people like you need to be eradicated from the earth so that morally superior people like me can be free from your depredations. And another thing - I AM going to get to your children. Through the schools, the media, cartoons, and school books. My friends and I are everywhere. We own everything important. You cannot escape us. So enjoy life while you can you fucking NAZI Rapist! FUCK YOU!
R - Oh, sweet Jesus. (walks away)
D- (Follows, yelling) Yeah sure, walk away NAZI. LEAVE we don't want you here any way. Keep voting for your Nazi leaders, you vile Nazi scum!

Two days later....

Interviewer - So Dara, tell is about your recent encounter with a Nazi...

D - Sure. Thanks for having me. Let me start by saying Black Lives Matter, and ACAB. Yeah, so I was walking down the street and this guy starts ranting at me. And well, I will just let you listen because I recorded the whole thing...
(Muffled recording) "Fuck. Black people..."
D - Uh yeah. That's what WE have to deal with on a daily basis. Something has to be done about this epidemic of Nazis just walking around our streets and trying to indoctrinate our children.
Interviewer - Thank you so much for being so brave and sharing your story with us. Next up, we have a trans athlete who....
D - (Smiles)
Two days later....
D - Excuse me sir, will you sign our petition to bomb this foreign country to protect our allies against terrorists? It is a really big problem and people are dying. It also addresses diversity, equity, inclusion, and climate change. Entire ecosystems are collapsing!
Random Guy - Who, me?

D - Yes, we desperately need your help. This is a HUGE issue and women and children are suffering. Would you sign our petition?

Random Guy - Sure. Let me read it...

Wow. That's a powerful piece of legislation there and it is going to be paid for by our grandchildren. Why not just continue to provide the billions of dollars of Aid we already send each year?

D - RACIST!!!!!!


Note to Reader:

As much as I intend this to be humorous satire, it is so close to reality that it feels flat somehow. Like a bad meme.

But I decided to write it anyway because it highlights a very common experience (symbolically)between very different sorts of people.

On one side we have people who are seeking meaning in their lives by engaging in activism around large complex global issues. They are struggling with issues in their private lives, which they cannot seem to solve. Furthermore, they do not have the slightest grasp of the complexities involved in the issues they are trying to address. Yet they seem to be hell bent on following the advice of very powerful, charismatic, wealthy people who make large amounts of money from said issues.

On the other hand, we have large numbers of people who simply want to be left alone.

According to Dara's world view, there is only one sort of person who is worse than the Jeff Epsteins, Harvey Weinsteins, Bill Clintons, Hunter Bidens, and KKK members of the world.

In her mind, the most vile, evil man of all is the man who simply wants to be left alone.

Published 08/17/21 by deeplydisturbed [1 Comments]

This is going to be controversial , but it needs to be said. So let's get this party started.

NAWALT. Yeah, that's right. I said it. However....Bear with me.


WTF do I mean?

Let's consider Junior and Juniorette. Two children being raised by a good man.

Dad's Message to Juniorette:

Dear Daughter,

As you grow and develop, boys are going to become more interested in you. You are going to start having powerful feelings that seem odd, scary, and exciting all at the same time. Just about everyone goes through some version of this.

We have already talked about the birds and the bees, so now its time for the next level conversation.

Some boys, let's say 10% of them, are dangerous. They have not been taught to control their sexual and romantic urges. Or they were raised by aggressive fathers who acted like predatory animals around women. Or they were raised by single mothers who allowed those bad men in their lives. However they learned this, they did.

And because of this, you must be on your guard. You have to assume that ALL MEN are like that, even though it is only 10%. So:

  • Never go anywhere alone with a boy unless you are ready, willing, and able to have sex (and don't forget what your mom and me explained about STD, pregnancy etc)
  • Never go anywhere alone with strange men, like to a party, unless you have a designated driver or another sober friend to keep an eye out for you.
  • Never do drugs with men around. In fact, never do drugs
  • Never leave your drink unattended in a bar - or anywhere for that matter.
  • Be situationally aware. Keep an eye out as you go for a walk or a run in the park. Keep an eye out for strange acting/looking characters.
  • Trust your judgment. Those bad feelings in your gut? LISTEN to them and GTFO of there ASAP.
  • Etc.

I love you and I know you will do well with this advice. But above all, please remember this: NOT all men are like that. But you have to ASSUME they are because of the 10%. Good luck out there.



Dad's Typical Message to Junior:

Dear Son,

Good luck out there buddy. Buckle up, don't drive drunk, and be sure to wear a condom if you have sex. And remember - respect women. No means no.

Have fun!



I know some of you will chime in with corrections to the above. it is not literal, so have at it. It is an incomplete dumbed down version of the exact messages we send to our boys and girls in the world.

And it is problematic to say the least.

Here is my proposed message to Junior:

Dad's REVISED Message to Junior:

Dear Son,

As you grow and develop, girls are going to become more interested in you. You are going to start having powerful feelings that seem odd, scary, and exciting all at the same time. Just about everyone goes through some version of this.

We have already talked about the birds and the bees, so now its time for the next level conversation.

Some girls, let's say 80% of them, are dangerous to you. They have not been taught to control their hypergamous, predatory female urges. Or they were raised by aggressive mother who acted like predatory animals around men. Or they were raised by mothers who allowed weak men in their lives. However they learned this, they did.

And because of this, you must be on your guard. You have to assume that ALL WOMEN are like that, even though it is only 80%. So:

  • Never go anywhere alone with a woman unless you are ready, willing, and able to handle the consequences of her getting pregnant and owning you for the rest of your life (not it doesn't end when you stop paying child support. And don't forget what your mom and me explained about STD's etc.)
  • Never go anywhere alone with strange woman, like to a party, unless you have a designated driver or another sober friend to keep an eye out for you.
  • Never do drugs with women around. They can and will film you and bring that shit up 30 years from now if you become successful. In fact, never do drugs
  • Never leave your drunk friends unattended in a bar - or anywhere for that matter.
  • Be situationally aware. Keep an eye out for women who are drunk and dancing around like an sexually frustrated chimpanzee. Keep an eye out for strange acting/looking characters in general.
  • Trust your judgment. Those bad feelings in your gut? LISTEN to them and GTFO of there ASAP.
  • Etc.

I love you and I know you will do well with this advice. But above all, please remember this: NOT all women are like that. But you have to ASSUME they are because of the 80% who ARE like that. Good luck out there.



Have a good day men.

Be safe out there.

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