Featured Content Producers and Curators - FAQ
Published 09/22/15 by trpbot [0 Comments]

If we've reached out to you during our beta, you might be wondering what it is we're looking for.

We have a few different features on our new site, and some of you will fill different roles.

Featured Content Producers:

Featured Content Producers are featured on the "Daily Prescription" feed to all users by default. Anything you post will appear for all users big and small. This gives you a lot of exposure. Some examples of what you could post:

You are welcome to produce snippets for the Daily Prescription, and/or if you'd like, you may start your own blog right here on TRP.RED to feature your own content here. Remember, anything you post to the feed shows up on the front page for all users to see!


You also have an additional feature, which lets you pick through blog posts (Under the heading "All User Blogs") and select (curate) posts to highlight on the "Curated Collection" page, as well as on the "Daily Prescription" page.

To curate a blog post, just click on the post title to visit the page, and then next to the post details, click "Curate this Post"

You are welcome to produce your own blog and curate posts, or, if you have a blog hosted elsewhere, please just use the "Daily Prescription" feed to submit links to new posts.


if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact redpillschool.