How to Get Laid - A Demonstration
Published 12/30/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]

Getting laid isn't hard. The only things that matter in this situation are if she is dtf and if logistics aren't working against you. In this post me and a lady friend of mine demonstrate screening

Logistics are things outside of your control that will stop you from getting laid such as meeting a chick that's dtf, but has somewhere to be in five minutes. When you're out there screening, make sure that you have your own logistics in place so you can handle business with a clear head.

DTF or Not - chicks will either want you or they won't. The only way to know with absolute certainty is if you try to fuck her. There is no short cut. You must properly screen her.

Screening is just pushing the interaction towards sex by utilizing the tools that you have. Those tools are your words and your physicality. Words are easy, but they aren't very strong indicators of her dtfness. Physicality is my go to. Just touch her. If she's dtf, she won't be able to hide it when you touch her and escalate the interaction. If she's not dtf, touching her will make her run away from you thereby terminating the interaction.

There are 3 common types of interactions you will have when you're screening. They are: cold, warm, and hot. Cold chicks aren't dtf. Warm chicks may or may not be dtf. That's where screening comes into play. Hot chicks are dtf and that's where you need to up the dominance. I made a video with a lady friend of mine and we go through each of these interactions. Enjoy

Handling Apologies
Published 12/28/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]

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