Personality Traits to Look For in a Lady Friend
Published 11/05/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]

Screening for dtf women is fun and now you have a pretty good grasp on how to do so, but now you want to know what type of person she is outside of her pussy. In this post i'll share with you what you should be looking for and how to get the truth from her.

Women lie all the time. If they have sex too soon, they'll be called a slut. If they aren't the ideal size, they'll be called fat. If they're ugly, they'll be called ugly. They lie because society judges them for things that they do. Don't be that guy. It's very important that you don't judge her for how she is. Let her be, but categorize her accordingly - Fuck Buddy or Not. That's it.
The vibe that you should put out is one of indifference. She sucked two dicks at the same time? Cool, you want yours sucked too. She is a pothead? Nice, maybe she can get you some free weed. She cheated on her fiance who paid her way through college? Ok,maybe she can cheat with you too. The point i'm making is to let her live her life. You aren't her hero. Don't try to save her and don't judge her. Relationships don't matter.
When i'm screening a girl, I am looking for dtf first and foremost, but I also am looking for answers to questions that I have. Here is a list of what I look for and how I go about detecting the truth (FB or NOT):
  • Level of sluttiness - Mention threesomes, mention lesbian fun, steering the conversation to a sexual place and letting her talk about her wildest times. Too wild isn't for me because I want to be comfortable with condomless fun after a while. NOT
  • Emotional Baggage - Getting her to talk about her life and gauging how happy she is. If it's not obviously optimistic then she is most likely jaded and beaten down by life. NOT
  • Sex Drive - Immediately after sex, i'll pretend like I want more. If she isn't completely down then her sex drive is probably pretty low. She will most likely not be dtf for long due to various reasons. NOT
  • Level of loyalty - Ask her to beat up/curse out your ex jokingly. Gauge her reaction. If she's dead serious about doing it for you or asks for more information then that's a huge green flag. She's attaching to you. FB
  • Attraction to you/Interest Level - Just watch her when she's around you. Does she text when she's around you? Does she answer phone calls when she's around? Does she touch her phone at all when near you? These are all NOTs.... Does she stare at you constantly? Does listen to everything you say as if you're speaking some awesome shit? Does she giggle around you while fucking with her hair? FB all day
  • Does she do any drugs aside from the ones she does with you - Ask innocuously
  • Crazy level - Tease her about being crazy. Any reaction other than curiosity as to why you think so means she most likely is crazy and likes that about herself. NOT
  • Pleaser/Taker - Does she want to take care of me? Does she hop up to get me a napkin after I cum? Does she enjoy helping people? FB
These are the most of the things I look for in a Fuck Buddy. It's really easy to tell what type of female you're dealing with if you choose to be honest about the situation. Just remember to not judge her for anything that she's telling you. Let her be herself.
I'm sure you've noticed there are some things that i'm not that curious about such as: favorite color, birthday, last name, things she likes to do, etc. This is simply because it's not my place to give a shit about any of that stuff. In the future I will cover how to actually get your new FB relationship off the ground.

Stay Icy
A Transcendental Lifestyle
Published 11/03/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]

This post is for the uninitiated. This post is for the readers that are on the fence or the readers that haven't aligned themselves with the views of this blog just yet. For the more advanced readers, I will post more insight soon.

Love. What does it mean to you?

In the beginning, monogamy was created. The rules of monogamy were well established. Women or men who strayed were ostracized, demoralized, or beaten. In today's world, monogamy still exists.

Love is a peculiar emotion. Once in love, the heart dominates. It feels marvelous, it feels beautiful, it feels like you're floating on cloud nine. You're having the time of your life and life is just fabulous!

When you're around, she's doing everything she possibly can to please you. She sucks and fucks like no other. As a matter of fact, you almost don't want her to give you blowjobs because you respect her too much. In return, she never asks you to lick her pussy - for the most part.

If you were sick and needed her more than anything, would she be there? If you give your all, would she do the same? If you were approached aggressively by a sexy younger chick, would you give in? If she was approached by a sexy guy that screens for dtf women, would she be down for some quick fun?

Love transcends her desperate need for attention. Love transcends one night stands. Love transcends her getting pregnant by some guy. If she's in love with you enough, she will always come back - eventually.

Stay Icy

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