Before you go complete no contact - read this
Published 10/21/17 by frontEndDev [0 Comments]
Among the redpill community, there is the belief that if a female fucks up in a big way then you should dump her and go complete no contact. There is a much better way to handle this situation.
Say for instance, you are allow a female to work her way up to a ltr and after a few weeks, she fucks some other guy. Oops. What would your normal action be? In most cases the answer would be to cut her off and disappear forever. Although this action is great for self-loving masturbation, it's costing you pussy and stopping you from reaching a higher level: no contact is reserved for personalities that you can't tolerate -females that get on your nerves to the point where you no longer want to fuck them.

First off, lose the ego and look at the situation objectively. This chick obviously isn't ltr material, but maybe she has some other value. Can she cook, suck a mean dick, has money, has connections, gives good massages, etc? You will need to put your emotions and butthurt aside and use her. Use her like you would use a toothbrush in the morning - do it absentmindedly.

After she cheats or disrespects you, instead of walking away forever try one last thing. Go cold on her, turn off your emotions and soft next her. Soft next her as if you're going ghost. Don't speak to her until she's apologetic, sweet, and feminine again. Only then should you accept her back as an almost plate - fwb. Once you accept her back, keep your emotional distance. As long as she is sweet and feminine, allow her to: be around you, speak to you, and do things for you. It's very important that you get her to do things for you. The only place in your life that she is ever allowed to have is as your do-girl. She's now an orbiter. Once she slips back into her old ways and stops doing what you like, soft next her again until she comes back as sweet, feminine, and humble. Demand her best with your actions. Do not accept anything less.

Stay Icy

Why you should never compromise with women
Published 09/24/17 by frontEndDev [2 Comments]

Compromise is defined as an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions

Women and men live in two different worlds. They also handle conflicts and other every day situations differently. From birth, most men are taught that they must work for any and everything. They're taught their parents morals and they're taught their parents values. Not to mention that some men go on to learn game in order to further improve themselves. On the other hand, women are showered with praise and treated as if they're gold just by being alive. For the most part, the life that most men are led to live results in a solid character that's grounded in reality. They aren't a reflection of the world, but a product of it. Most women's perception of themselves are based on the amount of attention they get. Their character is rarely taken into consideration. They aren't afforded the opportunity to improve their character, because in most cases it doesn't matter.

Since most women haven't taken the time to improve or strengthen their character, they're forever stuck in a weak place. Their self worth is based off of the amount of attention that they receive and must constantly be inflated in order to maintain that sense of being someone. To put it simply, most women have very little self worth. They are insecure.

Being insecure, you believe that you aren't worth much.

Say for instance you and your ltr get into an argument. For the sake of peace, you let her 'win.' (Also, never argue with a woman) After the argument, she's walking around with an air of superiority. You've inflated her ego and she feels as if she is better than you for the time being. Say for instance you and your ltr have different tastes for what you want to eat tonight. She is really adamant about chicken and you're deadset on beef. Eventually, you suggest eating both chicken and beef. She accepts, but still walks around with an air of superiority for a few days. What went wrong? You allowed a weak person to show that they're better than you.

You should never compromise with an insecure person because they don't care about the conversation at hand. They're deriving satisfaction from the fact that you're even talking to them. Anything in addition to the conversation (getting you to debate with them) is just icing on the insecure cake. That's why you should never argue with women and that's why you should never compromise, but how do you stop the endless attempts at goading you? Stonewall her.

Stonewalling is a delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by giving evasive replies. If you say you want beef and she wants chicken, don't get angry. Stonewall her. Repeat 'beef' over and over until she stops talking. The effect will be hilarious and you will get the beef. If she is challenging your beliefs for no reason other than to goad you, stonewall her. Pick a phrase and say it over and over again until she shuts up. Eventually she will (sooner than you may think) and don't bother to hide your enjoyment.

This may seem a bit extreme, but when you're dealing with an insecure person, words don't matter. Having a strong person (alpha) speak to them brings them a huge amount of satisfaction regardless of what you may believe. Also, pay attention to the signs that she is legitimately trying to discuss something. This will be very rare so don't use this as an excuse to be a pussy.

Stay Icy.

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