TL;DR- This will be a two-part guide: the first part will help you better understand the actions, mindset, habits, fears, strengths and weaknesses of women. The second part will explain how to use this new-found knowledge to your benefit.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” –Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The fight for sex/validation is a game in which women are our opponent. Just like with any opponent, by completely learning and understanding their strengths, weaknesses and habits, one learns what characteristics can be exploited, how to exploit those characteristics, to what degree and to what outcome.
This guide aims to identify these characteristics in all women beyond those explained in basic TRP theology. The first topic we’ll cover is the mindset and thought processes of women.
Section A: Mind
There is little logic required to influence the thoughts of women. Women base their thought processes solely on 2 factors: how they feel about something (emotions) and how they feel about something right there and then(perception).
1. Mental Activity
The emotional and short-term perceptional basis of a woman’s thought process often contradict one another in seemingly irrational ways:
Brenda loves the taste and smell of vanilla ice cream (logic), but because Jenny from accounting called her a fat cow last Wednesday while she at vanilla ice cream during her lunch break, she may associate her negative FEELINGS towards Jenny to her overall PERCEPTION of vanilla ice cream. This’ll lead to her blaming the consumption of vanilla ice cream to Jenny’s comment, not her lack of calorie moderation.
Now until something positively influences her perception of vanilla ice cream, she will continue to feel negatively towards ice cream as the cause of her weight gain and the cause of bitch Jenny’s remark.
This is the framework behind “hamstering”.
2. Feelings
Women don’t get caught up in the why behind something that makes them happy, more-so the access to the feeling itself i.e. the what, when,how much and how often.
Women are lost in the constant pursuit of “feel-good” emotions due to their short-term, ever-changing thought processes: happiness, security, curiosity, lust, intrigue, complacency, etc.
This "pursuit of happiness" also succumbs to the ever-changing nature of a woman's perspective and beliefs.
Brenda's vanilla ice cream may have made her happy earlier today, but because of Jenny’s rude comment on her ever-growing second chin, she’ll hate vanilla ice cream tomorrow.
This causes her to constantly feel the need to seek out multiple “feel-good” stimuli and keep close secondary fail-safe “feel-good” stimuli as a countermeasure.
Women don’t plan out long-term supplies of these feel-good emotions like men would due to their “in-the-moment”, constantly-shifting perspectives, and as such, are always looking for the next best thing in case one of her current “feel-good” stimuli fails.
This is the framework behind “hypergamy”.
3. Perception
As I’ve explained above, women don’t plan for long-term “feel-good” stimuli due to the risks of being left with no stimuli in the short-term and the chance that the long-term stimuli will disappear before reaching its full potential.
Because of this, women do not care about a “potential” or "likely" benefit to them nor do they care about stimuli operating outside of their personal perspective (i.e. grasp).
They only care about things and people that will provide them “feel-good stimuli in the short-term which operate within a close proximity to them (i.e. ease of access).
This is also the framework behind hypergamy.
This is why women don’t care about your job as a Senior Technical Engineer in and of itself because the literal actions you take while working that job do not provide them with any sort of feel-good stimulus. It’s the RESULTS from working your job –the security of a house, the happiness brought on by items bought using your paycheck- that truly provides these feelings for them.
This is also why women cannot “love” unconditionally; while a man can love a woman for what she does, a woman loves a man for what he provides in the short-term. The phrase “I love you” coming from a woman honestly translates into “I love how you make me feel at this particular point in time through the "feel-good stimuli you are providing me”.
That’s not to say she isn’t impressed with your ability to work that job, but because she has little to no understanding of the complexity of that job and learning about said complexity does not provide her with the “feel-good” sensation she requires, she deems it as unimportant. It exists outside of her perspective.
4. Relationships with Men
The desire for relationships from the mindset of women stem from her recognition of a man as an established provision of multiple long-term “feel-good” stimuli (not on the potential for said provision as women don’t care about potentiality).
NOTE: This mindset explains why lesbian relationships can effectively exist; the woman is being provided multiple "feel-good" stimuli from one person over a long-period of time and her sexually-based stimuli are effectively being taken care of to the degree required by her individual necessity.
In short, women are drawn to men (or other women) that make them feel good in the moment AND men they've determined can make them feel good for a long time. This goes for plate-spinners, natural alphas, RP alphas and betas alike, with the only difference being the stimuli each provides.
An alpha’s determined provision is sex, passion, intrigue and lust (visceral, reptilian). The beta’s determined provision is security, comfort, and validation (support).
From this perceptive, a woman's “unicorn” is a man who can provide all stimuli they require at once (provide sex and intrigue and provide security and validation) all while providing said stimuli at the same level consistently for a long period of time.
It’s their belief in this “Prince Charming” and their limited foresight when obtaining “feel-good” stimuli that leads many women to marry once-Alpha men with the belief that she’s “feel” this way for him forever or why women pursue “bad boys” with the intention of “fixing them up”.
Women are constantly trying to build their unicorns;they like how they feel in the moment with these men and they want that FEELING to last forever.
Ever hear a woman utter the phrase "I want this moment to last forever" in a RomCom? This is the moment they’re referring to.
The problem with the woman's understanding of her Prince Charming lies the limitation of having just one provision.
Having only one “feel-good” stimuli, no matter how powerful a stimuli it is, runs counter to the very nature of a woman's nature (requiring “feel-good” at any moment and requiring multiple “feel-goods” as insurance).
5. Insurance
Let’s assume Prince Charming exists. He’s everything a woman could ever ask for: handsome, smart, funny, validating, comforting, reassuring, the whole nine yards.
She will cheat or be tempted to cheat.
Reason 1: "He’s too good for her." Her need for a “feel-good” back-up plan still exists. Because Prince Charming andproducts deriving from Prince Charming (i.e. things connected to his paycheck or his social influence) are her only source of “feel-good” stimuli, she’ll undoubtedly acquire a fallback or “fail-safe” guy (preferably in a similar albeit lower position than Prince Charming, otherwise she'd leave Prince Charming) to rely on should Prince Charming find himself a better suited woman.
Why does she do this?
Because she can.
With a vast supply of men to choose from, it’s easy for her to pick out not only the best male she possibly can but also his runner-ups as well.
NOTE: These runner-ups are not necessarily beta. A second-tier alpha is simply a man she’s determined to have her required characteristics for an good alpha, but an alpha she’s determined to be lower-tier compared to the alpha she’s currently with.
Reason 2: "There’s only one of him." As great as Prince Charming is, he’s still only one guy with his own life, goals and destinations. He can only be around her but for so long and his influences only reach but so far. On top of this, her needs and desires for a "feel-good" stimuli are in the moment and must be considered at all times.
Let’s say she visits a foreign land for 2 weeks and becomes horny. Let’s also say she encounters a handsome Foreign Prince who meets all of her qualifications for being an alpha. Because her focus is limited to the moment and the "good feeling" that moment is providing her, she’s likely to succumb to said feelings.
This is commonly why women explain their infidelity with “I needed you but you weren’t there!” She’s right to a degree;she cheated because her mind required that specific “feel-good” stimuli (sex, intrigue, lust) and due to the limitation of the man’s presence, influence or due to a lack in the over-all CURRENT quality of the stimuli, she went to seek it out elsewhere.
Because of how their minds are constructed, women don’t see sex with another man as infidelity. If they did, they’d also see going to X restaurant instead of Y restaurant due to Y restaurant distance or rundown state as an act of infidelity as well.
Women only see long-term utilization of another man's "feel-good" stimuli as cheating. That is why women weigh emotional infidelity higher than sexual infidelity in general.
Think of it like a cellphone tower. The signal that tower gives off are only beneficial to you so long as your cellphone gets reception. Anywhere outside of that range, you’ll require another means of communication to connect with your friends. In this instance, you may “cheat” on your cellphone tower by using someone else’s phone out of the necessity of your current situation. Yet when you've returned home and you’re back within range of your tower, you continue with your phone as if it never happened. This is the mindset of a woman regarding infidelity.
Note: This also explains the "guilt" a woman feels after infidelity; she doesn't feel bad about what she's done, she's mourning the sudden lost of multiple "feel-good" stimuli she'd once been given by her bf/husband. She also feels anger towards the bf/husband as he is the one who has separated her from said stimuli (remember, she sees no fault in infidelity, only the repercussions of being caught).
This in turn alters her perception of him from wonderful alpha/beta to "the horrible person who made her feel bad and separated her from happiness", regardless of whatever they've had in the past.
Reason 3: "He was mean to her last Tuesday." As described by the vanilla ice cream example, a woman’s perspective is constantly changing and updating. Although Prince Charming himself hasn’t changed, her feelings and beliefs about him have.
Because a woman is always “in the moment”, her perception of Prince Charming will solely be based upon her feelings towards him the last time she saw him and NOT a collective summary of all their times together, as this would be a very logically-based conclusion.
As such, let’s suppose Prince Charming and this woman get into a heated argument that made her feel terrible. Then, her Prince Charming leaves for a 2-week vacation to cool off without rectifying her negative emotions. Now she is left alone and in desperate need of some –if not all- her “feel-good” stimuli requirements met, yet all of her resources have walked out the door with Prince Charming.
As specified, all women have a back-up plan, and hers is Prince Savy. Remember that a woman’s beliefs stem from her perceptive and not logical facts, so regardless of all that Prince Charming has provided her in the past, at this very moment she feels hatred and disgust at the thought of him, believing him to be a terrible man for making her feel this way.
She was left with needs to be met and Prince Savy happily obliges.
6. Real World Example
Here is a good example of a woman's perception of someone being altered (received this morning/afternoon).
Let's review what her actions, her text messages and her time of texting have to say about her current perceptions and determine how they can be manipulated for benefit.
a. Context
Last night I met up with this woman I'd met on OKC whom we'll refer to as Q.
Pre-sex, I asked Q if she had to rate her sex drive between 1 and 10, what would it be? She happily replied "10". Post-sex, Q admitted that my sex drive was more likely a 10 and hers was more of an 8. She confessed that 10-level sex drives were rare and that she was having trouble keeping up.
I replied with, "I know a lot of people with 10-level sex drives."
b. What she thought
It's obvious from Q's text message that she believed me to imply, "I know a lot of attractive women with 10-level sex drives and you're not one of them" and her perception of me has changed from ordinary alpha to "player" (this was also hinted at from her reaction when I told her she wasn't the first woman I'd met up with off dating sites).
Truth is, I was actually referring to some friends of mine when I made the comment, focusing on the "rarity of 10-level sex drives" she'd mentioned.
But I won't be correcting her just yet.
c. What she's thinking now
By not responding, she feels as though she's correct in her assessment and as such feels replaced. She has been told that her once-secured resource of sexual "feel-good" stimuli could be lost to another, better woman. Although her anger iscaused by her lower sex drive when compared to her perceived competition, she has perceived me to be the root cause of her "bad feelings" and ultimate the bad guy of this scenario.
d. What she will think
She may seek out other men for short-term fixes to fill in the void I've left as her "feel-good" stimuli resource. I could care less about that.
Because she perceives me as a high-SMV male and possibly the only high-SMV male within her current perception (range/access), she will soon realize the men she's supplementing my absence with cannot provide her the same level of stimuli (or she's just find a better/equal alpha). She'll then reach out and try to rectify the situation; not because she's admitting fault, but because she requires the level of stimuli I provide.
This is how Alpha Widows are born.
I'll then reveal the miscommunication, she'll laugh it off and we'll resume having sex like nothing happened. She'll put forth additional effort on her part during sex to help alleviate her fears of losing me as a stimuli resource. I'll reap the reward of said efforts.
As predicted, Q reached out after a radio silence of 12 hours. She has now shifted her prespective of me from the a manipulative "player" only out to hurt her back to one of me as a strong "feel-good" stimuli.
Note that she now specifies that she "enjoyed my company" and that the "irrelevant BS" is a separate entity from me. Because she doesn't want to lose me as a stimuli resource, she's concluded that the offensive statement I made was the cause of her "bad feelings" and not me. This is a big step.
NOTE: If I had tried to explain prior to this point what I really intended, Q would have read such an act as one set on by guilt, similar to how a child rationalizes his bad decisions immediately after being caught.
I don't respond to this message for another 12 hours, telling her the real reason for my remark. Here'swhat follows.
Have you noticed how she continues as if the incident neverhappened? She's back within range of her cellphone tower because she enjoys the strong signal it gives.
And to the benefit of the cellphone tower, it can give its signal to multiple phones at once. Think of the relationship between men and women as symbiotic in that regard.
LL- To combat and succeed against women, first you must understand that the thoughts, mindsets, beliefs and rationalization behind their actions are based upon values very different from ours, an oversight many of us tend to make. A woman’s understanding of the world is thoroughly subjective as it is purely based around her own focal point: her interactions within the world, experiences in the moment and her interpretation/internalization of the information the world puts in front of her.
Red Pillers,
I’ve been conducting a type of "social experiment" on my current favorite plate (a.k.a. my “Fine China”) Ashley for a little over a month now and I’ve decided to share the experiment and it’s results with all of you RP bastards as objectively as I possibly can. It is a long post fellas, so go chop wood, meditate, lift something and come back when you’re ready to learn. I’ll sure you’ll get something out this one.
Lastly, if you find this experiment, it’s procedures or OmLaLa too amoral or too objective, please skip to the disclaimer at the bottom. Let’s begin.
Ashley and I met roughly once a week to fuck and hang out, but I don’t want to drive the 20-30 minutes it takes to see her. While we do smoke separately, we would smoke like chimneys while we are together. Although the smoking doesn’t bother me, I believe that I can play at her insecurity towards her smoking habits to my advantage and get her to come to my place more often by using two forms of Operant Conditioning.
The idea behind my experiment would be to condition her to believe that her smoking upset me without telling her directly (learned reflexive response) to establish a long-term “escape” negative reinforcement conditioning (i.e. remove the undesirable result by exhibiting the correct behavior), then to implement positive reinforcement conditioning of the behavior under certain guidelines/requirements (i.e. establish a positive reinforcement stimuli under the guidelines set by the escape negative reinforcement conditioning).
Ashley, HB9, 21, black and Middle Eastern ethnicity. Smokes Black-and-Mild cigars daily, roughly 2-4 a day. Her high need for validation stems from being unattractive at an early age and “growing into” her attractiveness. It also explains why she subconsciously keeps less attractive friends and is on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/the mirror longer than your average attractive woman. She has roughly 4 male beta orbiters as well that I’m currently aware of (she’s told me). These details may prove very beneficial for this experiment.
Stage 1 Negative Conditioning
I began conditioning her with light dread game every time she smoked without me. If she left the room and went outside to smoke, on her return I’d turn a bit colder, more distant or be on my phone more. Just enough for her to notice. I made no scene of it, said nothing about her smoking too much, and didn’t make any clear or distinct signs that my distance was relative to her smoking habits.
Of course, she would follow up with shit test like, “are you okay?” or “Is everything alright?” which informed me that her hamster was indeed running. Good sign. It was when I heard her say “Did I do something wrong?” that I knew her hamster was running in the direction I wanted it to be. She was becoming introspective, meaning she was attributing my change in demeanor towards something she was causing. I pause slightly before dismissing it to give the impression I had more on the topic than I was willing to say. I then knew it was time to move on to Stage 2.
Stage 2 Negative Conditioning
While I made no DIRECT distinction between her smoking and my change in demeanor at this stage, I aimed to begin my dread game in the presence of OTHER female smokers.When we watched a movie where the woman began smoking, I became slightly colder and more distant. Whenever we went out and passed a female smoker I would respond in the same way. Also, the amount of female smokers we encountered would affect the degree of my dread game/demeanor change (i.e. a group of 3 smoking females illicited a stronger response or lack thereof than 1 smoker).
Again, I continued these dread games until Ashley began to shit test again and then I listened for the proper shit test. “What’s the matter?” or “You’ve been acting different lately” were the common shit tests Ashley began with prove her hamster had begun running again. I dismissed these. Her follow up shit test were along the lines of “I need to go to the gym more often” or “I really should eat better” which was Ashley’s hamster turning more self-reflectant and introspective in its search for the cause of my discomfort (moving in the right direction), but it was generally just grasping in the dark. I needed Ashley’s hamster to connect my situation discomfort and women smoking naturally (i.e. feel like she did it on her own and it wasn't orchestrated), so I kept the dread games going and dismissed these shit tests as well.
I waited until I heard her say, “I really should to quit smoking soon” and “I think I need to stop smoking” to inform me that her hamster’s determination to discover the root of my discomfort (the result) was introspective (something she’s doing or has done i.e. the cause) AND she connected the actions she observed during Stage 1 Conditioning I’d established earlier on (i.e. smoking is the variable). We’re on the right track now. I left a large gap of tension-building silence before succinctly stating that wasn't the reason. Her hamster takes that pause as a yes and she’s ready to go. Time for Stage 3.
Project Analysis
At the last stage of negative conditioning I had to be careful. I wanted to invoke an “escape” negative reinforcement around smoking (i.e. doing smoking the right way or at the right time removes the stimuli of me being distant) to which I’d build a positive reinforcement around (i.e. after fucking, smoking becomes acceptable for a finite period of time). I DID NOT want to invoke an ”active avoidance” negative reinforcement by mistake (i.e. stop smoking and remove the stimuli of me being distant). I did not want to stop smoking altogether, I just wanted to benefit from it. Plus, I’d be very difficult to build a long-term positive reinforcement around active avoidance (quitting smoking could only illicit a one-time reward, in this case fucking, at the time of quitting) Fucking also can’t be the reward because it doesn't rely on dependency nor does it effectively play to an insecurity as much as smoking (I know this sounds amoral, bear with me). The idea is to turn smoking into her reward through the process of fucking.
Stage 3 Negative Conditioning
This stage would be the most blatant approach towards the connection of my dread tests and her smoking, but I had to make other changes in preparation. First, during this stage, I stopped smoking freely or randomly. Secondly, I would only smoke after we had sex and I’d smoke a lot. This added a visual stimuli for Ashley of what was to come and what I’d expect (Preparatory Conditioning). During this stage. Every time she’d return from smoking or we would get into her car, I’d comment on something that RESULTED from her smoking. I’d comment on the way her clothes smelled, the way her car smelled, the empty wrappers and boxes in her car, her breath, her teeth (not really much of an issue, but still), the smell that stuck to her hands, whatever I could. I NEVER flat out said that I have a problem with the act of smoking and I never commented on anything smoke-related after sex.
It didn't take long for the correct shit tests to come forward at this stage. It started with Ashley hamstring on extroversive causes. “Why didn't you say something earlier?’ or “You smoke too!” or “You’re making a big deal out of this!” Then she began to hamster on introversive causes. “Does it really smell that bad in here?” or “Can you really smell it on my clothes?” or “Is it really that big of a deal?”. Then, surely enough, she began to retract how often she’d smoke around me. If I had an issue with her smoking, I’d stop here, but I have a bigger goal in mind. Time to begin positive reinforcement.
Establishing the Positive Stimuli
The following night, I sent her a text clearly stating my parameters: it stated that we both needed to cut back on smoking, and we could only smoke after fucking. This does two things. It turns the negative reinforcement into a positive one under certain guidelines and it gives the subject (Ashley) incentive rather than functioning purely on prevention (something I feel is better suited for social experiments, as people tend to plot and rebel when pressed). Her incentives (outside of fucking) are the ability to limit smoking (long-term escape negative reinforcement) and removal of my change in demeanor/dread game (short-term escape negative reinforcement). The only thing left to do is monitor maintain the scarcity of the positive stimuli (i.e. make sure she doesn’t cheat and smoke alone).
Maintaining Scarcity of Positive Stimuli
This wasn’t too difficult. I followed up with how happy it made me that she was willing to try to limit smoking with me and continued on how unattractive habitual smokers are. Ashley highly values my opinion because I speak on it so rarely (Law 4: Always Say Less Than Necessary, 48 Laws of Power). She had only tried to cheat on our agreement once, which I caught (wrappers in the back seat) and she immediately came clean. This scarcity cannot be completely monitored, however, so a great deal of it will rely on trust in the subject.
Needless to say, the experiment was a huge success. I get phone calls at all hours of the day, she always comes to see me, she only stays around just long enough to fuck and smoke and then returns to her days as usual. What’s even better, it requires no additional work on my end; because she’s now conditioned to connect smoking and fucking me, so long as I stay attractive (i.e. remain someone worth fucking) my day-to-day is unhampered. Better still, because she reflects positively on smoking and it’s a direct result to fucking me, she reflects positively towards just the act of fucking me, making our sex amazing and abundant. She comes to me roughly 5-6 times a week and any location is fine in her book, so long as we aren’t caught.
In the end, what I’ve learned is that using and understanding RP theologies and through the use of some simple Pavlov and Miller Conditioning strategies, plates can be subconsciously influenced into following guidelines to the benefit of the user.
TL;DR- I used techniques discussed in Operant Conditioning (and a few from Classical Conditioning) to teach my best plate (a.k.a. my “Fine China”) to connect her smoking habit and fucking me. She then attributes good fucking with smoking and becomes subconsciously conditioned to fuck harder, longer, more often and less discriminately.
Disclaimer: I am not a scientist nor do I pretend to be. My understanding of Pavlov and Miller is very basic and was simply used in junction with RP theology.
Disclaimer Part 2: Some people might read this and the objective way I’ve presented it in as completely amoral. They are correct, it is. But that’s the point. Presenting subjective details is presenting the chance of bias. What I have listed is my experiment, the steps I’ve taken and my results. I am long past the ”morality” of the sexual free market. Sex is war and war is amoral.
Disclaimer Part 3: Some may ask how this is different from women who use sex as currency for drugs. I say to them that they are failing to see the bigger picture. Women who use sex for drugs do so because they have no other option to quell their dependency. Their options are expertly crafted to bottleneck to the point where having sex with the dealer is her only option.
This is much different because there are clear and present alternatives she can choose from to quell her dependency. She chooses the route of fucking me because out of her other options, this one has the highest benefit (possibility to quit smoking, fucking, removal of dread game). If she were to find a greater benefit from another option, she would take that route. AWALT. Until then, I’ll reap my own mutual benefits from the route she’s chosen.
Disclaimer Part 4: I know that Miller was the developer of Operant Conditioning and not Pavlov. “Pavlov on Plates” had a nice ring to it so I chose catchiness over correctness.