Division of labor according to sex has been a feature of human societies since the beginning. There are even theories by some
anthropologists that this division was what allowed Homo Sapiens to decisively pull ahead of their competitors.
World War II and the ensuing scourge of feminism changed all of that in America and Europe. In part, this was a reflection of how industries were changing. Where farms and factories once employed most of the population, the country workforce shifted towards clerical and service work. Fortunately, there are still plenty of occupations that are dominated by men where you can escape the tyranny that is the modern feminist dominated work place. Given that so many jobs including women are legal minefields, as well as unpleasant and inhospitable to the masculine man, there are many reasons you should consider a change to a job where you can work in an all male environment.
Escape The Tyranny Of Political Correctness In the unisex working environment of hypersensitive America, a man must constantly watch what he says for fear of blaspheming against the pantheon of political correctness. Even the most innocuous statement can be twisted to make your work life a hell. An honest critique of a female’s performance can damage your career permanently. Contrast this with the all-men work place, where honest criticism is given without any sugar coating, where jokes can be told without a glance over the shoulder, and where bonding by constantly giving each other shit in good fun is the norm. I don’t think it is hyperbole to conclude that American work culture is taking on shades of the Soviet Union, where one verbal misstep could get you up Shit Creek without a paddle. The things men do and say to each other can be silly,
juvenile, or even downright cruel, but this behavior is absolutely necessary for men to become men, and there is no doubt we are atrophying as a society as it is suppressed.
Learn The True Meaning Of Teamwork Are men or women better at working in teams? Although men are more individualistic, assertive, and aggressive, it is these very qualities that make them better at working in groups. Of course, it is a tired feminist talking point that “women value cooperation more than men do.” The truth is that women avoid overt conflict, but they love to keep drama bubbling under the surface. This translates to an atmosphere of mistrust in many teams that include women, even if females are experts at maintaining saccharine appearances.
Working with men only, one will find that conflicts are taken care of on the spot, preventing interpersonal problems from compounding; the assertiveness and aggression of men strengthens the group rather than weakens it. Working without the tensions that women cultivate, men are able to coalesce into ruthlessly efficient teams accomplishing feats from the heroic to the mundane that we take for granted (upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/13/lunch-atop-a-skyscraper-c1932.jpg, here, and here). Cooperative behavior releases dopamine to the brain in humans, which explains the immense pride that comes when you’re part of a group of men able to fight and work almost as one man, sometimes without even speaking. Camaraderie has been the drug of choice for men for time
immemorial, and women’s preference for conflict destroys this.
Rediscover A Healthy Sense Of Mystery Around The Opposite Sex In the past, men and women led lives that were parallel and interdependent but usually very separate. Men and women mingled together only at certain times of the day, or sometimes only certain times of the week or even year in the case of people who lived in rural areas. Every man enjoys the company of women, but most men become fatigued with too much. When men and women work separately, it cultivates a natural mystery and respect, so that time that men and women spend together is more appreciated. Presently, the sexes know each other too intimately, and familiarity leads to contempt. As any man who knows the ins and outs of the female mind will attest, the better you get to know women, the more you dislike them. Working a long day in the world of the masculine workplace, with its attendant cursing, laughing, and rough masculinity, one appreciates the contrasting feminine much more when he goes back to his woman (or women). Compare this with the modern workplace, where many men are so tired of feminine pettiness and drama by the end of the day that the prospect of being around women in the evening is exhausting.
Enjoy A New Pride Doing A Man’s Work Men take immense pride in doing “a man’s work.” Men always have and always will dominate the occupations that involve risk taking,
danger, quick thinking under pressure, strength, and small margins for error. Firefighters, pilots, trial lawyers, elite military forces, oilfield workers, and engineers are still mostly “boys only clubs” and for good reason. In fact, you can tell a lot about how important a particular job is by the degree to which it excludes women. A formerly masculine profession is surely stagnating when it starts to include women, as is the case with Silicon Valley. Men who work in these “boys only clubs” are always more full of life and pride because they sense, either consciously or unconsciously, that they are doing something important. The mixed sex work place goes a long ways towards explaining the nihilism and listlessness of the modern man; doing busy work that can be done just as easily by an empowered woman, he instinctively knows that his masculine identity is null.
Ditch The Corrosiveness That Women Bring To All Male Groups In naval tradition, it was considered bad luck to have a woman on a ship, and this was more than a mere superstition. The introduction of a woman to an all male environment changes an atmosphere instantly. Obviously, there is the distraction, as focus that should be used to get work done is funneled into thoughts of fucking. But the really corrosive effect of women in all male workplaces is how it affects the way men treat each other. No longer are other men comrades and friends; they are competitors. This happens subconsciously, as men start to be suspicious of others and subtle posturing and power plays start. Once again, we see that the wisdom of our forefathers is usually superior to modern philosophies.
Conclusion If you don’t already work in an all male occupation, you should explore ways to move into one. There are many fewer female free jobs than formerly, but they can be found with a little bit of digging. Perhaps I will write a post soon exploring the options available to young men starting their lives and older men looking to restart their lives (as an aside, one direction that I will specifically recommend against is the military; it has been thoroughly corrupted by feminism). If you’re ready to do embark on a path that will give you new respect for yourself and other men, start moving towards an all male job immediately. Your soul and your sanity will thank you for it.
UPDATE: I have changed my mind about something since I posted this
due to new information I’ve acquired. So, I have updated it and am
reposting this at the top of the blog.
This isn’t the Sand Box.
This isn’t the Rock Pile.
This is your living room and there is now a badly wounded man lying on your floor with a gun in his hand.
This has never happened to you right here in America.
Over there was someplace and sometime else.
This is home, the place you put your things and there is blood on
them now. You have a gun in your hand and it’s smoking. The invader
tries to raise his pistol again.
Your gun barks twice more.
Now the lights have gone out of his eyes. You have just killed a man in the comfort of your own home Your life has changed for-ev-er.
You will never be the same man you were before you pulled that trigger.
Old you is as dead as the now cooling lump of meat at your feet. You
have called the cops. They will be there any minute. What you do next
will chart the course of the rest of your life. It all depends on what
you are about the tell the officer, that is about enter your house.
He was coming right for me!
Yeah, don’t do that.
I realize that the president of the Bugtussel Gun Club and Bait Shop
is a really charismatic guy and it sounds like he knows what he’s
talking about. To hear him tell it he’s killed dozens of home invaders.
“Just keep telling the cops, ‘he was coming right for me. He was coming right for me.’ Don’t say anything else.”
In this scenario, the Uncle Jimbo Defense is going to get you
pleading down to a charge of Second-Degree Murder from Murder One. If
you are really lucky, you will be pleading down to Manslaughter.
Why is that Dark Herald? You ask round eyed in wonder and astonishment at very possibility that Uncle Jimbo could ever be wrong.
Simple. The evidence doesn’t match your story. Your ‘victim’ had two
bullet holes in his back. The police report will now have the magic
words, “lied to investigating officers repeatedly.”
You don’t get to choose your cop.
Admittedly 95% of the cops are alright. They know perfectly well
that legal gun owners aren’t the problem. I am not anti-cop. However,
there are 5% that hate the idea that anyone who isn’t them has a legal
right to carry. Those few will go after you.
You don’t get to choose your prosecutor.
Most will be reasonable about the fact that your life was on the line
and you did whatever you had to do, to defend it. However, a few will
view this a golden opportunity to send a message to legal gun owners
everywhere. They will twist every single aspect of your story into a
tale of gun fueled hyper rage.
The DA is not going to try and get a conviction for Murder One and
win it in front of a jury. He will build as strong a case as he can for
Murder Two and then tell your lawyer he will accept a plea bargain for
manslaughter. The two of them will then negotiate your sentence. Your
job is to give your DA as little material as possible to work with. So
shut the fuck up at the earliest opportunity. It mostly comes down to
your own word against yourself.
You don’t get to choose your jury.
If it goes to a jury, God help you. Don’t tell yourself the stupidest of lies, “no jury will ever convict me.”
They can.
They do.
They will.
It only takes one bullying SJW to cow a jury of beta males, into a
life shattering conviction. Yes, SJWs will hate you for defending your
family with a gun instinctively. They will try to punish you for it.
So what do you do?
You have to have plan for the aftermath of that event.
1. Call 911.
Repeat your address twice and then say, ‘send the police.’ Any cell
phone made after 2015 has GPS tracking built-in but it’s faster if you
give the information yourself. After you have given your information to
the 911 operator, hang the hell up. This is the change I was talking
I used to advocate that in the event of a home invasion, keep 911 on
the line and shout things your lawyer will find helpful in your
defense. I no longer advise this.
The reason I have changed my mind is that there are now too many
incidences of people keeping 911 on the line in a legitimate shoot and
the recordings were used against them in court.
So, after you call the cops, hang up.
(Optional but highly advisable) Call your gun owners association if you have one.
By that I mean something like the USCCA. If you don’t have that, then
call the lawyer you had picked out in advance.And if your family
doesn’t know about the shooting (because the shooting wasn’t in the
house), call them. They don’t need to hear about this from the news.
2. Put your gun down.
If there are no more threats and the cops are on the way, it’s time
to find a good place for your weapon. Do not have a gun in your hand
when a hyper adrenalized young man in his early twenties with a badge
enters your house. A gun in your hand, will put him into a “heightened
state of awareness” Cops are never frightened. They just enter
heightened state of awareness.” Just ask any cop on the witness stand,
they will use those exact same words. Do not put a cop into a,
“heightened state of awareness” by having a gun in your hand. Top of the
fridge is fine. Or in it for that matter
Grab one for yourself, officer
Caveat; putting the gun in your gun-safe is NOT fine. It is BAD because ALL of your guns will be confiscated as evidence if you do that.
3. Tell the cops where your gun is.
That’s required and in fact supersedes your Miranda rights. Yes, you have to tell them, so tell them.
4. Ask to be read your rights.
Do it respectfully. Don’t be a dick about it. The cops have got a
job to do. But so do you and its to stay out of prison. Part of that job
is to avoid needlessly pissing off the cops. Once you have told them
where your gun is, politely ask to be read your rights. Ignore any
questions they immediately pepper you with, after you have told them
where your gun is. Say,
“I will not answer questions without my attorney present. “
The moment you claim Self Defense, you have reversed the Burden of
Proof. You didn’t have to prove a damn thing until you opened your
mouth. The moment you say, “
I didn’t have a choice officer.” Or worse, “I didn’t mean to shoot him.”
You just entered a plea before the court without a lawyer at your
dumbass side. You will have to prove self-defense at that point.
Say nothing after you have said, you won’t speak without your
attorney present. Once you have invoked your right to silence, REMAIN
SILENT. If the cops then say something like, “he’s acting like a guilty
man.” Continue to be silent but tell your lawyer all about it
afterward. I promise you, your lawyer will do his happy dance when he
hears about that one because he is going home early after the judge
throws the case out.
Yes, the police will be all friendly and polite and “it’s all just a
formality…” Until you sign that fucking thing. Then the cops are free to
interrogate you for days and you no longer have a Right to Silence
because you literally signed that one away. You are required by law at
that point to keep answering questions and sooner or later you will say
something that will end you. If the cops, try to get you to sign a
Waiver of Your Rights they are actively trying to convict you of
Okay then. That’s it. I’ve said the magic words, “I will not speak without the presence of my attorney.” Am I done?
No, you’re not done. Not by a damn sight.
You will probably be arrested. That’s happening, plan for it
accordingly. You are absolutely going to be investigated for Second
Degree Murder. That’s happening, plan for it accordingly. Have a lawyer
picked out, well in advance. That one is vitally important. He needs to
be familiar with the case law in question. Don’t assume that the guy who
drew up your will can handle this one. You need a specialist. I would
also strongly recommend a membership in something like the USCCA. Think
of it as AAA for concealed carry owners. They have a hot list of lawyers
familiar with the relevant case law in your state and provide a $50,000
retainer to that lawyer. This increases lawyer response time; they like
having a guaranteed paycheck. Also, it covers insurance for court
costs. Also, insurance against lawsuits by the surviving family members
of the guy you just shot. That’s happening too. You will be sued. Also,
immediate bail money. Also, compensation from lost wages while you are
in court. These are all very good things.
Look I get it. You want to tell the cops everything so you can just
get this nightmare over with. After all that’s how it works on TV, when
it’s a clear case of self-defense. Right? The cops take your word for
everything. The body gets carted away. You have a ham sandwich before
going back to bed and hope the cleaning fairies get the blood off
everything before you wake up.
That only happens on TV.
You don’t know how you are going to behave in this situation until it
happens to you. No one does. But if you have a gun and you are going to
use it. Be prepared for the aftermath.
And. Have. A. Plan.
Nine out ten NRA lawyers recommend peeing yourself. YMMV.