In Reform...
Published 10/11/18 by TheViolat0r [0 Comments]

So, thanks to The Red Pill, I've come to enjoy living life a little more and I've been focusing on just myself finally.

I've been eating keto since January and the last I time I weighed myself, I was 85 kg, down from 126kg. (the results will shock you!)

I've been hitting the gym regularly and its not the hassle I once considered it to be. I enjoy going, wrapping a sweat towel around my head so sweat doesn't drip into my skullcandy headphones (in need of an upgrade) and seeing nobody have as much fun as me (I self motivate by humorous self-deprecation); I attempted to do my first chin-up/pull-up ever and failed, called myself weak out loud but immediately followed by a "I'll get there eventually". For once I don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks or says about me and it's been a thrill!

But if not for the event which "awakened" me, I'd be scattered ashes somewhere or kept in a can of sorts. Don't know, doesn't matter now.

I was the typical beta bucks for my racist ex and she was the exacerbation of my depression and social anxiety. I always felt like I was never good enough for her and that she deserved better. Now, I've never been a believer in marriage or a people pleaser and she was the total opposite of me, but I'm not here to talk about her.

Today, I realized one of my Political Science classmates (that I have yet to meet) has taken notice of me: Prolonged eye contact followed by a smile. The funny thing is she's like 6'3, pretty blue eyes and I'm 6'0 flat and I do intend on talking to her when I see her again. Not too concerned with notches right now due to all these false rape accusations being thrown around like it's going out of style, though. Scary stuff.

*Side note, I'm a firm believer in Innocent until Proven Guilty.*

So, I'm a woke, motivated (mostly bb) BB in reform with goals set (finish school, get better at guitar, writing poetry, tattoos, squatting 2x my body weight), unafraid to talk to pretty strangers (or any stranger for that matter), and for the first time in a long time I'm enjoying the ride, except I'm in the driver's seat this time.

It's been amazing!