NARS: The Real Epidemic
Published 09/14/21 by Whisper [1 Comments]

You may have noticed that a lot of people are dropping dead lately.

Lots of folks are eager to tell you that this is due to China's latest innovation in super-colds ("SARS"), and that you need to inject yourself with medical experiments for the rest of your life.

Others are asking the question "how many of those people who died of the super-cold were obese to begin with?" to which the answer is not forthcoming.

Which might lead you to wonder how many people are dying of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, and why insulin now costs one firstborn child.

So what is the plague of our time? Covid? Metabolic syndrome? Sugar? Corn subsidies?

Not really. All of these things are bad news, but most people who apparently died of them, and countless more besides, actually died from ... NARS.

They listened to someone who was Not A Real Scientist.

The world abounds today in "experts", who have PhDs, and professorships, and tenure, and research grants, and lots of awards written on impressive CVs, who appear on your television accompanied by some state bureaucrat, or media talking head, who tells you that you must do everything they say, or the world will end next Tuesday.

But none of these things make someone a scientist. A scientist is someone who follows the scientific method to get a result.

  1. Ask a question about something.
  2. Observe that thing.
  3. Based on your observations, make a guess as to the answer to your question.
  4. Make a prediction of what you will see if your guess is true.
  5. Do an experiment, observe the results, and see if your prediction comes true.
  6. Tell others what you saw, regardless of what it was.
  7. Repeat this a lot.

Question, observe, guess, predict, experiment, tell, repeat.

If you do this enough, you end up with a bunch of guesses (we call it a hypothesis) that have been tested really often and never proven false. That's as close to "truth" as we can ever get.

That's it. That's all it is. None of those steps is "have a PhD", or "work for a prestigious institution", "get a research grant", or "appear on TV as an expert".

Anyone who represents himself as a scientist, but doesn't do each and every one of those steps for every result he represents as "scientific", is NARS: not a real scientist.

So this is how you scrutinize these so-called "experts".

As you can probably tell by now, NARS outnumber real scientists, by a lot, even among the so-called scientific community. Some fields are entirely NARS, others are so dominated by NARS that they have shouted the real scientists into silence, or gotten them kicked out of the guild.

Are all NARS wrong 100% of the time? No, of course not. Sometimes, experienced guesswork does tell you something.Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. But without a scientific result, you can't ever tell if a NARS is right this time... so why would you ever trust one?

Is every non-scientist intellectual a NARS? No... some of them aren't representing their opinions as scientific results at all. Maybe they are just giving you a hypothesis that you can test.

But when you hear "trust me, I'm an expert", without further explanation, then recognize the battle cry of the NARS, and do not be intimidated. Because a scientist knows truth, which will be true whether you believe it or not, while a NARS is utterly dependent upon your unquestioning faith to preserve his appearance of expertise.

A scientist, when questioned or doubted, will simply make a prediction and be proven right, because that's what truth allows you to do.

A NARS, when questioned, will rage and point to his credentials, his prestige, his trappings of expertise... because he cannot vindicate himself with a true prediction.

Even a bunch of Bronze Age goat herders understood this:

Deuteronomy 18:22 - Whenever a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord and the oracle does not come about or the word is not fulfilled, then the Lord has not spoken it. The prophet will have spoken presumptuously, so you need not fear him.

NARS are the false prophets of our time.

NARS told us that fat caused heart disease, and we should eat carbs instead. NARS told us that the polar icecaps would be gone by 1998, No, 2008. No, 2013. No, 2015. No, 2026. What is it this week? NARS told us the oil would be gone by now. NARS told us in 1970 that it was already too late to avoid mass starvation due to overpopulation. NARS told us the Soviet agricultural programs would make famine a thing of the past, if only those dumb Kulaks would stop growing grain the way their ancestors had for generations, and start listening to the "experts". NARS told us we could defeat communism by fighting a war in Vietnam. NARS told us to stop eating meat and dairy, and stuff ourselves with pasta and bread. NARS told us ANA would be able to hold off the Taliban by itself.

Since before you born, NARS have been predicting things that didn't happen, then predicting again, as all trace of their previous failure vanished real quick from the public discourse.

How many economists can tell you what the market will do tomorrow, or what policies will create prosperity? How many psychologists can look at a marriage and tell you if it will end in divorce, or tell you how to seduce a woman? How many physicians can diagnose you correctly and cure you, if you have something more subtle than shingles or a broken arm?

NARS kills people. Don't let it kill you.

When a self-styled "expert" tries to tell you something, demand he show his experiments. Demand he demonstrate his power.

Until he does so, assume he is a liar. Skepticism is the only vaccine that can save you from dying of NARS.

Why They Hate You
Published 07/24/21 by Whisper [7 Comments]

It's pretty obvious we live in Upside Down Clown World now.

If you're reading this, you're probably young, white, male, single, and heterosexual. It's also probable that, while you're too young to have personally built civilization, you get both your genetics and your cultural values from those who did. And what we mean by Upside Down Clown World is that many of the people who live in that civilization have rejected those values and genetics, and hate the people who still insist on having them.

It would be very easy to write a ranty article about how much this sucks, and get many meaningless internet points from everyone who agrees, but you'll never understand anything if you stop asking "why" the moment you reach the thing you hate.

So... why Upside Down Clown World? Why do elected officials and cultural pundits, many of whom are straight white males themselves, suddenly give every appearance of hating straight white males?

If you ask them, you'll get their rationalizations, of course. They hold men white in general responsible for none of the accomplishments of other white men, but for every single atrocity. Never is it asked what kind of atrocities the Zulu or the Cherokee or the Aztecs would have committed had they been the ones civilizing the world. (The answer is "the same ones they did historically commit, but on a broader scale"".)

This, of course, is all rationalization. Standard operating procedure for demonizing a demographic. Go to the Stormfront website and you'll see how it works with black people. Well, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and DC are Stormfront for straight white males. A rationalization is not a reason.

The real reason is this. Straight white males, especially single ones, are hard to rule. They are the most libertarian demographic, the one most interested in the notion of "human rights", the most independent and self-organizing demographic, the least dependent on government handouts or corporate propaganda, the most inclined to go off and build something for themselves without asking anyone's permission.

If you commoditize the food industry for profit, and feed an entire generation of white girls a vile poison that makes them sick and fat, they will lean into it, and write songs about how being sick and fat is awesome.

If you want a black man to vote for you, you not only don't have to deliver on your promises, you don't even have to make any. Just tell him someone is a racist and pretend to be outraged. The city of Flint, Michigan couldn't even get the municipal water supply right for over five years, and did the population of Flint stop electing democrats? American blacks are one of the easiest demographics to rule.

I could produce examples like this all day, but you get the picture. Their problem with you is that you don't want to live in a pod, eat soylent green, and own nothing. You want grass-fed steak. You want a couple acres of land near a lake somewhere that isn't Chicago, NYC, or Los Angeles, where there isn't any graffiti or heroin-addicted hobos. You want a girlfriend who isn't fat and sick. You want to build things that matter, and get paid handsomely for it. You want a sports car instead of the public bus, or maybe a really cool off-road kinda truck, because you don't live in a concrete hive, and you want to tow the trailer with your jet skis to the lake.

That's not me telling you what choices to make. That's me pointing out to you what choices you have already made. Point is, you want to make choices, and you want to make the ones that are good for you.

That is why they hate you.

That is why you have to be stopped.

Not only because you won't do what you are told, but because you inspire others to not do what they are told, either. From the point of view of Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and DC, independence is a plague, and you are Typhoid Mary. Of course they want to beat down the most infected population. This is why straight white male politicians hate straight white male voters. There's no solidarity... because there are no shared goals.

Their goal is to rule you.

Your goal is not to be ruled.

We'll talk next time about how to fight back, but it's important to realize first that you are in a fight, and second, that you can win. It may not seem that way, because they have so much money and power, all the cameras and microphones, they own all the social media platforms and they do everything they can to prevent anyone from talking online without their approval and permission.

But consider this: their goal is get you to do things. Your goal is not to do them. To win, all you have to do is nothing.

You don't have to watch television or listen to the radio. You don't have to drink Pepsi or Budweiser. You don't have to eat frozen microwavable "food". You don't have to vote for democrats or republicans. You don't have to live in New York City. You don't have to inject yourself with experimental gene therapies. You don't have to ride the bus. You don't have to have a Facebook or Twitter account. You don't have to wear a mask. You don't have to go to pride parades and cheer. You don't have to watch Hollywood's stories about how girls are better than you in every way, and you certainly don't have to pay them for the opportunity. You don't have to subscribe to Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, or Steam.

You have physical control of your body, and the only way they can get you to do things is to trick you and those around you. They can't can come to your house and physically force you to do anything, because there are too many of you, and you own the Armalite Rifle, Model 15, a collaboration between Eugene Stoner and God, which was designed to make you free.

They know they can't come to your house and shoot you full of experimental gene therapies, because you can shoot them in the fucking face if they try it. They hate that.

You have freedom, and they hate and fear you for it. All you have to do to win is continue to not do what they want. And you're already reading dangerous subversive alt-right libertarian fascist nazi anarchist literature like this article, so you already know what's up.

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