22h ago Financial Independence
How an Economy Grows and Why It Doesn't
"Irwin A. Schiff, America's leading expert on the Federal Income Tax, presents economics in his thoroughly informative, yet always entertaining manner; proving that the only thing -dismal- about the "dismal science" must be those who normally teach and write about it. Without a doubt, anyone reading Schiff's hilarious allegory will have a far better understanding of economics than many who have pursued the subject full time at our nation's universities."
The comicbook is mentioned on Youtube, Bitchute, and available through online libraries like libgen.
#1985 #HowAnEconomyGrowsandWhyItDoesnt #IrwinASchiff #VicLockman #Comicbook #World #US #America #Books #Economics #Trade #Commerce #Productivity #Consumerism #Business #Money #Taxation #Government #Ideology #Ideology #Nationalism #Populism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #RabbinicalJudaism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreJesus Christ they do want the guy who cheats as long as he's hot and funnu
Yes of course. What greater proof that your man is desired by other women than if he actually fucks them?
While it's normal for a man to feel disgusted and depressed if his woman fucks another man, it's normal for a woman to feel horny if her man does it. That she "has to" leave him is westernized social programming.
It's not so long ago that it was normal for women to tolerate their man's indiscretions, as long as they were discreet.
1d ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv Probably for the best that Zelensky "botched the deal." Signing away Ukraine's mineral and other natural resource rights for the terms offered was as bad or worse a deal for that nation than the Treaty of Versailles. Most of the coveted Rare Earths (which Trump kept mispronouncing; it was a clown show all around FFS) lie in areas that will be controlled by Russia.
What REALLY surprised me in politics last week was some guy in a very convincing Bernie Sanders skin suit, railing on with the Boomer Cold War era take on it. "Evil Putin attacked Ukraine for NO REASON and we need to stop him so he doesn't come for US next."
These are the Death Throes of the American Empire. Buckle up, guys- it's going to be a hell of a ride down.
@SeasonedRP they normalized having an gf with a past, so "used" women no longer lose value in the mating market. This feeds into their mating algorithm, and they can now indulge in their bias towards new, exciting prospects.
In Odyssey, Ulysses has the stable Penelope at home, and takes his time taking 10 years to return, after the war ends. In the process, he spends seven of them at a dream island with a demigoddess, Calypso.
Nevertheless, he does long for his home and wife, and eventually leaves Calypso and the offered immortality for them.
Not really.
But the issue you allude to, cognitive dissonance, is indeed a bitch. People tend to theorize and idealize their own situation. Which leaves them with no vision.
You don't need much insight to figure that monogamy didn't quite work for men. The mistress was always the best part of the traditional marriage.
The older I get, the more I realize that when truly monogamous marriages work, it's because they are a healing ritual for some deeper wounds.
I'm not really anti-monogamous, ideologically. In fact, I, like everybody, really like people who manage monogamy, and I also like the idea. Also, many people seem to manage it by just having an option, an out, even if they never exercise it. I'm more in favor of that last case than actual adultery, because of the risks involved.
Those said, the direction towards a solution of the contemporary female-centered adulterous madness is not equality in anti-adultery, but the ol' social norm of harsher judgement against female adultery, and a lighter one against the male one.
Read More1d ago The Hub
@redpillschool Tech Dude Louis Rossmann did a great video on this topic of Mozilla's TOS changes. Highly worth the 26min watch.
He recommends FireFox users jump to LibreWolf, which is a fork of the Firefox code that functions exactly as users are accustomed to but without the info gathering and adware modules.
Now that I have 10 followers on X I feel uniquely qualified to start coaching people on how to make it big on twitter..
Yes, I do think that any man being "willingly" monogamous has nothing to do with morality. It's bending the knee to gynocentrism, making a virtue out of necessity. It's a virtue signaling sacrifice.
The thing is, a man can be emotionally committed to one woman, caring for her best interest, while fucking another. A woman can't do that.
The "why's" would get us into philosophy, and the transcendental nature of man (sometimes refered to as having a soul) vs the mechanistical nature of the female human organism. But I digress.
(Reposted it due to many typos)
Imagine the guys' version of the facebook "Are we dating the same guy" groups...
Are we dating the same chick?
"Yeah dude I banged her out on the first date. she's a hoooo"
"say hi to her for me. enjoy sloppy seconds bro"
"raise my kid for me while you're there"