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"If I have to boast, I will boast of what pertains to my weakness."
― The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), 2 Corinthians 11:30
#382 #Quotes #Vulgate #TheHolyBible #NewInternationalVersion #NIV #2Corithians #11 #30
5y ago The Hub
Reasons why no one should ever watch porn. Particularly #10 & #11. Absolute fraud. Crazy that people think porn sex has any basis in reality. (NSFW) https://trp.red/t/23z
Really had some of the Principals of Game (Being Phillips) cemented in my brain last weekend. #7,#11,#12,#18. Girl gave me all the signs of wanting to go home with me. All but overtly told me. And it went right over my head. Didn't captain my shop right and sowed the seeds of my own embarrassment. Be credible,pay attention, be captain.
6y ago The Hub
@mattyanon Lesson #11. Stop defining getting a girl as success. https://trp.red/t/1sl Also, there is an abundance of women. Your snowflake is not special. If you think she is, that