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First of all...
This is a damned good thread.
Here are some thoughts:
Is it natural for a man to live with a woman?
Yes, and it is ALSO natural for relationships to break down when one partner or the other is over it. Simple as.
It seems to be the most sure fire way to unhappiness and losing control/autonomy/sex in your life.
Do NOT give away your power. And by far the worst way to give away your power is to get married. The second worst (best?) way is to live together.
Being bound (in any way) to someone who runs the risk of doing you harm is a bad thing.
Has this all been one big lie to sell men that they NEED a women?
I don't think it is a lie, so much as a cultural shift over time.
Feminism empowered women to do all sorts of shit, and say things like "men need a woman, but women don't need no man" etc. And too many men fell for it.
This sort of mentality is only possible in societies in which there is safety and comfort. Once thigs go sideways, that foolishness is among the first things to cease.
Women should enjoy their privileges while they last. Because things are not looking so good.
Anytime I am with a girl for long enough for it to become "serious," is when I can start to feel myself slowly losing her attraction
Familiarity breeds contempt.
I am having a hard time seeing any use for them other than sex.
If you play your cards right, you can have more than this. Too many men fall into one of two camps:
- Women are only for sex, or
- Women are special creatures and we should protect them, etc.
Neither of these things need be true to YOU.
The ugly truth is this - YOU dictate what you will accept and what you will not. And you WILL have to keep running through women in order to get your basic needs met. And once you get that with a woman, her deepest instincts will be to want "change" for change's sake - one version of which is hypergamy.
The sooner we accept this, the better off we are in the long run. The short run is always a bitch.
And if that be the case, that their use is only sex, why in the fuck would I choose to live with them for a lifetime for what I can handle in 1.50 minutes?
Bullshit. Word around here is that it's closer to .5 seconds. Stop telling lies.
When a woman puts an ultimatum to you, she is ending the relationship. You can stay with her, and she can stay with you, but that relationship as you know it is OVER.
What she is saying is this:
Give me what I want or I will go fuck someone who WILL give me what I want.
I cannot recall ever getting such a direct ultimatum, but I generally make it clear from the beginning what works and does not work for me.
If a woman does not know what to do with that information, then she is for recreational use only - by HER design and choice. So I enjoy it while it lasts.
Finally #2
Aside from our libido, I would argue that men's number one problem is oneitis. It is baked into our firmware, and it is arguably the hardest instinct to fight. And this make it our biggest vulnerability, and hence our number one enemy inside our heads.
Act accordingly.
Read More@MentORPHEUS bullshit. #1 I pumped gas in the 1980s in rural Alabama and never once saw someone pumping gas with a lit cigarette. #2 if you are telling the truth, and you were the pump jocky then you were pumping gas so how were these motherfuckers smoking and pumping their own gas when you were pumping the gas? Lieing ass motherfucker.
@Lionsmane8 There are two possibilities.
You're extra special and have somehow put together all of this esoteric knowledge that intelligent, open-minded people dismiss as not relevant.
- You're not special, and your views are objectively not useful to anyone.
Have you even considered possibility #2?
@lurkerhasarisen QFT, genetics is #1, then status/inheritance is #2, then anything that could be attributed to free will (which I don’t believe in)
1y ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed @SeasonedRP @redpillschool Thanks for the responses. A bit more detail, which may or may not make a difference: the attorney wasn't representing me, but was in the role of parenting coordinator, (in theory) a neutral position. Obvious bias was shown in conversations, and these conversations, (all of which I have legally recorded, a one party state) were misrepresented in court filings. The court which appointed the PC is thus far unwilling to review the evidence, so I hoped to take other action against the PC.
I'm likely going with @deeplydisturbed #2 suggestion if I can't find an attorney to at least advise me on what actions to take. Just hoping for at least a consultation, as there are many nuances for which I'm unsure about, not the least of which is, does the PC have judicial immunity (Google-fu has given me differing answers).
I'm able to discuss more over chat if anyone has any expertise, but didn't want to divulge much more publicly.
Read More1y ago The Hub
If the story is true (and there's a non-trivial chance that it's not), what probably happened is that Hamas thought those sites would be safe, and set up positions in or near them. That's a pretty normal thing for them to do. They "win" either way.
By using a protected site for military purposes they might not be targeted. If they do get hit because the place loses its protected status, they get to pretend that the enemy is striking indiscriminately.
If the story is true, the IDF opted for what's behind Door #2.
If this was a deception op, leaking that some places would be considered sanctuaries might have been a deliberate attempt to get Hamas to gather there. I have no idea if that happened, but if so, it worked.
1y ago The Hub
@TechNOmad You can fast by eating breakfast first thing in the morning then eating an early dinner. For example get up and eat at 7am, have dinner at 3pm.
If you’re trying to maximize muscle gain you shouldn’t be fasting. The studies show that four meals a day spread out over at least 12 hours (7am meal #1, 11am meal #2, 3pm meal #3, 7pm meal #4) maximize muscle gain. This is a good tip for intermediate and advanced guys with at least 2 years of consistent training under their belt so don’t stress if you’re still new to all of this.
I will not sit here and brag. It would come across the wrong way, not matter how I put it. So let me say this.
- My latest relationship is a woman 20 years younger than I.
- My previous girlfriend of 7 yeas was 30 years younger than me.
- Four of my previous flings/girlfriends were well under 25 years younger.
- My previous gf to #2, was a former model from London and she was about 8 years younger.
I don't give a fuck how people look at me. And yes, some people (mostly older women) look at you funny.
I LOVE this look. It gives me a deep sense of schadenfreude that is indescribably delicious. Fuck those cunts. They got what was coming to them, so of COURSE they are going to glare. That shit works on children. For me it is like a frostly milkshake on a summer day. The more hatred in the stare the more delicious.
There are perverts of all sorts in gay pride parades all over the planet, so I will not be shy about dating a very good looking adult woman who happens to be younger than me because Karen doesn't like it.
But I am not in Britain, so i cannot speak to that. But I have been there a few times, and all I can say is - good luck my man. What a shit show you got going on over there these days.
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