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1y ago The Hub
It's called #BiteTheFace.
All fun and games till you meet a dog who pressure flips it into Bite THY Face.
He's used what he learned from that encounter to scare most dogs into submission (including even police dogs) which was handy when he did a stint as a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman.
It's called #BiteTheFace.
@Lionsmane8 I think that the small conflicts both bloody and otherwise in Europe are one of its greatest strengths. Europe isn't a place that should be unified all together. I think that if you look at the history of Europe then you'll notice that most of the time it's overall doing very well, and that most or all of the time there are some complete and utter disaster areas.
It's the fierce competition and failure that makes Europe overall a cool place. When it suddenly became easier to fuck with everyone else than just themselves then they went wild on the world. Europeans are a very potent blend of aggression, intellectualism and unkempt aptitude.
Europeans are the barbarians that Muslim guy described, but he only speaks of the negative qualities in the context of their current hypocritical feel good crap. This is an imposition put upon them as a conquered people. It's a faggotry that was imposed upon them by outsiders in order to break them. None more-so than the Germans.
Europeans are assholes, and they're damn good at it. The problem is when they pretend to be all about external philanthropy and other crap. That won't last.
As someone with German blood there is really nothing better than running full speed at someone who is also running directly at me, colliding, and then getting back up to do it again. It's insane. I have no doubt that my ancestors were absolute savages. That is why I say that a lot of people need to learn to #BiteTheFace, especially so computer nerds and American track home suburb dwellers.
My people weren't just hanging out growing grains for tens of thousands of years like (India) Indian people. No fucking way.
Everything is better when its nature is respected. Imagine if I treated my cat like it's a dog. First of all, you can barely hit a cat because 1) they learn faster, 2) it's not how they treat each other. So you only have to a cat a hard flick on it's head when it needs to know that it was bad. That doesn't even register with a dog.
Imagine if I treated chickens like ducks. "Here is your water to swim in". That's gay.
Imagine treating toddlers like adults. Imagine treating women like men, and vice-versa.
Europe shouldn't be unified like a big gay United States of Europe after blandly noticing that it seemed to have worked for America. Bro, we're in the dark age now. It's dark because it's unnatural for these people to all be forced to have to accept the same shit from each other all in unison. The dark age of now will end soon enough.
Read More@Lone_Ranger As many people predicted, they're going to then use the data of "women" winning these competitions to do some Snopes Nopes that it's not true that women are weaker than men, or something to that effect. They'll have raw data to backup their weirdo games.
That's why at some point (real) men have the power to just rarrrrrrrrr #BiteTheFace to flip the chessboard over and to fuck it all.
1y ago The Hub
@Lionsmane8 interesting.
BTW I meant cancel you (new fashioned way) not cancel membership. Considering 14yo thingy, they have struck gold if they were vicious bitches (in case of males). Not saying they haven't tried.
I'd say cool, they are 'only' jealous, but...
Depending on circumstances they might have a valid point about 'training' (easiest money targets are newbies). Youre saying
Dude, I've been working out at this gym longer than most of these coaches have been working there.
Although tru, you're pissed at them. If they were your friends, would you think the same?
Saying that if they were your friends you would likely send her to them.
They have entered cock measuring contest first right? Then not much you can do anyway, except of hard #bitetheface AMOG or powerful clean cut closed communication trip. You night be customer but they are emploees.
I would read gym T&C is there anything about advising other members or else, purely to cover your back.
Hope you understand I don't stand on their side but deescalating in your head will be benefitial for you.
Read More@kend I looked it up, and it sounds like you're overcompensating for an intense desire to hurt people who are fucking with you. For example, I'll watch my chickens and dogs respond to each other the very moment that something bothers them. For a little chicken brain, might is right. They're direct and upfront assholes to each other. Humans though, due to our potential we can be socialized into paralysis, castrated so to speak.
Eventually though it will come out when someone shoots up a school, or suddenly snaps in a burst of rage. There are a few people that I know that I've wanted to punch in the last month, and it's all that I can do to stop myself from letting them have it (for games that I can clearly perceive). I allow myself to be angry though. Very angry. I have this one younger friend who really needs to be moderately hurt to learn a lesson, but I've decided that it's going to have to be someone else to teach him about his nose.
Have you considered that some people really deserve to be punched, regardless of whether you do it or not? Have you considered making peace with that and realizing that you want to hurt some people sometimes, but just don't due to self-control?
The problem though is that you're so far out of whack that I definitely don't recommend violence, but just admitting to yourself and being aware that sometimes you really want to. You really need to learn how to #BiteTheFace. That is the complete opposite of cptsd freeze/fawn whatever-the-fuck that is. It's ok for people to know that you're angry. In fact, you're hardly even a man if there is no point to which I can push you which will cause you to retaliate with violence. That almost completely defines the male sex, or even any animal wild or domestic.
You need to figure out some way to practice breaching that threshold that doesn't put you in prison, or make everyone think that you're psycho. So martial arts is pretty good for that.
Read More@Desaint Another bit on feeling psychotic rage towards someone but offenses such as what you endured, and our need to live in a society most notable outside of prison. We just can't beat people to a pulp for every slight or we won't last very long. BUT, that doesn't mean that you should mute or censor your own emotions on that matter. If you feel like beating someone to a pulp, then feel it. Just don't necessarily do it.
The problem that faggot-ass Westerners have is that they've installed a nanny-state filter between what they're feeling and what they allow themselves to rationally admit that they're feeling. That is just slavery. This guy was basically giving you a slavery check. By responding the way that you did you demonstrated that you're top-tier slave. That is why the blue pill basic gym chicks are into that.
Faggot-ass Westerners don't really know how to handle #BiteTheFace, even when they instigated it. "Oh, he's crazy". They're looking for their big letter magazine text that they wrote themselves.
I would say that #BiteTheFace somewhat repels you from Western civilization and Western corporate life simply because there are so many fake instigators who are looking for maximum feminine deniability as they capture their "gotcha" moments. Flamboyant LGBTQ+ culture embodies that weird aggression that society has been psyoped into accepting as normal, and any hard defiant angry reaction against as aberrant.
For me one of the most irritating things about me being at peace with how angry that I become after being around certain people, and how willing that I am to hurt them is that I'm actually unable to do anything. The reason is that after traveling the world over four continents out of a backpack for ten years, and radicalizing myself that I'm completely uncalibrated against any particular specific retarded situation. This has actually caused me to sometimes appear more passive than others who are responding as if they would actually do something.
That said, I most enjoy living in places where I don't have to think about any of that (such as where I live now). People aren't fucking with me like that here. I come here so that I can be reminded about how fucking terrible that it is where you are now. I know because I used to have to deal with that shit, and all of the other completely different varieties of shit.
In short, if I feel like body slamming you, then it's not exactly clear to me when I should actually do that. I know that the correct answer is not "never". It's just that I don't know when I should actually do it. I prefer to be around men who at least know that this is a factor. They also don't know when I'm going to snap to actually try to body slam them, and if I also don't know as well then it sort of balances out.
Read More@Desaint Imagine if after experiencing many years of that you're able to just go somewhere such that it either never happens again, or it would only be a single comment and that's all, or you can just be a hard dick to the guy without pretending like you appreciate it in any way.
The Russians in Transnistria can definitely be passive-agressive bitches, but it's on a whole level above the fake altruistic "gay Anglo". One time I wasn't feeling great but did some serious skiing cardio anyways. I probably was looking pretty bad so a guy was a dick by asking me "Are you ok?", which probably doubled as him showing off his English. I said, "yes" and was a bit annoyed by his shit, and that was the end of it.
The "gay Anglo" counterpart though will just go off on his waste of time stuff. What you really want to do is to just punch him out, but social convention says that you're forced to exchange banalities such as this. Social convention also says that if you tell this guy off, or became noticeably irritated with him then your frame has cracked, and so therefore you've lost. So he knows that he's irritating you, even though you're only showing it minimally. So he tries to extract admission of your irritation (that most certainly exists) by speaking about the meta of the situation.
Perhaps you could have gone silent after the first few gay inquiries and backtracking, or looked away instead.
It's fine, but I can tell that you don't #BiteTheFace. What you need to convey is that if society suddenly collapsed and there wasn't anyone there to stop you that it really wouldn't bother you at all to beat him to a bloody pulp for something that both of you know is a retarded slight against you. With that is implied that you won't beat him to a bloody pulp because it's not worth the consequences, but that it's on your mind and that you have great impulse control.
Personally I'm able to manage being super crazy by having a very powerful frontal cortex that allows me to not act out on the non-stop violent thoughts that I have towards miserable weak fools. The Russians irritate me MUCH less than "gay Anglos" because they just don't play these games. So I find myself not wanting to hurt faggot-ass weaklings non-stop all-fucking-day over here like what happens in California. In California I just feel anger, anger, anger, anger non-stop as people play passive-aggressive games, and say stupid things. Of course many people deal with that by being detached, but then look at the direction of that society and how totally fucked that it is.
Let's be real. On many levels you just hate this weak retard who was bothering you and you really wouldn't mind hurting him. Maybe not permanently so, but at least a little bit. Where you choose to go with that clear understanding is up to you.
Read More@Antelope I want to thank you for properly writing #BiteTheFace as it is meant to be written. Many people here are just completely fucked up on that very simple thing.
So, if you're going to try to be ideologically pure something like how Richard Stallman is but on the political level then the world is not going to work out for you. There is another way, which is the Mexican / Eastern European way of just pretending that pointless shit exists just long enough to be able to ignore it.
It has upset me at times that Americans are such bitches and just have no idea just what the US government thinks of them. The US government believes that it completely owns its citizens, and that it needs to keep close tabs on them so that they can be counted on to be enslaved to pay back the national debt for the creditors.
It's maritime law. When you're born your mother "breaks water", you come down the (water) canal to your birth (berth). Then a birth certificate is created to signify that the water product has become a land product. You're basically a land product, except when you get into trouble and then you enter back into a maritime law system when you enter the court to answer for the corporate entity that is wrapped around you.
That is sort of the history of the tyranny. It then mutated so that it's basically just a tyranny of its own variety.
Another thing that you can do is to simply use different members of your family to circumvent these things. Everyone can play a role of compartmentalizing risk. Treason against and within the family should be handled harshly. That is why the top elites are so successful.
In terms of what to give them. Well, they just need to be avoided. Farces become irrelevant. The US is suffering from rabies and it will extinguish itself. You don't want to get into a knife fight with a rabid animal. Even if you win, you lose.
You can see this understanding baked into the Russian response to the long-term escalation. They just waited and waited, trying not to provoke the rabid animal any further. The US isn't something that can be fought against. Rather, every day it just becomes both more dangerous and more irrelevant. We're currently in a time when the US is incredibly dangerous, and for little people like myself we just need to insulate ourselves from it.
If the US government wants to investigate me then they'll find out that I'm just a dude with a keyboard and 16 chickens (because 4 died). That isn't really much to get excited about when literally tens of millions of their own citizens in the US hate their guts and would like to blank. So, it turns out that a dude with a keyboard and chickens just isn't anything that they have the practical resources to do anything about.
Read MoreSo check out this trick. If this country doesn't exist, and its legal documents don't exist, then I don't actually own my house, do I? I'm the most stylish homeless dude who has ever had a Colombian model living with him.
I did say that Blackrock would be rustled by your pilfering their (as yet unclaimed) rubble. So what would life look like for you if you refused to sign the US tax form? I get it, of course. You've gotta be able to function, and if that is the mechanism by which you can function in Trambompoline then whatever.
I'm just trying to get a perspective on at which level you consider the poison ivy of the USA growing all over your shit something worth dealing with. Forms, forms, the paperwork, a faggy little signature and you can put it to the back of your mind because on a 24 hour basis America isn't actually there... but on a theoretical level, well, isn't that like inviting the vampire into your home to suck your blood?
What or where does 'no' look like? That's #BiteTheFace ...you fag.
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