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Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training
Starting Strength has been called the best and most useful of fitness books. The second edition, Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, sold over 80,000 copies in a competitive global market for fitness education. Along with Practical Programming for Strength Training 2nd Edition, they form a simple, logical, and practical approach to strength training. Now, after six more years of testing and adjustment with thousands of athletes in seminars all over the country, the updated third edition expands and improves on the previous teaching methods and biomechanical analysis. No other book on barbell training ever written provides the detailed instruction on every aspect of the basic barbell exercises found in SS:BBT3. And while the methods for implementing barbell training detailed in the book are primarily aimed at young athletes, they have been successfully applied to everyone: young and old, male and female, fit and flabby, sick and healthy, weak and already strong. Many people all over the world have used the simple biological principle of stress/recovery/adaptation on which this method is based to improve their performance, their appearance, and their long-term health. With over 150,000 copies in print in three editions, Starting Strength is the most important method available to learn the most effective way to train with barbells -- the most important way to improve your strength, your health, and your life.
- Why barbells are the most effective tools for strength training.
- The mechanical basis of barbell training, concisely and logically explained.
- All new photographs and improved illustrations of all the lifts, and the biomechanics behind them.
- Complete, easy-to-follow instructions for performing the basic barbell exercises: the squat, press, deadlift, bench press, power clean, and the power snatch.
- Revised instruction methods for all six lifts, proven effective in four years of seminar, military, and group instruction.
- How the human body adapts to stress through recovery, and why this is the foundation of the development of strength and lifetime health.
- How to program the basic exercises into the most effective program for long-term progress.
- Completely indexed.
- The most productive method in existence for anyone beginning a strength training program.
Mark Rippetoe is an American strength training coach and author. He has published a number of books and peer-reviewed articles. He has a BSc in geology with a minor in anthropology, but no degree in exercise science. He has several decades of experience as a strength coach, nearly a decade of experience as a competitive powerlifter, and is currently a gym owner.
#2011 #MarkRippetoe #StartingStrength #BasicBarbellTraining #3rdEdition #Books #Nonfiction #Physical #Fitness #Exercise #Weightlifting #Health #Reference #PersonalDevelopment #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
Read MoreThe Socio-Sexual Hierarchy: GAMMA
Vox Day explains the nature and the behavioral patterns of the fourth rank of the male socio-sexual hierarchy, the Gamma male. For those seeking information on modifying their tendency toward Gamma behaviors, check out the Graduating Gamma series and begin with Step One: Physical: alphagameplan.blogspot.com/2015/02/graduating-gamma-1.html
#2015 #2019 #Youtube #Voxday #SocioSexualHierarchy #SSH #Gamma #Men #Males #Rank #Education #World #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
How to Deal with Narcissists: Why They Became Evil, How They Think, and Strategies and Techniques to Take Control
A comprehensive guide to dealing with the narcissistic personality, How to Deal with Narcissists offers valuable insight into how narcissists are formed, what effects these developmental experiences have on the narcissist's brain, and how this information can be put to practical use in dealing with narcissists.
It begins with a fascinating case study of one narcissist, and the childhood experiences which conditioned his brain to exhibit the narcissistic personality. It examines how these events altered the functioning of a specific brain structure designed to process and manage stress responses, and how the altered functioning produced by these events went on to alter his behavior into adulthood. It also examines how these precipitating events inculcated a hostile worldview common to the narcissist.
The work goes on to examine how this altered brain function produces the forces which are behind every aberrant narcissist behavior, from the creation of a false reality, to the nonsensical narcissistic rage. It examines how a knowledge of this motive force can be used to precipitate specific reactions in the narcissist, and how this can be used to manage social interactions.
The book goes on to examine specific scenarios in dealing with narcissists, and the dangers and risks inherent to operating within their sphere. From coping with narcissist in-laws, to raising narcissist children, to the risks which have claimed the lives of past narcissist victims, this book touches upon it all. It was created as a one-stop volume for the narcissist victim who wishes to once again live, and enjoy freedom. In that vein, it is unique within the field.
Based on extensive real world experience, the latest scientific information, and rigorous examinations of previous academic work in the field, How to Deal With Narcissists is the one guide you cannot be without when confronted with this noxious psychology. Given the rapidly rising prevalence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, it will be the must have survival guide to navigating the social currents of our modern world.
This book contains some explanatory examples of narcissistic worldviews which political liberals will find disquieting and unpleasant to read. For that reason, it will prove most useful to those of a neutral or conservative political bent.
The author of this and several other insightful books has decided to make them available for free on amazon kindle to encourage their distribution to the masses. If you're an Amazon digital bookstore user, now's a good time to get them and see if they're useful in your life.
#2020 #HowToDealWithNarcissists #MichaelTrust #Books #Free #Faith #World #US #America #Christianity #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #PopulationControl #ThoughtPolicing #Dating #Relationships #Politics #Truth #Good #Vs #Evil #Lies #Amazon #Kindle #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreLibido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
Libido Dominandi, written by Dr. E. Michael Jones, shows how sexual liberation is a top-down scheme of political control. What you think of as “free love” or “natural biological urges” is really an extensive plan by the elites to keep you obsessed and occupied with sex. In essence, our modern society is constructed in a way to maximize your lust so that you are too weak and distracted to fight a corrupt ruling class that is stealing your birthright and nation.
The purpose of our sex-obsessed culture is to control you. From sexy fashions to pornography, all are meant to keep you in a permanent state of genital obsession. As you may have noticed, it’s working. Both men and women have sex burned onto their minds and shape their lives to fulfill its obtainment.
The state promotes never-ending change so that you never feel like you’re on firm ground. Your ship is tossed in stormy waters and you can only hold on as the elites thrust one more fad, trend, or crisis at you, which has the cumulative effect of disconnecting you from your land and people. You take on the spirit of a rootless traveler, or you become that in the literal sense. You have no place to call home, especially not the urban containment zones where you live to extract pleasure. You have no roots to cherish. Here’s a new shiny toy or body for you to get temporary meaning from, and when you bore of that toy, you seek out another toy, yet that only kills the time, and you lose yourself totally.
Full review can be found here: www.rooshv.com/sexual-liberation-is-a-form-of-political-control
Archive link here: archive.md/JsVch
#2020 #RooshV #Review #LibidoDominandi #EMichaelJones #FidelityPress #Books #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Laity #Clergy #Government #Sex #Reproduction #Procreation #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Murder #Pornography #PopulationControl #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreThe John Henry-Westen Show: Catholic school principal FIRED for being 'too traditional'?
A Catholic school principal in Minnesota was fired after only 4 1/2 months on the job — thanks to a pressure campaign he suffered after implementing more traditional practices such as daily Mass and appearing on a podcast titled “Christian Masculinity.” A.J. Barker, husband, father, and former Division I college football player, shares the stunning story of his “cancellation” on this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show.
For further details on his unjust firing, read Barker’s Substack post here: ajbarker.substack.com/p/sifted-like-wheat
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LifeSiteNews.com is a is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 51-0634787, Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. Your donation is tax deductible.
Primary Video source can be found here: www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/catholic-school-principal-fired-for-being-too-traditional
#2024 #Lifesite #JohnHenryWesten #World #News #US #America #Minnesota #Interview #AJBarker #Parochial #School #Principal #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Child #Sacrifice #GenitalMutilation #Murder #Euthanasia #Sterilization #PopulationControl #Fraud #Laity #Clergy #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Parents #Family #Education #Intelligence #Assets #Infiltration #Activist #Government #School #Gangstalking #Public #Fetishism #Child #Sexual #Trafficking #Grooming #Prostitution #CivilWar #Border #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Foreigner #Invasion #Refugee #Resettlement #SocialWelfare #Provisioning #Staging #WW3 #Citizenship #Conscription #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Noncery #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Liberalism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #Leftism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreFaith & Reason: Hunter Biden pardon, Israel ceasefire veto, Syria, and Synod implementation
On this episode of Faith and Reason, Jason Jones discusses his advocacy for those impacted by war and violence around the world, especially in Syria, through his Vulnerable People Project. The panel also reviews the latest news, including the Biden administration’s veto of a ceasefire in Israel, the controversial pardon of Hunter Biden, the war in Syria, and ongoing concerns about the Synod on Synodality and its debates over the role of women in liturgical life.
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LifeSiteNews.com is a is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 51-0634787, Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. Your donation is tax deductible.
Primary Video source can be found here: www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/hunter-biden-pardon-israel-ceasefire-veto-syria-and-synod-implementation
#2024 #Lifesite #FaithandReason #JohnHenryWesten #World #News #US #America #Asia #Israel #Syria #Iran #Interview #JasonJones #VulnerablePeopleProject #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Child #Sacrifice #GenitalMutilation #Murder #Euthanasia #Sterilization #PopulationControl #Fraud #Laity #Clergy #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Parents #Family #Intelligence #Assets #Infiltration #Activist #Government #Child #Sexual #Trafficking #Grooming #Prostitution #CivilWar #Border #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Foreigner #Invasion #Refugee #Resettlement #SocialWelfare #Provisioning #Staging #WW3 #Citizenship #Conscription #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Noncery #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Liberalism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #Leftism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreThe John Henry-Westen Show: Brink of global war — and chastisement foretold by Our Lady?
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In this powerful episode, we uncover the truth behind the escalating tensions between Ukraine and Russia, the rise of globalist control, and the chilling parallels to prophetic warnings from Fatima and Akita. With the Biden administration greenlighting missile strikes and Putin’s alarming nuclear threshold and experimental missiles, what does this mean for the world — and how can faithful Catholics respond?
Join us as we expose the globalists’ agenda to exploit war for their sinister plans and discuss the urgent steps we must take to defend truth, freedom, and faith. Watch now to hear the full analysis and find out how YOU can help turn the tide in this critical moment for humanity.
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LifeSiteNews.com is a is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 51-0634787, Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. Your donation is tax deductible.
Primary Video source can be found here: www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/brink-of-global-war-and-chastisement-foretold-by-our-lady
#2024 #Lifesite #JohnHenryWesten #World #News #US #America #Europe #Russia #Asia #Iran #China #Japan #Interview #History #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Child #Sacrifice #GenitalMutilation #Murder #Euthanasia #Sterilization #PopulationControl #Fraud #Laity #Clergy #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #EasternOrthodoxy #Protestantism #Anglicanism #Parents #Family #Intelligence #Assets #Infiltration #Activist #Government #Gangstalking #Child #Sexual #Trafficking #Grooming #Prostitution #CivilWar #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Arrest #Release #Replacement #Immigrants #Foreigner #Invasion #Refugee #Resettlement #SocialWelfare #Provisioning #Staging #WW3 #Citizenship #Conscription #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Pedophiles #Noncery #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Liberalism #Zionism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #Leftism #Satanism #RabbinicalJudaism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreFaith & Reason: A palpable shift in America: pro-life messaging begins to resonate
A discussion about the challenges currently facing both the Catholic Church and society at large. Touching on pressing topics, including President Trump’s nomination of Dr. David Weldon, a pro-life advocate, to head the CDC, as well as Volvo’s viral ad celebrating life and family. Providing insight into these developments and their implications for the future. In this inaugural episode of Faith and Reason: The Sequel, John-Henry Westen introduces his new co-host, Deacon Keith Fournier, and invites Bishop Joseph Strickland to share personal testimony about his approach to the Catholic faith.
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LifeSiteNews.com is a is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 51-0634787, Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. Your donation is tax deductible.
Primary Video source can be found here: www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/a-palpable-shift-in-america-pro-life-messaging-begins-to-resonate
#2024 #Lifesite #FaithandReason #JohnHenryWesten #World #News #US #America #Interview #DavidWeldon #CDC #Appointment #Volvo #Automobiles #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Child #Sacrifice #GenitalMutilation #Murder #Euthanasia #Sterilization #PopulationControl #Fraud #Laity #Clergy #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Deacon #KeithFournier #Parents #Family #Pronatalism #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Liberalism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #Leftism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreThe John Henry-Westen Show: Was the rise of communism foretold in Blessed Emmerich's vision of Satan 'unchained'?
On this episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, Catholic author and political scientist Dr. Paul Kengor sits down to discuss his latest book, The Stigmatists: Their Gifts, Their Revelations, Their Warnings. In this episode, you will learn why St. Paul may have been the first stigmatist, that is, someone bearing marks on his body that resemble the wounds of Christ’s Passion, the politically incorrect visions of St. Catherine of Siena on God’s condemnation of sodomy, and much more.
Consider the LSNTV App available for iPhone and Android!
LifeSiteNews.com is a is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 51-0634787, Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. Your donation is tax deductible.
Primary Video source can be found here: www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/was-the-rise-of-communism-foretold-in-blessed-emmerichs-vision-of-satan-unchained
#2024 #Lifesite #JohnHenryWesten #World #News #US #America #Interview #PaulKengor #Books #TheStigmatists #TheirGiftsTheirRevelationsTheirWarnings #Supernatural #Saint #Paul #Catherine #ofSiena #Crucifixion #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Child #Sacrifice #GenitalMutilation #Murder #Euthanasia #Sterilization #PopulationControl #Fraud #Laity #Clergy #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Liberalism #Fascism #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Antitheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Freemasonry #Leftism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreThe John Henry-Westen Show: Lace, smells and bells: What's with all the pomp and circumstance at the Latin Mass?
Dr. Peter Kwasniewski is back to shed more light on the profound reasons why the Traditional Latin Mass is structured the way it is, with all its smells and bells. The theologian and liturgical expert continues answering questions on the deeper meaning behind every detail of the Traditional Latin Mass.
Dr. Kwasniewski’s latest book is titled Turned Around: Replying to Common Objections Against the Traditional Latin Mass, which you can purchase here: tanbooks.com/products/books/turned-around-replying-to-common-objections-against-the-traditional-latin-mass/
Consider the LSNTV App available for iPhone and Android!
LifeSiteNews.com is a is a 501(c)3 organization, EIN 51-0634787, Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. Your donation is tax deductible.
Primary Video source can be found here: www.lifesitenews.com/episodes/lace-smells-and-bells-whats-with-all-the-pomp-and-circumstance-at-the-latin-mass
#2024 #Lifesite #JohnHenryWesten #World #News #US #America #Interview #PeterKwasniewski #Theologian #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Laity #Clergy #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Latin #Tridentine #Mass #Communion #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Traditionalism
Read More