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8y ago The Hub
@redpillschool After Milo's permanent suspension today, does the account that called out these followers to attack Milo a month ago still exist? #freemilo
@-Anteros- time for Milo to go Trp.red #freemilo
8y ago The Hub
@redpillschool The real test is to see if it automatically sets you to following Milo after the number starts rebounding, or if it leaves you deleted. Then you'll know if it was a server glitch or on purpose. #FreeMilo
Milo's Follower Count seems to have bottomed out at 28K. It's possible many people are re-following him which is causing the numbers to rise? #FreeMilo
#Unofficial "A Muslim with 1.2M followers tweeted out a call to action which led to the temporary suspension of Nero" Not sure if this is the real reason, I can't read the language... Source #FreeMilo
@Angrymoose This could be an attack from the Trust and Safety Council Seriously, that's what they're called. #FreeMilo
Down to 40k now. #FreeMilo #BanTwitter
8y ago The Hub
Holy shit this is hilarious. Twitter is making Milo into a Martyr. #FreeMilo #fabuloushair