Welcome to The Hub. This is our welcoming tribe dedicated to introducing yourself, meeting new people, and learning about new tribes.
8y ago The Hub
#IBelieveWomen are trustworthy, because you can always trust them to be women. Trust what they do, not what they say.
8y ago The Hub
#IBelieveWomen act like Hillary when they try to live up to their own expectations of what being equal to a man is.
8y ago The Hub
#IBelieveWomen Should be loved for who & what they ARE; not what we men WANT, or believe, them to be...
Girls today are broken because #ibelievewomen are simply the products of their environment.
8y ago The Hub
#IBelieveWomen see male attention as a zero sum game. If one has yours, that means another doesn't, and that infuriates her. Use this to your advantage.