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@deeplydisturbed @Vermillion-Rx we need to discuss other types of rape as well.
Not all rape involves vaginal envelopment of the penis without consent.
Just earlier today an entire group of women scent-raped me with their overbearing perfumes.
I am literally shaking RN (right now).
#MeToo #PoundMeToo
Addendum, @Vermillion-Rx
In the spirit of #MeToo, I'll share a similar story. I think I may have shared it before.
The year was 2004, and I was 24. I'd been dating/fucking my girlfriend at the time for a few months already. She was a university student, and I was a junior enlisted Soldier living in the barracks. Her university was a couple of hours away from my duty station, which was actually adjacent to her hometown (her dad was also in the Army). The school year was ending, and I was going to help her move out of her dorm and back to her mom's house.
I had sprained my ankle on a battalion run that morning, but finished the run anyway and finished my workday, then drove the two hours or so to her dorm.
After an evening of hanging out, meeting some of her friends, etc. I willingly and eagerly fucked her brains out in her dorm, then went to sleep. Her roommate was fucking her boyfriend at the same time on the other side of one of those partition walls, and the two chicks had a little contest as to who could moan louder despite me and the other dude's best efforts to shush them. Evidently, my girl thought she lost the contest, because not even an hour later she woke me up wanting to fuck again.
I was exhausted from a long day, still in my post-coital refractory period, and my sprained ankle was killing me. I just didn't want to, and said so.
She kept kissing, licking, nibbling, and rubbing all over me trying to get me going again, even grabbing my flaccid Johnson and saying "Mr. Happy better start getting happy quick!" Eventually, I got a bit of a chub which she proceeded to ride against my wishes until she came, at which point she rolled off of me and got ready to sleep.
I was pissed off at her selfishness. She got hers but didn't even have the decency to get me off again after all that.
And not once did I give any consent to that one-sided round 2.
Read More2y ago The Hub
If we're honest, we probably ALL had terrible Oneitis at some point in our lives. We've probably all wasted years hankering after some chick that didn't care about us. The moping and depression. All wasted time.
Getting your heart stomped on by a girl may be a rite of passage.
I got
Everybody goes through a #MeToo phase. [33 - Believe all Hashtags]
achievement for this. Funniest ever.
If you look at pictures of Adrianah Lee you will recognize her immediately as a hoe. Who would take this woman's sexual assault claims seriously to begin with? Pound me too. #metoo
youyour woman has a male boss, oh boy, guess who's the new alpha in her life?
A woman who you'd like to enter into a relationship with who's told you work, career, and money come first to her has told you in a round about way that she won't allow you to dominate her. However, female solipsism and hypergamy being what they are, doesn't necessarily mean she will allow a boss to dominate her either. #Metoo
For one thing, it proved "believe all women" to be a crock of shit.
Unfortunately I disagree, for me it proved that Johnny Depp could afford to pay Camille Vasquez and co. enough to eviscerate Amber Heard’s legal team. Sure it has the ‘I beat #metoo’ sticker on its side, but it is still a Hollywood court case with the money to boot.
Ain’t no one rallying around Joe Schmoe pro bono to see his defamation claim won or his domestic abuse charges thrown out.
One weak testimony by Amber Heard isn’t a cultural shift away from gynocentric thinking.