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"...So wrap your tool, don't be a fool. Latex. Saves. Pay checks."
— Terrence Popp, *Source
#2024 #Quotes #TerrencePopp #Writer #Military #Army #Retired #Veteran #SNCO #Redonkulas #World #US #America #Dating #Relationships #Marriage #Divorce #Sex #Fornication
The 304 Handbook: Identifying Garden Tools | Popp Culture
How can you tell if a modern woman is a Horizontal Oriented Entertainer?
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#2023 #Redonkulas #PoppCulture #TerrencePopp #304Handbook #HelpingMen #Military #Army #Veteran #Clown #World #US #America #Dating #Relationships #Women #Females
Beyond Sibling Rivalry | Live From The Lair
Blood may run thicker than water, but it can be thinned out when everyone decides to pee in the gene pool.
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#2023 #Redonkulas #LiveFromTheLair #TerrencePopp #HelpingMen #SiblingRivlary #Clown #World #US #America #Military #Service #Army #Veteran #Relationships #Kin #Family #Relatives #Brother #Sister #Mother #Father
Administrative Violence: The Webinar is coming Memorial Day!
Administrative Violence: Divorce and Custody Edition
Coming to Manopay.net on Memorial Day, May 30th, for 5 days only, so mark your calendars!
Supporters should expect to receive a receive a discount in the form of a coupon code for their support of exclusive livestreams with Popp, such as "Grunt Speak: LIVE" Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm Eastern and Supporter Sunday streams for Locals, SubscribeStar, and Patreon members only!
As always, you can purchase your genuine Redonkulas swag on www.patrolbase.net and store.streamelements.com/redonkulaspopp
Send physical donations to: Redonkulas.com Productions, 29488 Woodward Avenue, Unit 407, Royal Oak, MI 48072
If you write a check, make it out to "Second Class Citizen, 501c3." As all donations are tax deductible
For a complete list of all channels where you can find Redonkulas content, go to: www.redonkulas.com/channels
#2022 #TerrencePopp #Redonkulas #Administrative #Violence #Manopay #Webinar #Marriage #Divorce #Military #Veteran #Men #Males #Dating #Relationships #Women #Females
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