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"...So wrap your tool, don't be a fool. Latex. Saves. Pay checks."
— Terrence Popp, *Source
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Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
Libido Dominandi, written by Dr. E. Michael Jones, shows how sexual liberation is a top-down scheme of political control. What you think of as “free love” or “natural biological urges” is really an extensive plan by the elites to keep you obsessed and occupied with sex. In essence, our modern society is constructed in a way to maximize your lust so that you are too weak and distracted to fight a corrupt ruling class that is stealing your birthright and nation.
The purpose of our sex-obsessed culture is to control you. From sexy fashions to pornography, all are meant to keep you in a permanent state of genital obsession. As you may have noticed, it’s working. Both men and women have sex burned onto their minds and shape their lives to fulfill its obtainment.
The state promotes never-ending change so that you never feel like you’re on firm ground. Your ship is tossed in stormy waters and you can only hold on as the elites thrust one more fad, trend, or crisis at you, which has the cumulative effect of disconnecting you from your land and people. You take on the spirit of a rootless traveler, or you become that in the literal sense. You have no place to call home, especially not the urban containment zones where you live to extract pleasure. You have no roots to cherish. Here’s a new shiny toy or body for you to get temporary meaning from, and when you bore of that toy, you seek out another toy, yet that only kills the time, and you lose yourself totally.
Full review can be found here: www.rooshv.com/sexual-liberation-is-a-form-of-political-control
Archive link here: archive.md/JsVch
#2020 #RooshV #Review #LibidoDominandi #EMichaelJones #FidelityPress #Books #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Laity #Clergy #Government #Sex #Reproduction #Procreation #CultureWar #EconomicWar #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #BiologicalWarfare #BureaucraticWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #Abortion #Infanticide #Murder #Pornography #PopulationControl #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreLibido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
Libido Dominandi, written by Dr. E. Michael Jones, shows how sexual liberation is a top-down scheme of political control. What you think of as “free love” or “natural biological urges” is really an extensive plan by the elites to keep you obsessed and occupied with sex. In essence, our modern society is constructed in a way to maximize your lust so that you are too weak and distracted to fight a corrupt ruling class that is stealing your birthright and nation.
The purpose of our sex-obsessed culture is to control you. From sexy fashions to pornography, all are meant to keep you in a permanent state of genital obsession. As you may have noticed, it’s working. Both men and women have sex burned onto their minds and shape their lives to fulfill its obtainment.
The state promotes never-ending change so that you never feel like you’re on firm ground. Your ship is tossed in stormy waters and you can only hold on as the elites thrust one more fad, trend, or crisis at you, which has the cumulative effect of disconnecting you from your land and people. You take on the spirit of a rootless traveler, or you become that in the literal sense. You have no place to call home, especially not the urban containment zones where you live to extract pleasure. You have no roots to cherish. Here’s a new shiny toy or body for you to get temporary meaning from, and when you bore of that toy, you seek out another toy, yet that only kills the time, and you lose yourself totally.
Full review can be found here: www.rooshv.com/sexual-liberation-is-a-form-of-political-control
Archive link here: archive.md/JsVch
#2020 #RooshV #Review #LibidoDominandi #EMichaelJones #FidelityPress #Books #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Laity #Clergy #Sex #Reproduction #Procreation #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #CultureWars #Abortion #Infanticide #Murder #Pornography #PopulationControl #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreBiden-Harris Admin Aiding Censorship but Won't Help Americans — The Vortex
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. Feel free to contact Church Militant with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
The Luciferian alliance of big government, mainstream media and Silicon Valley.
I heard on the internet, and you won't hear it on major Marxist media outlets (not reported or even discussed), that:
- More than 9 million children in America face hunger with no food — Biden hasn't asked for an aid package for them
- Thirty-four thousand veterans in America are homeless — Biden hasn't asked for an aid package for them
- Eight million Americans are working two jobs to afford inflation — Biden hasn't asked for an aid package for them
- The U.S. southern border is being overrun, and Border Patrol can't keep up with record numbers — Biden hasn't asked for an aid package for them
- Sixty-one percent of Americans can't afford to buy a house to raise a family — Biden hasn't asked for an aid package for them.
- The U.S. tax system is nothing but a giant bank for everyone except Americans. How much longer can we sustain this?
Those straightforward and truthful observations are coming from Twitter account Travis, who happens to be about 50 miles up the road from us here at Church Militant. He's a good dude.
Major media, Giant Tech and Big Social Media can't let those kinds of discussions break out, because they evolve into further more-pressing questions, which, in the end, lead to the unraveling of the carefully constructed Marxist narrative, a narrative whose sole purpose is to keep people dumb so they can be controlled.
Marxism is from Hell because its single starting point, its foundational principle, is denying the inherent God-given dignity of every human being. Marxism is atheistic by its very nature. There's no escaping that. And since its author is the Devil, we know, as Our Blessed Lord told us, "There is no truth in him"; He was [a liar and] a murderer from the beginning."
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-biden-aiding-censorship-but-wont-help-americans
Please consider Church Militant Evening News for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
#2023 #TheVortex #ChurchMilitant #MichaelVoris #Faith #World #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #Clergy #Priest #Media #Technology #Intelligence #Infiltration #Subversion #Agents #CivilWar #Border #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Invasion #Foreigner #Child #Sex #Trafficking #CatholicCharities #NGO #NPO #Resettlement #SocialWelfare #Provisioning #Politics #CreepyJoeBiden #KamalaHeelsupHarris #DemocraticParty #UNiparty #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreAmericans Think Another Civil War Is Imminent — The Vortex
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. Feel free to contact Church Militant with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
America is fracturing under immorality and corruption.
America is breaking apart. In some respects, it already has.
People are fleeing blue states at an increasing rate and taking up residence in red states. That often means leaving family, jobs and comfort behind. They don't want their children being raised in a tyrannical environment where immorality and corruption are exalted as goods, so, as has happened throughout human history, they flee.
The entire American experience, in fact, is predicated on that very reality — from the War of Independence to the waves of mostly Catholic immigrants a century or so later, normal average people wanting to be left alone to live their lives and raise their families in decency and honesty, not threatened with tyranny and all its associated limits on freedom (its phony justice system, prison and even executions).
Pushed far enough and inspired by protecting those they love, people start shooting at some point. That's why the findings of not one but two recent public surveys are so telling, that near majorities, 43% and 46%, believe there will be a civil war in the United States within the next 10 years.
Personally, given the trajectory, I don't believe it will be that long — again, if affairs continue at this pace. But that's just my personal opinion. People will only take so much for so long, especially when their children are in harm's way. But before the blood potentially flows, other avenues must be pursued. Whether they will be fruitful remains to be seen, and it is the proverbial case of crossing that bridge when we come to it.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-americans-think-another-civil-war-is-imminent
Please consider Church Militant Evening News for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
#2023 #TheVortex #ChurchMilitant #MichaelVoris #Faith #World #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #Clergy #CivilWar #WW3 #Border #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Invasion #Foreigner #Child #Sex #Trafficking #Pimp #Prostitution #Drugs #Antibiotics #Resistance #STD #CatholicCharities #NGO #NPO #Resettlement #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Politics #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read More'Catholic Charities has Engaged in Criminal Activity' | Stew Peters
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. Feel free to contact Church Militant with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
Catholic bishops' dirty money is funding Biden's border invasion.
As Church Militant continues hammering on the U.S. bishops' full-throated support for policies that undermine both the republic and the Church, word is really starting to get out. Last week in D.C., we had private discussions with various people on Capitol Hill about not just the illegal immigration issue the bishops are completely down with, but also their support for the economically unsound agenda of rabid environmentalism which is chock-full of phony science and economic destruction for the nation.
The claim that man changes the weather is totally unfounded scientifically, but with the Marxist control of every major institution, it is virtually accepted as scientific fact. It is not. On Tuesday, Nov. 14, in Baltimore, Church Militant, along with our other partners in the Deposit of Faith Coalition, will be holding another press conference like we did in D.C. in July. This time, the topic is on challenging the phony claims about the environment.
Our last press event on illegal immigration garnered more than 25 million impressions from politically conservative media outlets who attended and reported the story, and then others who later picked up the story (including The Epoch Times, Media Research Center and PJ Media). Steve Bannon as well as Info Wars were also happy to talk about the effort of the coalition in advance.
So we'd like to ask for your help in financing this important event. Catholic media outlets never report on this political connection, with the bishops helping to undermine the nation by supporting the Democrat–communist agenda.
Likewise, just as with immigration, the bishops pull down all kinds of tax money and incentives pushing part of the Marxist agenda as well. Appearing on stage and presenting to the media the Deposit of Faith Coalition will be Nobel laureate Dr. John Clowser, who will show why all of this is a total scam and phony science.
Likewise, another presenter to the media will be award-winning international journalist Alex Newman, who will discuss the weaponization of religion to push scientific alarmism.
So please click on the provided link to make whatever donation you can. We are gaining the momentum and cannot let up.
And if you doubt for an instant that Church Militant is not the leader in spearheading pushback and change against a corrupt hierarchy complicit in the phony environment claims, as well as the horrors of illegal immigration, just look for yourself at how the powerhouse politically conservative media are starting to pay attention to our message.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-catholic-charities-has-engaged-in-criminal-activity-stew-peters
Please consider Church Militant Evening News for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
#2023 #TheVortex #ChurchMilitant #MichaelVoris #Interview #StewPeters #Faith #World #US #America #Maryland #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #DepositofFaithCoalition #DFC #Clergy #Bishop #Conference #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #CivilWar #Border #Escudohumano #Shield #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Invasion #Foreigner #Child #Sex #Trafficking#Crime #CatholicCharities #NGO #NPO #Resettlement #Politics #ThinkBigAmerica #DemocraticParty #UNiparty #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreIs Catholic Charities Facilitating Sex Trafficking at the Border? | The Vortex
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. Feel free to contact Church Militant with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) blows the lid off massive migrant scandal.
I'm Michael Voris coming to you from Washington, D.C., where the U.S. bishops will very likely soon be experiencing a type of demand for accountability normally reserved to the Holy See.
The issue is the bishops' communist-minded social justice agency, Catholic Charities, and its drawing down of billions in U.S. tax dollars to help undermine southern-border security and, of course, by extension, the entire republic.
During Biden's nearly three years in the White House, somewhere between 5 to 7 million — 5 to 7 million — illegal immigrants have swarmed across the border, and they've been assisted every step of the way by Catholic Charities.
What you're seeing is exclusive Church Militant video of that very thing, with Catholic Charities organizing all of it. The U .S. bishops' agency pretends their work is somehow about Church teaching and following the gospel mandate, but that's just not true. It's merely the cover story for refilling their coffers with billions in taxpayer money they lost in child sex abuse payouts.
Add to that how Catholic Charities has been and continues to be led by extremely liberal so-called Catholics who have no love for the republic or the Church and you have a perfect storm. But now various members of Congress want Catholic Charities and other operations to get up here on Capitol Hill, under oath, and answer some very pointed questions.
So Church Militant has come here to D.C. to interview some of the leading members pushing for this accountability.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-is-catholic-charities-facilitating-sex-trafficking-at-the-border
Please consider Church Militant Evening News for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
#2023 #TheVortex #ChurchMilitant #MichaelVoris #Faith #World #US #America #Wisconsin #WashingtonDC #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #Clergy #Priest #Bishop #Conference #Promiscuity #CivilWar #Border #Escudohumano #Shield #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Invasion #Foreigner #Child #Sex #Trafficking #CatholicCharities #NGO #NPO #Resettlement #Politics #Congressman #TomTiffany #RepublicanParty #MAGA #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreCongress Going After Catholic Charities | The Vortex
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. Feel free to contact Church Militant with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
Rep. Lance Gooden calls out immigration cash cow.
I'm Michael Voris coming to you from the nation's Capitol, where the Catholic bishops' social justice arm — Catholic Charities — is about to come under intense congressional scrutiny.
For a number of years now, as longtime followers will attest to, Church Militant has been chasing down the story of the U.S. bishops' Catholic Charities' undermining of national security by its role in the illegal immigration crisis — up to and including child sex trafficking.
Two years ago, Church Militant went to the Texas–Mexico border and spoke directly with U.S. patriots who pointed the finger squarely at the U.S. bishops as one of the largest provocateurs in this fiasco — owing to the billions the bishops get from D.C. to supposedly help with humanitarian relief.
Well, that information has finally reached the halls of Congress where quite a few members are now demanding answers and an accounting from Catholic Charities on what exactly is going on with the billions they get in taxpayer dollars.
So Church Militant has come directly to D.C. to sit down with various members and see what their inquiry is all about and what questions they want answered by the bishops and their appointees.
One of the sharpest critics of all this is Texas congressman Lance Gooden, who is fed up with the open-borders policy of the Biden administration, the Democrats and their allies on the religious left — most especially Catholic Charities.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-congress-going-after-catholic-charities
Please consider Church Militant Evening News for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
#2023 #TheVortex #ChurchMilitant #MichaelVoris #Faith #World #US #America #Texas #WashingtonDC #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #Clergy #Priest #Bishop #Conference #Promiscuity #CivilWar #Border #Escudohumano #Shield #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Invasion #Foreigner #Child #Sex #Trafficking #CatholicCharities #NGO #NPO #Resettlement #Politics #Congressman #LanceGooden #RepublicanParty #MAGA #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreKaramo: Sex Traffickers Posing as Catholic Charities at Border | The Vortex
Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. If you also seek the truth, then please consider joining Church Militant today by supporting our work. Sign up for a Church Militant Premium account or simply make a donation. Feel free to contact Church Militant with your questions, comments, or concerns, at anytime. And now, let's begin with today's Vortex...
Are the US bishops inadvertently responsible for this?
Just our quick reminder — Church Militant is on the ground in Rome covering the synod, bringing you every bit of what you need to know each day. Our Rome correspondent, Jules Gomes, reviews the day's happenings on Church Militant's rome dispatch, hosted here in Detroit by our own Brad Eli every weekday. We're providing a link to rome dispatch here in the Vortex every day for the month of October. Don't miss a single episode of rome dispatch, a one-stop shopping for you each day on all the news from the synod, concise and straightforward.
Now, as we've covered repeatedly in multiple Vortex episodes, the communist path to power in Western democracies has been and is being accomplished through elections, which does contain within itself its own irony, since the goal of communism ultimately is to seize complete and total power and destroy fair elections in the process. But there is a backstage game going on, a clever disguise whereby first institutions were overrun, so minds could be controlled through propaganda, so they would vote for policies which made sense to the brainwashed.
Once a sufficient number of voters are compiled over a few decades — again, convinced by the propaganda that the Left loves and cares for them — the scales would tip, the Left would win majorities and then nothing would be left to stand in their way. That's happening right now, as we sit here.
The propaganda machine, in high gear on college campuses and mainstream media networks throughout the nation for decades, has been inculcating in people's minds a slew of false flags so they can create a narrative that death and destruction will shortly follow if their agenda is not implemented immediately.
Of course, the not-so-underlying theme is they must be elected to save the immigrant, save the poor, save the earth, and a host of others causes in which they cast themselves as noble "savior." When it comes to saving the immigrant in particular, things are beginning to reveal themselves which upend their narrative about the southern border. And the challenge to their propaganda is not coming from the Republican establishment but from what you could style "new breed" Republicans, beholden much more to principles than party it seems.
One of the first things on the agenda for multiple members of Congress once business resumes is grilling Catholic Charities and the bishops over this whole illegal immigration industry they have going on. And with the wild success of the box office blockbuster Sound of Freedom, you can bet that child sex-trafficking will also be on the docket. And as we all know, when it comes to child sex abuse, that is a topic the bishops do not want to have come up again.
The whole "save the immigrants" narrative of the Democrats is beginning to unravel, and when it does, the bishops are going to once again be found to be de facto on the side of the Left, undermining the republic, not to mention cashing in on the backs of children.
Primary Video source and transcript continues here: www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/vort-karamo-sex-traffickers-posing-as-catholic-charities-at-border
Please consider Church Militant Evening News for daily hard-hitting news and analysis through an authentic Catholic lens, covering the latest developments in the Church, across the nation and around the world.
#2023 #TheVortex #ChurchMilitant #MichaelVoris #BradleyEli #RomeDispatch #JulesGomes #Faith #World #US #America #Christianity #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare #Demoralization #IdeologicalSubversion #RomanCatholicChurch #CultureWar #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #Laity #Clergy #Bishop #Conference #CivilWar #Border #Escudohumano #Shield #Migrants #DemographicDisplacement #Replacement #Immigrants #Invasion #Foreigner #Child #Sex #Trafficking #CatholicCharities #NGO #NPO #Resettlement #FemaleHeaded #Household #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #Politics #Ideology #Tribalism #Nationalism #Populism #Egalitarianism #Fascism #Baizou #Baizuo #WhiteLeft #Atheism #Marxism #Socialism #Modernism #Internationalism #Communism #Feminism #Humanism #Conservatism #Progressivism #Globohomo #Globalism #Paganism #Technocracy #Freemasonry #RabbinicalJudaism #Satanism #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreLibido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control
Libido Dominandi, written by Dr. E. Michael Jones, shows how sexual liberation is a top-down scheme of political control. What you think of as “free love” or “natural biological urges” is really an extensive plan by the elites to keep you obsessed and occupied with sex. In essence, our modern society is constructed in a way to maximize your lust so that you are too weak and distracted to fight a corrupt ruling class that is stealing your birthright and nation.
The purpose of our sex-obsessed culture is to control you. From sexy fashions to pornography, all are meant to keep you in a permanent state of genital obsession. As you may have noticed, it’s working. Both men and women have sex burned onto their minds and shape their lives to fulfill its obtainment.
The state promotes never-ending change so that you never feel like you’re on firm ground. Your ship is tossed in stormy waters and you can only hold on as the elites thrust one more fad, trend, or crisis at you, which has the cumulative effect of disconnecting you from your land and people. You take on the spirit of a rootless traveler, or you become that in the literal sense. You have no place to call home, especially not the urban containment zones where you live to extract pleasure. You have no roots to cherish. Here’s a new shiny toy or body for you to get temporary meaning from, and when you bore of that toy, you seek out another toy, yet that only kills the time, and you lose yourself totally.
Full review can be found here: www.rooshv.com/sexual-liberation-is-a-form-of-political-control
#2020 #RooshV #Review #LibidoDominandi #EMichaelJones #FidelityPress #Books #Faith #Christianity #RomanCatholicChurch #Laity #Clergy #Sex #Reproduction #Procreation #PsychologicalWarfare #SpiritualWarfare #CultureWars #Abortion #Infanticide #Murder #Pornography #PopulationControl #Promiscuity #Predditors #Grooming #Homosexuality #SamesexAttracted #Sodomites #Noncery #Pedophiles #Pederasty #Pedophocracy #GenderDysphoria #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read More