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@redpillschool @Antelope @FAWK As things really get going I want all of you to see these events from the perspective of someone who #BiteTheFace. There will be videos of people getting cowed into corners as police beat them so that others can take their property, starve them, remove the their sons' genitals, etc. Ask yourself how each of these events would differ if the people confronting the system and it's programmed agents (small and large) reveled in the savagery of #BiteTheFace, versus those who were still trying to manage appearances as the reality show of life. One says "How should I approach best in order to have the angle to best bite this guy's face off?" while the other merely says "How can I look cool resisting while trying to win my oppressors over with my profound elegance?". These are vastly different approaches to the problem.
It's not so much about biting the other guy's face off, or into it, but rather learning to genuinely enjoy the prospect of it. The ironic part is that after you've completed your transformation into someone who can enjoy biting someone's face off that the opportunities to do so shrink at a faster rate than your desire to do so. This is known as the teeth to face paradox.
The problem is that Westerners have so thoroughly lost the ability to #BiteTheFace that they simply can't imagine what it looks like. It's not a guy roid raging swinging at the universe. It's more of the half-way meeting point of a man raised by wolves and a Russian resting face.
The problem is that we've collectively had the ability to be genuinely pissed off beaten out of us starting with our tyrannical mothers forcing us to say cheese for contrived photos that were clearly not fun or enjoyable. That was training for us to all grow up to be weak bitches who would stoically suffer while flashing the correct facial contortion on demand in order to reduce social pressure. Bitch little kids grew up to be a weak faggot adults who were not allowed to express their rage at terrible things. This manifests malignantly in the form of white knighting. They're rage is redirected towards socially acceptable outlets, rather than internally generated responses to aggravating stimuli.
The first stage is not to be a white knight for pussy points. The second stage is not to white knight with nothing expected in return. The third stage is a bit fuzzy, but the fourth stage is definitely #BiteTheFace. It says "Don't fuck with me or I'll go apeshit as all natural life forms do".
In martial arts there is a general rule that you shouldn't try to kick someone in the knee in a real fight unless you have the ability to kick them in the head in training. Likewise, you shouldn't try to punch someone unless you're willing and eager to #BiteTheFace. If you fully give in to understanding the depths of your savagery then you'll see just how nice that you're being to someone even as you punch them multiple times on the ground like Ralphie from #TheChristmasStory. Did you bite their face off? No? Then everything is still neat and controlled. They have food, and you have food, so no biggie.
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