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1mo ago The Hub
One woman she lived a moment of happiness when the man of her dreams sat next to her in one flight,
Eve explained that, unfortunately, the man of her dreams entered her flight while she was already in a relationship with someone else.
The video was accompanied by the caption: «Okay, universe, what are you trying to do;»
Its tricky with translation especially here
Other user wrote: «My dad always said: “Don't let your friend stop you from finding your husband.”»
Which might not diffrentiate between friend and bf. Showing interesting interpretation of her father words 'don't let the jealous land whales to prevent you to talk to a guy you want'.
Bit tricky as need auto translation
Read More@redpillschool @JamesSkepp had already posted the NY Post article about that here.
have some vcards!
And just to fuck with the FBI faggots a bit:
#based #RedPilled #Chad #Stacey #MGTOW #WAATGM #WNB #GetBackInTheCloset #simp #cuck #roastie #Carol #foid
@JamesSkepp I had listened to Joker's response to that on Better Bachelor during my commute home yesterday evening. I had intended to scope out that NY Post article and possibly share it here this morning.
Fucker beat me to it!
Anyway, yeah, that shit reveals the FBI to be a goddamn joke. I'm not exactly always "hip" to the latest "YOLO-lingo", but I can see several errors in their definitions, not the least of which is lumping everyone in the manosphere in with incels.
I also find it laughable that they're so worried about violence from Red Pillers, MGTOW, and incels when I can only recall 2 mass shooters, both of which were incels.
However, how many LGBTQOMGWTFBBQ shooters has there been? Hmm? Are the FBI going to start monitoring all the pro-faggot, pro-tranny platforms such as the incredibly disturbing /r/egg_irl?
Anyway, just in case the FBI is monitoring here:
#based #Chad #RedPill #MGTOW #WAATGM #WNB #Stacey #GetBackInTheCloset #DisbandTheFBI
Fucking around aside, when Trump wins back the office that was stolen from him, I hope he disbands these incompetent, corrupt, political hack bureaucrats.
Read MoreIt doesn't fit #waatgm requirements as there is no relevant section for this one. What would be relevant section name for this ad if any?
It doesn't fit WAATGM at all, as it doesn't meet rule 5:
Submissions must show a woman who is looking for commitment while also either complaining about jerks or promiscuity, needing her kids provided for, being entitled or unreasonable, or complaining that she "can't find a decent guy".
She's missing the second half, after the "while also". There is no element of complaining at all.
honestly, if a dude's into Asian chicks with butterface, I'd tell him to go for it, but protect himself because AWALT.
CC: @deeplydisturbed, @moorekom, @Kevin32, @lurkerhasarisen, @woodsmoke