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3w ago The Hub
Ah. Don't you love it when Western Imperialism turns in on itself and begins to consume itself?
At the very least in the Trump era, that chief Western Value of Hypocrisy is cast aside. I for one can at least appreciate an honest thug.
So the United Terrorist States of America, no longer able to save its crumbling empire by killing Muslims and Russians abroad decided to expand its imperialist ambitions to its nearest "allies". Canada, Mexico, Denmark and Panama.
Feeling impotent in front of the growing Eastern (Chinese) influence?
No longer able to squeeze value from an already subservient and permanently damaged Europe?
Looks like the Western Tumor metastasis?
I for one find this hilarious!
Read More1mo ago The Hub
I've always been saying this.
Bet the racists were aware and complicit.
The USA is a state sponsor of terrorism.
That's Western hypocrisy for you!!
1mo ago The Hub
To my fellow Christians, Merry Christmas. And I mean the real Christians. As for those of you who, in true American and Western fashion, pretend to celebrate the commercialized perversion of the Nativity—you already know what I think of you: Hypocrites.
What better way to illustrate my point than with this utterly tragic piece of news from Occupied Palestine? The city of Bethlehem, in the Occupied West Bank, has, for the second year in a row, canceled Christmas. Naturally, the birthplace of Christ cannot possibly celebrate while their Palestinian brethren in Gaza—the real Semites, the original Jews, the original Christians—are being butchered around the clock by God’s Chosen People. Yes, the same "Chosen People" who openly spit on Christians and call Mary a whore.
How very fitting. While you are busy shopping for junk produced through slave labor, a Genocide and Apartheid rage on in the birthplace of Christ.
The West is satanic.
#WesternValues corrupt everything.
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