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"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."
— "Socrates" character written by Dan Millman, "Way of the Peaceful Warrior"
#1980 #Quotes #Socrates #Character #DanMillman #Writer #WayofthePeacefulWarrior #Books #World #Philosophy #Selfhelp #Psychology
"...So wrap your tool, don't be a fool. Latex. Saves. Pay checks."
— Terrence Popp, *Source
#2024 #Quotes #TerrencePopp #Writer #Military #Army #Retired #Veteran #SNCO #Redonkulas #World #US #America #Dating #Relationships #Marriage #Divorce #Sex #Fornication
"'Wicked' portrays a woman discovering her own exceptional power and reveling in it. This is a terrible example to present to young women―not just because women have terrible judgment as mentioned above, but because power itself does not actually satisfy women. It will not make them happy. Any joy it brings is fleeting and empty. For women, when the power they acquire does not come bundled with a man, it leaves them horrendously bitter and angry. They were not designed to be able to handle it on their own. They are the “weaker vessel” after all"
― ArtGainz, *Source
#2024 #Quotes #Artgainz #Critique #Review #World #US #America #Massachusetts #Books #Wicked #TheLifeandTimesoftheWickedWitchoftheWest #GregoryMaguire #Writer #SSH #Lambda #Sodomites #Adaptation #Musical #Film #FemaleHeaded #Household #MentalIllness #MoralIllness
Read MoreThe Falsification of Science: Our Distorted Reality
This book relates the current, insidious plight facing the human race as a direct result of a grand deception that has been imposed upon it for tens of thousands of years if not longer. This has been perpetrated by the systematic, ongoing falsification of history in much the same way as perpetrated by the powers that be in the suspiciously prophetic novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, by George Orwell. We have all been deceived on a monumental scale by a tiny clique of people who by their own birthright and bloodlines absolutely believe that they have the divine right to rule over us by whatever method best suits their purposes. In order to achieve this they have lied, deceived, murdered and even committed genocide down the millennia in an attempt to bring their ultimate goal to fruition. Find out about the use of drugs, vaccinations, micro-chipping, mind control, trans-humanism and 24/7 distractions such as non-stop sports, entertainments and the invasive ‘celebrity culture’ that attempts to pervade our whole lives.
An interesting recommendation from @Chantfire
#2012 #TheFalsificationofScience #OurDistortedReality #FirstEdition #JohnHamer #Writer #World #Books #Kindle #eBooks #History #Nonfiction #Conspiracy #Theory #Research #Science #Technology #Politics #CultureWar #SpiritualWarfare #PsychologicalWarfare #EconomicWar #BiologicalWarfare #KineticWarfare #UnrestrictedWarfare
Read More“In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No. A man chooses. A slave obeys.”
— Kevin Levine, "Andrew Ryan" as performed by Armin Shimerman, "Bioshock" (2007)
#2007 #Quotes #KenLevine #Writer #Bioshock #Video #Games #AndrewRyan #Character
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
— G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"
#2016 #Quotes #GMichaelHopf #Writer #World #America #US #Books #ThoseWhoRemain
Harlan Ellison - Pay the Writer
A pivotal scene from Erik Nelson's definitive Ellison doc, "Dreams With Sharp Teeth."
#2013 #DreamsWithSharpTeeth #ErikNelson #Documentary #KilimanjaroCorp #CreativeDifferencesProd #HarlanEllison #Writer #Filmmaking #Business #Freelance
“In the end, what separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No. A man chooses. A slave obeys.”
— Kevin Levine, "Andrew Ryan" as performed by Armin Shimerman, "Bioshock" (2007)
#2007 #Quotes #KenLevine #Writer #ArminShimerman #Bioshock #Game #AndrewRyan #Character
I'll begin by saying that trannies are NOT the sex they say they are... they are the sex they're born as. Bruce Jenner may have changed his name to Caitlin, but Caitlin is a man. (If he's had "bottom surgery" then he's a eunuch, but a eunuch is a neutered male... not a woman.) Now that that's out of the way:
A lot of people object to M2F trannies participating in women's sports because men are, quite simply, far more athletic than women are on average. It almost seems silly to have to say that, but the number of people who think that women are even close to men is mind-boggling.
The average female world-record holders in virtually every sport are comparable to good amateur high school or even middle school boys. The best female soccer teams in the world wouldn't even make it to a state high school championship tournament in the US... a country wherein soccer is barely a secondary sport. Other sports are the same. The Williams sisters got mollywhopped - back to back - by a guy who was ranked so low that the only reason anyone knows his name is because he mollywhopped both Williams sisters... after playing 18 holes of golf... while he was chugging beers between sets. It's not an exaggeration to suggest that any of the male tennis pros at your closest country club could win the women's tournament at Wimbledon without breaking a sweat. I'm 60 years old, and my VO2Max (an overall measure of cardiovascular fitness), is about what a 20 year old woman would have... if she was a starter on a college varsity team.
Men and women are very different, but women demanded and received equality... and as far as I'm concerned they can take the bad with the good. I don't care if Little Suzie can't get a swimming scholarship because she lost to Big Dave McWebbedfeet (she/her). Suzie should have swum faster. If it's not "fair" to pass women over because the best athletes have inherent genetic advantages that no amount of training can overcome, why did I get passed over? Why is there no "Scrawny 5'7" Division" for basketball or football that gives equal scholarships? It's not like any amount of training I could have done would have made up for my being a hobbit by comparison to the guys who got full ride athletic scholarships, either.
In any case, feminism flies in the face of the God-given order of things, with disastrous consequences. They pretend (and demand that we pretend) that men and women are interchangeable when equality benefits women, and then demand special treatment when equality favors men. TradCons (including a lot of Roman Catholics) object to M2F trannies gaining access to women's spaces and privileges. I say, "Tough cookies." Women have access to all spaces and privileges that used to belong to men, so if all it takes is a few dudes playing dress-up to make women disavow feminism... let's just say that I'm not going to lift a finger or whisper a word about it.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
— G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"
...and the cycle goes on.
#2016 #Quotes #GMichaelHopf #Writer #World #America #US
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