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A) Amouranth is a millionaire. Google her.
B) there are others.
C) most of them, just like strippers, make a shit-ton of money, but waste it all because they think it'll never end.
Again, you're doing apex fallacy. Yes, the top of the top is men. But the women are exploiting the customers as well.
#YesAllWomen in porn, even the ones who end up not making minimum wage.
@destraht look on the bright side:
This just proves, once and for all, that men are better than women at everything, including being women.
@goodmansaysfuckyou you know what?
EVERY day shall be International Eat My Ass Day, henceforth.
#YesAllWomen #YesAllDays #PoundMeToo #ListenAndBelieve #ShutUpAndEatMyAss
It's that season for pumpkin spice, leggings, and any other trends that women follow blindly. #yesallwomen