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3h ago The Hub
Listened to Nuclear Caudillo podcats about casual relationships. Onne of the Rule 0.
At some point he states somethngi like: woman controls the sex and the relationship, if you want to keep easy sex, you are not there to judge etc but to be hot.
Makes me think that this is the way how men might talk about a woman, say 5k years ago.
You gotta internalize the abundance concept.You can intellectually grasp it and understand it, but you're living it now. That guilt is getting in the way of you enjoying emotionally the abundance many men desire.
3h ago The Hub
@LeonBarosanul your example isn't the gaslighting as you relate to something that happened outside of her perception.
You'd have to say: you did that last time.
it's to make her doubt her own sanity.
Although it sounds harsh and the gaslighting doesn't have to be super malicious, I agree with Typo herw
Altho I do not agree with that:
isn't to cover your tracks or gain anything materially;
It can serve any purpose intended by the gaslighter. This tactic is heavily correlated with the narcisists.
4h ago The Hub
@LeonBarosanul liver is tasty as fuck, downside is I know how to prep it only with plenty of oil. Sure it can be drained.
Another downside it splashes the oil around all the time.
But jezz... the taste.
Women like men who fuck. Neither of them is your girlfriend. If she likes you she'll get over it because you're the guy other women want to fuck
It’s often joked that women leave when a man falls on hard times, but it actually reveals a deep truth about the nature of women and love.
Men love idealistically, while women’s attraction is deeply tied to opportunity. For them, it isn’t just a factor in her emotions; it creates them. Her love isn’t what you are, it’s what you represent.
Which begs the question, what do you believe a man should represent?