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Probably me since he seems to like copy pasta, but its all good. My money is on that Shrek looking fucker @typo-magashiv
@Zavss perhaps, if their dad looked like a blend of Shrek when he was a human and Wreck-It Ralph.
@Jocbro do you take a glucosamine supplement? And does it have decent bioavailability?
I was Infantry while I was enlisted, and my knees have taken severe beatings pre-, during, and post-Army, and I'm built like a cross between Wreck-It Ralph and Shrek in human form, but my knees rarely give me any trouble.
I'm more agile than guys half my age AND half my size, and it's due mostly to glucosamine (and yoga).
@DrClit that dude in the video was absolutely insufferable. Didn't finish.
I’m saying wining the fight before it even starts bro.
with (now listen carefully) MAJORITY of people
I haven't had to actually fight (Iraq doesn't count) since I was about 12 or 13. I attribute this to several reasons:
I stay away from places where trouble is likely to start.
I'm built like a cross between an ogre and a gorilla. I look kind of like a cross between Wreck-It Ralph and Shrek in his human form. Even at my "lowly" 5'11", people can look at me and tell I'm not to be trifled with. You know who Kurt Angle is? He's even shorter, like 5'9" or 5'10", and MUCH scarier.
- I can talk my way out of and/or intimidate my way out of most situations.
people judge HEAVILY on appearance
Get muscles (and DON'T fucking skip leg day, lazy-ass!), and appear confident (not cocky).
Height is nothing compared to those attributes. I promise you the 1 inch I have on you isn't magical, and that the other attributes make the differences in our experiences.
Read MoreI've been told by chads that I'll never make progress in the gym because of my weak genetics.
I don't think such a conversation ever took place.
1) gym culture is one of encouragement.
2) everyone can make progress, especially when realistic about their goals.
To expand on #2:
Yes, your genetics limit what you might be able to achieve. For example, someone who is a straight-up ectomorph won't be able to get as large and strong as me, a meso-endomorph. However, he'll be able to get shredded and have a visible 6-pack much easier.
Figure out your body type, embrace it, and train accordingly. I embrace looking like a cross between Shrek in human form and Wreck-It Ralph, and it has served me well.
Are you going to convert to her religion? Do you think that she and her family will believe that your conversion (that just so happens to correspond with meeting her) is real? A religion isn't a team jersey you pick because you like the colors: you choose a religion because you accept the truth claims of that religion - not because some girl with a pretty face goes to a particular church.
I said something similar, but fucker beat me to it!
As a side note: the "-max" lingo comes from the black-pill / incel subculture. I understand what you mean by it, but it marks you as a guy who's long on theory and short on experience. You seem to think that getting a woman who matches the items on a checklist is the natural outcome of you matching the items on a checklist. It rarely works out like that in the real world.
Strongly second this, @OffWorldEterna.
I'll use myself as an example, discussing "looksmax" and "gymmax".
A lot of dudes think that you need to have a 6-pack, or it's over! and you'll die a virgin.
You just need not to be soft, and have a V-shaped torso. I look like a cross between Shrek in human form and Wreck It Ralph. I did really well when I was single, and I still get a shit-ton of IOIs from women ranging from teenagers up through post-menopausal.
The few times I had a 6-pack, I did not see any results that made the effort of getting and maintaining it worth it.
I say it all the time, but I'd rather drink a 6-pack than have a 6-pack.
You need balance in your life, as well. A lot of dudes who are so into their 6-packs are 1-dimensional and hollow.
Drink a 6-pack with the woman and cut loose and have fun. As long as you're still muscular, you'll be miles ahead of shredded bozo with no sociability.
Read More@fumbor dude, I have a beer gut, and I still receive IOIs from women of all ages, because for all that I'm not shredded, I'm strong as a bull and look it. I look like a cross between Shrek in human form and Wreck-It Ralph.
I say this shit all the time, but too many keyboard-touchers act as though if a man isn't huge, jacked, and shredded with a 6-pack, then he has no chance.
It's bullshit.
All you really need is to look hard instead of soft, and have a V-shaped torso. That's it.
Yes, the better shape you're in, the better your odds.
But the minimum is so much less than most men realize. Just don't be a soft wuss.
@fumbor cardiovascular health is more important than mass/bulk.
Enjoyment and fun are more important than being big.
You already have a lot of interest from women with your lean look. Why go bigger?
I'm telling you this as a naturally larger dude (I look like a cross between Shrek when he was in human form and Wreck It Ralph) who hates basketball: stick with basketball.
You can't go through life being all work and no play.