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@redpillschool That is great. So seriously how the fuck do you post that without giving a little #BiteTheFace shout out? Of course it's easier to #BiteTheFace when you have a gun to back up, even if you don't show it, and that is good. However, you effectively did the same thing because he never knew that you had one. I'd argue that being willing to bite the guys face off shows your intent more than some vague implication that you might have a gun. So #BiteTheFace ? Right?
You're right about these compliance tests. I actually started seeing it as a form of black magic. Cult members (of Christian, Yoga weird shit and any religious variety really) use it a lot by walking up to people and gently touching their arm. They'll do that hundreds or thousands of times until they've gotten their mark. Then they all start living together, etc.
I found it to be particularly difficult to maintain my personal space necessary for basic safety in Nicaragua because everyone is invading it, even normal people. So you have to do things like walk in the road instead of the sidewalk. The better of the mugger or assaulting types will do things like walking straight at you without looking at you. This throws a lot of people off. I got struck by this maneuver one time but I managed to roll with a solid punch that prevented it from doing damage.
I think that it's best to internalize the psycho vibe all of the time so that when these people see you then just nope right out. I haven't seem to have had any problems with people seeing my vibing bad, and then when I spot them I'll switch to a more relaxed friendly mode. It's easier in Eastern Europe because a lot of people walk around sort of angry looking without putting on that fake happy face. It used to seem fucked up to me to see people switching upon meeting like that, but I got used to it after five years or so. I find the subtleties affords more powerful than the American demeanor. I've also found that Americans can't really imagine it because they have something like a roid raging guy in their mind. Rather though it's more of a look like the great champion Fedor of MMA.
Since you've internalized the Red Pill you don't need to tell yourself gay stories about someone else's intentions as Progressives do. I have a story for that about a French guy in Manizales, Colombia. He was walking around one late evening when two guys started diagonally approaching them. They then assaulted him, and mugged him. Fortunately for him some police nearby saw some part of it and arrested them. Later when we met I was asking him if he saw these guys walking towards him at the sharp angle. He answered "yes". I then asked him why he didn't start walking away from them. He answered to the effect (no joke) that the world should be beautiful and that we shouldn't have to worry about people being this way. The point is that these liberal Matrix normies would rather be mugged, or even die (as long as they didn't have to suffer long) than to invalidate their world view with real world experience. They'll tell themselves a story to sooth it away as they metaphysically put their head between their ankles.
#BiteTheFace really works. I've been out there a hell of a lot, and drinking and being in not safe places. I've taken my knocks and changed myself from the clueless utterly inexperienced white California suburb kid into someone who is worldly that can see things coming, and someone who looks like someone you don't want to fuck with.
I've never been against guns, but the problem is the fetishizing of it (as you sort of did). You turned a non-gun related situation into something that is about guns when all that you really did was #BiteTheFace. If you really start needing guns then it's effectively too late for you. The reason is that you only get a frag count of 1 before it's game over. So do you want to actually live like that? Bro, it's chill over where I am, even with a war going on nearby.
Read More@redpillschool @Antelope @FAWK As things really get going I want all of you to see these events from the perspective of someone who #BiteTheFace. There will be videos of people getting cowed into corners as police beat them so that others can take their property, starve them, remove the their sons' genitals, etc. Ask yourself how each of these events would differ if the people confronting the system and it's programmed agents (small and large) reveled in the savagery of #BiteTheFace, versus those who were still trying to manage appearances as the reality show of life. One says "How should I approach best in order to have the angle to best bite this guy's face off?" while the other merely says "How can I look cool resisting while trying to win my oppressors over with my profound elegance?". These are vastly different approaches to the problem.
It's not so much about biting the other guy's face off, or into it, but rather learning to genuinely enjoy the prospect of it. The ironic part is that after you've completed your transformation into someone who can enjoy biting someone's face off that the opportunities to do so shrink at a faster rate than your desire to do so. This is known as the teeth to face paradox.
The problem is that Westerners have so thoroughly lost the ability to #BiteTheFace that they simply can't imagine what it looks like. It's not a guy roid raging swinging at the universe. It's more of the half-way meeting point of a man raised by wolves and a Russian resting face.
The problem is that we've collectively had the ability to be genuinely pissed off beaten out of us starting with our tyrannical mothers forcing us to say cheese for contrived photos that were clearly not fun or enjoyable. That was training for us to all grow up to be weak bitches who would stoically suffer while flashing the correct facial contortion on demand in order to reduce social pressure. Bitch little kids grew up to be a weak faggot adults who were not allowed to express their rage at terrible things. This manifests malignantly in the form of white knighting. They're rage is redirected towards socially acceptable outlets, rather than internally generated responses to aggravating stimuli.
The first stage is not to be a white knight for pussy points. The second stage is not to white knight with nothing expected in return. The third stage is a bit fuzzy, but the fourth stage is definitely #BiteTheFace. It says "Don't fuck with me or I'll go apeshit as all natural life forms do".
In martial arts there is a general rule that you shouldn't try to kick someone in the knee in a real fight unless you have the ability to kick them in the head in training. Likewise, you shouldn't try to punch someone unless you're willing and eager to #BiteTheFace. If you fully give in to understanding the depths of your savagery then you'll see just how nice that you're being to someone even as you punch them multiple times on the ground like Ralphie from #TheChristmasStory. Did you bite their face off? No? Then everything is still neat and controlled. They have food, and you have food, so no biggie.
Read More@TiberiusBravo87 I've repeatedly found that thinking about static liability in aggressive situations is the antithesis of having an advanced intuition. The fact that you conflate these together demonstrates that you don't understand the essence of #BiteTheFace. #BiteTheFace is about being able to channel violent insanity in a way that transforms you so that others can readily notice this.
Explain to me how is fantasizing that you're biting the other guys' face is at all compatible with limiting your liability by staging good camera angles for yourself? It seems to me it is two wildly different thought processes.
I'll admit that #BiteTheFace might have some flaws, and is not always the thing to do in every situation. I think that it's a universally valuable skill and internalization to have, but it's also a much better when applied to faggoty tamed cultures where the threat of violent death no longer caries any weight. When men no longer fear men either due to; weakness or ignorance of the nature of violence, then something a bit more raw and carnal is needed. Until something better comes along such as perhaps #SuckTheEyeballs then #BiteTheFace is as good as it gets.
Read More@TiberiusBravo87 I don't have a problem with you having a different strategy for dealing with shit, but it's just wrong for you to conflate your strategy with mine, or to say that you've said what I've said already after I said it. From my perspective out here, my strategy has been refined while living in numerous collapsed frontiers (in an economic sense), while yours has been from living in a legalistic prison-state.
I still think that my strategy would ultimately get you into a lot less undesirable fights though where you are now. The problem is that in your environment it's very difficult to practice #BiteTheFace. It would be like you trying to pull a Taekwondo roundhouse to the head in a real fight after training for a few weeks. It would just be silly. There is just too much fake shit that one needs to engage in there.
Perhaps American prison would be the only place to #BiteTheFace. For example, being ready to go apeshit savage at a moments notice on someone with no regard for the years of extra time that you might get. That is as very #BiteTheFace as it gets. However, that comes with a whole lot of extra bullshit that it's not even close to worth it.
I've been in undeveloped places where I was going to #BiteTheFace, and then dig deep into my wallet afterwards to bribe someone to make it go away. Ahh, so the difference is that I had violence and power, even if ultimately it was very inconvenient for me. I had a way out, or at least there was very plausible that I did.
So basically what you're saying is that you don't have any plausible power to avoid negative ramifications, and people don't believe your capacity and willingness to inflict horrific damage upon them. So sorry to say it, but basically you're a nobody. It might be considered normal, but it's how it is when you aren't respected or feared.
Read More@slutmagazine I've been through this with him. I think that the form of autism that @TiberiusBravo87 has is curable by not acting like a sperg all of the time. For example I was teaching him about #BiteTheFace to show a bit more emotional teeth up front to make some space for himself, but he just doubled down that rather it's better to be lost in your head looking like a weirdo while you calculate camera angles so that you can beat someone up without liability. Basically he is fixated on the inevitable and then trapping his aggressors into a disadvantageous position.
That is completely different than #BiteTheFace where you instead front load the fighting by being able to transform yourself into a beast that wants to bie someone's face off and to taste their flesh. At first it's over-accentuated and comical (which is why I recommend practicing with street dogs), and then it becomes something like that movie trope where the demon or beast flashes his eyes at someone, or a clunky martial arts move that later becomes almost unrecognizably subtle when performed by a master.
Also just because you know how to flash the crazy eyes for #BiteTheFace doesn't mean that you have to always do it. It's just another tool. For myself I usually overcompensate being nice and confused trying to understand why someone is pissed off because I know how easy it is for me to go into crazy mode. Perhaps this sudden shift is part of the reason that people back the fuck off when I finally #BiteTheFace. By being nice when they're kind of being a dick, and then suddenly at my choosing transforming myself into a savage is demonstrating that I have control over the power of intention.
So my intention was to try to understand them, and then that changes to another intention that they are not going to want anything to do with. By standing there lost in yourself (as @TiberiusBravo87 does) never expressing emotions while a trap is being calculated for someone, it guarantees that the bullies who only respect strength are going to fall into it every time. That means all of these justified fights, which also touches on this faggot-ass need to be morally clean on such an ambiguous carnal matter which doesn't have anything to do with morality.
I have different strategies for different people in different situations. Autistic people just shoehorn a one-size-fits-all for everything. So I tried explaining this other strategy and nope, nope, nope. Austism is basically just the pattern of forever using the same patterns. How boring, and so very punchable.
Read More@Desaint So you were tense or something?
I think that it works because in more primitive or hard situations that men aren't able to bully other men to extreme just because they have 20 pounds of muscle on them. The weaker dude could easily kill the stronger dude with one slick move, and it's just not worth it. Big dudes can crack their head open on concrete after being tagged in the jar, etc. However, without weapons, teeth or any social ability to be violent then in modern society the bigger dude has a huge advantage because he can just mass his way through people and they're going to tip over. Socially what could you do to a larger dude if society says that you can't punch them, or do anything violent?
You need to be internally ready to snap, and to just go all psycho freaky shit on people. A wise black man once said: "Nobody wants to a fight a crazier nigger". So if you're white then you should be trying to be studying black drug dealers and pimps for their secret scary ways, and if you're black then you should be smiling like Obama as you ride that social programming to the top. At the end of the day everyone will know that you're black anyways, so you always have that to fall back on.
So then (as a white guy) after you have learned how to be ready to go apeshit, then you no longer need to be ready anymore. Then you just need to be willing to. Then these weirdo freaks who are face mugging people all day will pick up on it, and they'll somehow just subconsciously fuck off. If that doesn't work then you can pretend to be a masculine top gay until until they're intimidated by your sexual presence.
If someone is a prick then I'll be as gay as I have to be, or as crazy nigger as I have to be in order to put them back into their space. That isn't something that I did more than a few times out there, but it's an example of how you can dominate an aggressive guy into fucking off through the power of total psychological warfare.
Just as it's said that you shouldn't be trying to change the system until you can #BiteTheFace, you also shouldn't be trying to #BiteTheFace until you can fake gay someone. At the very least you should be capable of both, and any other wild shit that comes to mind.
You can be as crazy as your social and economic standing allows you to be. It can be dangerous to #BiteTheFace on Friday, only to have to tuck your dick back up behind your ass so that you can become that Monday morning meeting corpo pussy again. The psychological transformation that I'm teaching just isn't compatible with "having a job".
Read More#LickTheShaft - a new movement (done in-character as @destraht)
What is #LickTheShaft? its the logical progression of #BiteTheFace, of course.
If your crazy enough to get a mouthful of man veea #BiteTheFace, than your ready to move forward. Why stop at face, when their is a more sensitive place? And too make them believe your truly crazy, you put you're mouth on they're pecker and give it a good slurping. Raaarrrr.
This next paragraph will be a bunch of obfuscating sesquipedelian locquaciousness to try two appear smart and hide my biggest insecurity which is being scene thru, and everyone realizing I'm actually a tard. Wall of text, wall of text, blather, obfuscation, #LickTheShaft, I run away from my problems which is why I've lived in so many different countries. Hurr dee durr amurrca bad becuz it produced me and I have deep self-loathing. It's about the only thing deep about me.
In conclusion, next time some AMOG tries to AMOG you, just skip the foreplay of #BiteTheFace, drop to you're knees, rip his pants down, and #LickTheShaft. You might even be able to make youre hair stick up like Cameroon Deesus in "Something About Married".
Read More@TiberiusBravo87 Well the problem of labeling and identifying yourself as autistic or black, or whatever is often mistaking their vitriol as against that, rather than them just being a douchey person, or them wanting to reduce competition. I've found that nice people are generally nice, and that dickhead people are generally dickheads. The dickheads will dress up their behavior in all sorts of manners, but if you peel back the storytime then that is just how they are. As far as competition goes, I've had countless men despise me simply because there was very little wrong with me, and a whole lot was right. Women can also be cunts to rationalize why you haven't made an attempt for them. There are countless flattering and unflattering reasons why a new stranger would dislike you. If you're too lazy or unaware then you'll just assign it to the wrong reason. Blacks are legendary in their ability to cuz I'm black there way through any situation.
As far as controlling the violence goes, I used to be challenged much more when I was younger and dramatically stronger than I am now. The main difference happened around the time that learned to #BiteTheFace, and to stop challenging men, and to stop accepting meaningless challenges. I only do things which benefit or please me now. If it doesn't benefit me or please me to kick a guys ass then I won't go in that direction. For example, right now if I had a woman, was having fun and a guy with nothing to offer challenged me to Mak'gora then I'm simply going to point out with my expressions that he isn't sufficiently titled or blooded to be on a level to challenge me. It's a very different mindset that I had a 25 years old.
Also importantly is that once that I've made a determination of not wanting to fight a man that I'm forced to then I'm fully ready to use teeth and fingernails to maul them. I've allowed that insane rage to become readily apparent. It helps that I've not had to lock myself inside of a repressive corporate environment that would suppress my necessary insanity for their own gain.
I think that it gets back to that if men aren't afraid of how fast that you could snap, and the things that you would do to them, then the worst of them will not respect you. Tough guys aren't afraid of a guy who knows kung-fu and some ju-jutsi, but they are so of a guy who will bite their cheek off. In many scenes guys aren't afraid that you'll knife them to death even. Plus you need to have a knife on you, and you need to pull the knife out. That will always make you look very guilty. In a faggoty world, one thing that you will always have on you is your teeth, and a person who is so deranged as to use them in simply not worth messing with. As a wise black man once said, "Nobody wants to fight a crazier nigger".
You need to work on your frame , #BiteTheFace and to start looking deeper for the meaning behind nasty asshole's behavior rather than your quack-assigned affliction.
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@TiberiusBravo87 The problem is that you are saying that people are not recognizing legal reasons for not engaging in violence against you. #BiteTheFace addresses that by letting them know that they're dealing with someone nasty. If you're worried about liability then them saying that you had a weird look in your eye and so they attacked you just isn't going to fly in a court. I think that you should be able to toggle your insane face and innocent stoic face more easily.
The problem that I have with America is that as things go to shit it will just become "Latin America without the charm". I'm not even talking about races, but just nasty shit going on without the lawless freedom. Kind of worst of both.
When things are destabilizing you need to be able to get your bitey face on, rather than being a self-proclaimed autist who thinks that the solution for people being hostile towards you is more patient stoicism. If you're dealing with an animal then you have to be a nastier animal.
I think that at the end of the day you're more afraid of what you would become were you to transform yourself internally like a werewolf than you are of the person, or even going to prison, or anything else. As someone who feels differently you've had to put in a lot of time to fit-in, and now I'm telling you to fit-out in a specific way in order to harness psychotic energy like a scalpel.
These guys think that they're just seeing a soft bitch that they can get over on (due to your behavior), and then they find out the hard way that it's not so, causing the cycle to continue. I'm saying this as someone who has a good handle on Western pussies in comparison to other people in the world, and with my huge experience dealing with autistic people in my computer science program.
So there you are being pissed off that this person is vibing badly on you to the point that you go out of your way to set them up on camera so that you can beat the shit out of them. That is a fair strategy, but is there anything else in your bag of tricks? I can guarantee you that you look like a weak weirdo fuck when you're getting lost in your head strategizing like that. Why not just direct that fury at the guy in a way that is not legally assault?
You had to beat people's asses to develop a reputation. That is fine for the good ol' boy network of a smaller area, but what about out there in the wilder world. You have to get ahead of the situation when you're brushing up against strangers. Your convoluted strategy would be as gay as trying to do judo against five guys.
So if you're not capable of anything else due to your disability then I suppose you should just fully own that you can't do any better and that your best strategy simply makes people hate you to the point of violence. You sort of go there, but stop at acknowledging that there are better things that you could be doing were you not disabled.
However, I think that a slightly austic person would be scary as fuck if they just went full #BiteTheFace (to the complete dismay of their high school counselor). All of that anger for shit not working out would be way more fuel than I have to add to it.
Read More@slutmagazine Pretty close it seems. @TiberiusBravo87 might be having some violent experiences in Missouri though with some even more retarded people. I've been telling him to #BiteTheFace instead of of withdrawing into himself to get along. Basically #BiteTheFace is about imagining biting the other person's face off, tasting the blood and just becoming a beast. The exercises are designed to cure being stuck inside of yourself as a faggot-ass Westerner to allow the fury that you have towards someone to be apparent. It's much more effective against slope-headed simpletons than staying inside of yourself only. The idea is to overdo it at first, and then just like anything else to clean it up so that only the necessary aspects are there.
I learned this from studying wild and semi-wild dogs in developing countries. I learned how to make aggressive ones run away with just a savage facial expression, and also how to tame them.
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