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A friend of mine was just punched last night while sitting with a chick outside of her apartment. I told him to take control of the situation but he wanted to "just hang out". He is recovering from a small surgery so wasn't super great though. So a dude punched him but he wasn't in a position to fight back because that would have been a bad idea for him. She was literally sitting downstairs of her commie block apartment with a boyfriend upstairs presumably waiting for her.
Chicks are super scandalous here about using dudes for making their boyfriends mad to lock them down in committing harder. It works though because the guys were aparently beat down too much from communism to be able to put it all together.
It gets better because this chick sent naked pics to him but instead of going for the kill he puppy dogged it. The only plausible out is his recovery, but it's just puss behavior. If he would have taken control of the situation, refused to go exactly where she wanted him to go for her own reasons, then he would have avoided that situation (of being punched) and he would have had much more chance of success.
In Eastern Europe in a nearby area I once had a chick message me out of the blue at 9pm to ask me out while I was lying in bed in underwear. By the time that I had put on my pants she told me that her boyfriend wouldn't like it if she met me. Apparently soon after her boyfriend got tired of her antics and broke up with her. She let me know and then I fucked her that night. Right after I came she started crying because I guess that she was young and sex (of any sort) reminded her of her ex-boyfriend.
I don't have a strong point to make other than the fact that if you are going to show up for the quick lay with a new chick then be ready for her to be using you for some other purpose than sex and money. Dudes don't have a problem being used for sex, so they focus on not being scammed for money, but there is a whole other aspect to shit that chicks can pull. That is even without it being a premeditated lawsuit type situation because they don't even have that over here.
Also if you are outside with a new chick be ready for a guy to try to bop you on the head. If I'm walking by myself not lusting for women, not glaring at dudes, watching for bad dudes, etc then I can be almost universally safe, but if a new woman is in the picture then you just have to be more alert. I think that I've developed a sixth sense for it by backpacking over four continents and getting action. I get bored with the sophisticated good life so I try to mix it up with poets, philosophers, revolutionaries, tattooed women, smoking women, etc. So you just have to know how not to get bopped on the head by a dude.
About my friend who was punched last night. He likes to tell himself stories and so when an angry guy was coming at him he told himself a cute little story so that he would feel better about the hostility that he was facing. If he was prepared the guy very likely wouldn't have struck him. I wouldn't have been struck. In such a situation being like the dog is the best way to be. You can't approach a dog aggressively while saying "I love you sweet doggy" and expect it to respond according to your words. So stop thinking and feel. That is why I say #BiteTheFace
Read More@slutmagazine That chastising reddit post was completely mirroring how I know my father to be. I also know that the TV, New York Times Android app, etc all just tell him to be this exact way. It's internalized. So even other issues aside, you're not going to have a programmed person like that believing that someone, their child or otherwise, is causing their continued suffering through selfishness without that boiling out in useless impotent insanity. I'm not talking about #BiteTheFace useful controlled insanity, but just a slow simmering rage. They are fully captured people. I think that the Plato's Cave is the perfect analogy here because they truly hate the normal people who are just doing the old inane beep-bopping around town.
@TiberiusBravo87 The anger is continually building. The problem is that it's too chaotic to know when it will erupt naturally, but it's fairly easy for the clandestine groups to trigger the psychic energy well into a directed attack. I mean that it's best to be angry on your own terms than a manipulator's terms, but unfortunately the same people that were slowly led to this situation have been accustomed to following.
Part of my #BiteTheFace movement is to acclimate people to the idea of doing horrific savage things. Without even going into the savagery of actually war, how are people going to learn to strategically focus their anger if they can't even internalize the taste of blood after biting the fuck out of someone's face? For us softies born in normal peaceful times, if you can accept that biting someone's face could be an acceptable course of action for a certain level of nastiness then you'll be halfway there towards using your anger for your own benefit.
Read More@slutmagazine My girlfriend is black, and everything is just fine for her. As you might know already I'm not PC in any form, so I tell my girlfriend how it is. I've told her that if she were to be hard and thuggish, poor manners and low class then the locals would simply say "Fuck these niggers coming here. I knew that they were bad". However, if you act like a normal person in the huge range of normalcy, let's call it "white" if you must, then everything is cool.
The Soviets had aims on greater expansion and so they created some sort of superior universal Soviet man ideology that wasn't tied to race. Mostly people are just in awe of her since she is beautiful, exotic and the only black person in the district. I think that it is comforting and amusing to them that us foreigners have come to live here since it signals the beginning of a new era. The last era was less than ideal.
Ideally well behaving black people have it made in most of the world now, except maybe very racist places such as China or parts of the Middle East. There is so much anti-racism ideology out in the world now that people, even more isolated people like here are just tripping on themselves to be the nice person who isn't racist, and is in fact kind to the little black people. Of course there is a compartmentalization of thought in regards to black people, which they fill with over-compensation towards kindness or even deference. At the worst it is simply amusing to people that there is someone different here. Racism is a joke that I'm not bothered by. My little niglet kids are not going to be bothered by such silly things.
Before the changeover to TRP.red I had written about the anti-PC bubble that black men generate around them according to their power level. Times change, so you'll have to check out the recent developments for yourself. How it used to work just some years ago though was that if you were a white man and not married, and had a black friend or two in your group then you could continue living fairly free like in the previous decades of America, but with all of the technological goodies of today.
How it works is that the liberal PC programming is not capable of interrupting a laughing, or even just slightly amused black man. So if you were to go enter into a arrangement with your black friend where it was implicitly understood that you were providing him with a legitimizing business cover and he was providing you with the freedom of expression that he himself enjoys. Of course things have become more complicated now that it's been declared that he isn't black. That is the reason that I'm telling you to do your research before utilizing my somewhat outdated strategy. This isn't 2015. The Red Pill is continually evolving.
I've long been aware that you could be free in America as long as you were not married or bound to a woman. That was the transition from freedom to not free, but men didn't notice the enslavement because it came subtly attached to their woman after the system had purposefully exploded your life and then picked through it like a supreme vulture middleman. So that era was about not being married. I was fully aware of the enslavement strategy, so I avoided it with ease. However, I didn't have nearly as nuanced of a perspective on it until I became involved in r/TheRedPill.
The problem with TheRedPill is that they did not evolve their strategy for reducing the threat of enslavement once the MGTOW scene began gaining popularity. You see, it was fine for a small number of high value men to continue being free, but once the masses started avoiding the enslavement (via women) then the net had to cast wider. That simply as it turns out is that everyone is now a piece of shit slave regardless. Wow, so that transitioned pretty fast.
There is a reason that I was the first in this community to notice the exact mechanism for our new enslavement (of medical tyranny). I had been avoiding the American enslavement as it was, while popping in and out of three other continents. I was looking around during the entire end of that era. I knew that my life was too good, and too easy, and that the paradigm was ending, and that this end would be a greater more comprehensive enslavement.
So my ideology, viewpoint and working model yielded some great results. At that point I was already very confident in myself due to some private feats of magic. I had already became truly impressed with myself. You asked before about the progression of my confidence level, well it also largely just has to do with knowing and proving that I could seemingly know the unknowable and in such a profound way that it was not even conceivable to 99.9% of others. That was the culmination of my eleven or so years of wild traveling out of a backpack. I put in the work and mastered that time period. This is the I feel successful.
In closing, check out GLO at the beginning of the virus subject. He was the very first person to have written an edited blog post about what we were all going to be experiencing. He was also heavily assaulted by of course all outside normies as well as established ECs (endorsed contributors). He credited his knowledge of this impending crisis to me not shutting up about it here. When I need to I'll raise the alarm and I'll bang the shit out of it at all costs and to be the crazy clown fucker. That sort of moderation and balance is for women and visionless pussies. I'm not balanced. I descend into the chaos of insanity and grow stronger every time. I'll never be suitable for normy fucks, and I'm ok with that. I write for the people with a strong mind who can carry the torch places that I cannot. This is why I say for no reason whatsoever boopity beep bop, #BiteTheFace and fuck you.
Read More@Zavss #BiteTheFace is one of more inspirational movements of this decade.