The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
As gay as this graphic is (and if you take out the Queen/heart picture element) this what all the experienced guys' on here keep trying to tell you newer less experienced guys
Be the guy on the right. Too many of you are not only the guy on the left, you are not even succeeding at fully becoming the guy on the left.
Try to be the guy on the right for your goals right NOW
2w ago TheRedPill
Do not hate women. But if you do hate them, it is probably not enough. But don't hate women.
A long-overdue post: negative self-talk: a bad habit which must be eliminated.
The problem with you guys is you don't have social skill, because you don't really have friends (at least friends who aren't loners or struggling with the same problem).
Do you know who doesn't have problems talking to chicks? Guys who can hold basic conversations with men and women.
Guys in your boat think there's some magic pussy password script when talking to women. There isn't. Most of getting a woman interested in 80% normal ass conversation with some personality and other elements sprinkled in. It's not 100% "talking to women" speak. It's mostly basic conversation but more directed
You have the same issue as a million other guys who spent all their time on the internet reading shit instead of doing things
You come here posting about pussy when you have no friends. Girls will not fix this. There is a much deeper social deficiency here
@newUser12301 well, I'm responding because you responded in good faith. good for you.
Your issue seems to run much deeper that picking up chicks.
You point to your issue here:
"like i dont want to be seen as a clown, or seducer, try hard, or inexperienced. "
you care too much what others think about you.
Sorry, i stated that wrong:
You care too much about what you think others think about you
Shall i tell you the truth? Others don't think about you at all. men that are not famous, celebrities or sports stars are invisible. Nobody thinks about you, except maybe your family, and very occasionally, one or two of your close friends.
You have to realise that you are suffering from main character syndrome. Also, most young men have actually become like women - thinking in MCS terms is a very feminine behaviour.
you need to reprogram yourself. there is great freedom in realising that you are nobody. you are not 'seen as a clown' because you are not seen at all. You are invisible. get used to it. grow to love it. realise that it brings freedom.
Read More@newUser12301 unless you do something that really stands out such as launching into my 100% surefire method, most people won't even notice or pay any attention.
Besides, why would you care what they think? Their opinion doesn't affect you one bit.
@redpillschool I know, right?!
That sneaky fucker was hiding in plain sight!