The Wall: Demonstrating how women's looks fade over time to disabuse men of getting too hung up on what's in front of them in the here and now.
1y ago The Wall
How fucking downbad for self esteem do you need to be for this to be your idea of a good time lol
2y ago The Wall
The Wall happens damn early for some women:

Women Who Say They "Peaked In High School" Are Sharing Their Pics For The "Glow-Down" Challenge
If you've never heard of the "glow-down" challenge, you're certainly not alone. But it appears the challenge, which originated on TikTok, is here to stay.It involves women who believe they "peaked in high school," posting before and after photos of themselves to demonstrate how dramatically they've... | We love animals
The Wall wins again
That is definitely a dramatic decline and in less than twenty years at that.