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@Vermillion-Rx @Vermillion-Rx I am in the same boat as you man. My last girlfriend initially seemed perfect, and so I overlooked all the red flags.
Two years into the relationship she was walking all over me. She couldn't take the gym and my friends away from me, but she dam sure tried. Making me feel guilty for absolutely everything. Literally tell me she loved my dedication to the gym and then the next second I am a terrible person for prioritising my own health. Flipping everything on me. I had to constantly double check my thoughts with my friends because she would make any reasonable decision seem like an attack on her.
I read WISNIFG twice, both times I started implementing fogging, negative assertion and negative enquiry. It was fun at first and seemed to work, conflicts would be resolved much quicker, I wouldn't get emotional and she would turn into a good girlfriend again for a month. But then her shit would just come back harder, take me off guard and I'd be back in the claws.
Girl knew exactly how to pull my strings and I thought it was all normal.
Read MoreThat's because you have good taste - which you got from ME.
Your mom thanks me all the time in fact.
@MentORPHEUS everything I said in the post to which you're replying still stands
6h ago The Hub
when our side just uses money in accordance with the laws as written,
Elon Musk's latest stunt: Giving 2 Wisconsin voters a check for $1 million dollars each in a race for 2 Judicial positions.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wT0Aax9n2U (3min local news report)
Do you see this as big money influencing the democratic process, or something normal/OK?
@MentORPHEUS yeah, I might disagree with him on a few things, but his content is consistently good and helps expand one's thinking about some of this stuff
18h ago The Hub
check out Rian Stone's YouTube channel.
Strongly second this. Rian has uploaded THOUSANDS of hours of EXCELLENT Red Pill content. Sidebar content, Mids Watch series which goes in depth on a field report or RP principle in each episode, and a weekly Saturday podcast which he's getting burned out doing without the content having gotten stale or repetitive. One of the few podcasters on ANY topic who I can't point to a single episode of his that's a dud.
@Vermillion-Rx check out Rian Stone's YouTube channel.
He has playlists dedicated to various sidebar readings.
Maybe watch his video on each chapter after reading it.
do not use this as a substitute for the actual reading
Hell, he says that himself at the start of each of these
I'm on page 12 or so. I read it at the gym, but was out of gym for a while and then when I was back in, was always replying to the narc.
Back to reading it