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Update on the crowdsource effort for no ads on forums. I changed my own personal donation from $6 per month to 14.99
If anyone is interested in doing the 2.99 or 6.00 per month me me know. we currently have $40/100 from everyone who has chipped so far and if you chip in now your perks of zero ads will stay permanent even if we have to bring ads back after or if you are unable to keep donating later on.
If the site brings you value consider tossing some pocket change towards the site quality
@FakeFightingFuzzy It's only gay if it felt good.
And it didn't feel good, it felt like shame
I replied to a violent cop video saying the cop was wrong but if people want to avoid crazy cops hurting them they should comply with arrest and handle it while cuffed or at the station instead of risking their safety and a bunch of people replied with legally illiterate hot takes about their civil liberties and poor judicial understanding
Then why'd you bang the old hag?
To mark my territory after being displeased by your post reply
@Stigma Maybe....but the point is!
It's just so impossibly hard to go anywhere on the internet without being assaulted with thirst. That picture would be treasure to find in a magazine in my youth. Now it's like, sigh unzips
I want to earn my nudity like the good ol days! The way God intended!
Ok, so it's five years old. But this just showed up on 9gag this morning. (under Humor)
@Kevin32.... hmmm. Sounds familiar....
DAMN! I got rejected....
i banged your mom she's a mid
Then why'd you bang the old hag?
Also, you forgot the stones saying "ooooh". Dot red bylaws and shit.
Clean up your act, hoe.