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13m ago The Hub
The cheap booze might be what keeps a percentage of them going.
Clearly if you take a girl on an unearned ski trip, even if you were already going to go anyway and already own the condo and ski gear for two, that it's stupid because it's unearned gold dig reward
I regret writing my post without adding more caveats. I thought that was implied but i suppose it wasn't.
Entire point of the post is you can do more fun things if you have the financial means to. Don't spend money on women for women
I regret writing the post so quickly
Wealth doesn't generate tingles. All i said was if you already own that shit and don't spend any money on a girl because you're already doing an activity with something you've already paid off and were going to participate in anyway (same thing if you took a girl on a motorcycle ride because you already own the bike, not because you're buying the bike or the gas for it for her) that the asssets you have afford you the freedom of more stimulating activities
I never said spend a dime on the girl or that wealth on its own is attractive. I never said don't run any game at all.
This entire thread is a distraction. Don't spend money on women. I mentioned every single caveat you guys have addressed in the original post. I built the disagreements into the post as it was
Clearly i didn't word the post right. The caveats were built in. I don't want to respond to the thread anymore, it's a circular agreement disagreeing on semantic presentation. I already agreed with you guys in the OP
Read MoreClearly i didn't articulate my stance well. My entire point was money gives you access to more exciting activities. I even mentioned in the thread "not spending any money on HER" because you already own that stuff
even if you don't personally spend a cent on her because you own it already and doing the activity already
Problem is she might like the activities more than you
It appears much of my intended points were not standing out over the noise of the rest of the post
I never said to spend anything on her.
More men are unplugging, but the amount of degeneracy you have to find RP acceptance in is much higher
9h ago The Hub
Hey I was looking for some advice on picking up Colombian women. 26 yo 5’9 8/10 with a decent amount of money. Not sure if this is where to post but need help bad.
@Rexx that's still essentially a gold digger prostituting herself. No one in this thread has said that money won't get you laid; @Lone_Ranger and I are simply saying that money doesn't arouse them.