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Trump's politics is simply a carpet-Defect move on all fronts. It's a typical greedy algorithm, aimed at cashing out on all the slower-but-steadier politics of the past
I wrote that two weeks ago. Seems Wall Street picked up on the fact, and started its own cash out.
Thanks man. Join the Community as well if you're interested
I did and the thought I reposted it with better verbiage because the edit button still doesn't work @redpillschool.
Send it. Credit me @FeatheredKloi
I can only see your reply in admin did you mean to delete it?
@Vermillion-Rx Share it and tag me [username redacted]
I am not sure if I need evidence. I believe my gut a lot.
Every time I've suspected her of something, I've always come out right in the wash.
One thing I don't like about this experience is how i view myself now. I'm too kind to these women.
Fucking same. I give too many chances, let too much slide despite knowing better.
It's in hopes I'll find one woman that makes me go, all women aren't like that.
It's futile. They all have similar baggage and behavioral patterns. Doesn't matter her past. From all walks of life and up bringing.
There's very few that are truly looked back on fondly and those few are short lived do to life circumstances.
On a long enough time scale, I'm positive they'd have ran aground upon the same shores.
Women do trickle truth pretty badly. There were men she said she had no interest in who she explicitly wrote down that she wanted to fuck.
My experience is if she is talking shit about a man, she would fuck him.
If she explicitly states she'd never fuck a man, she would fuck him.
If she's regularly talking about a man, she'd fuck him.
Man standing for a half way decent guy. Not talking about her ridiculing a loser.