Online dating experiments generally using pics of hot guys but all experiments are welcome
2y ago ChadFishing
@Typo-MAGAshiv My hamlet only just got AOL dial-up, I spent the last day loading the jpeg file, cut me some slack.
2y ago ChadFishing
@Clearview well hell, dude, do a few of your own and post that
That would be more interesting than rehashing the years-old screenshots that everyone but @antelope has already seen.
2y ago ChadFishing
@Clearview On mobile these attachments get rendered at 1 character equals one pixel scale.
2y ago ChadFishing
@Clearview I hadn't seen it before and it's sufficiently blackpilled enough for a grimace, I guess.
2y ago ChadFishing
@Clearview did you just recently discover this experiment?
There used to be a Chadfishing subreddit where people would replicate it.
It didn't last long. Unfortunately, encouraging people to do such an experiment is condoning harassment.