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4m ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed Hopefully you're just drunkposting. I can't imagine a sober person thinking like this, much less proudly sharing it in writing.
3h ago The Hub
Story from 2023. No quotes. #uk
The attack in Scarborough involved sisters and their friend. The victim was not known to the defendants and had just purchased food from a takeaway when she was attacked on St Thomas Street. Not content to see her laid on the ground unconscious, they repeatedly punched and kicked her to her head and body. Ellie Patterson was the first to approach the victim before punching her to the face, grabbing her hair and dragging her across the pavement. Toni Patterson then joined in and grabbed hold of the victim’s hair, before the pair dragged her towards the road, where she fell into the carriageway as a friend tried to protect her.
Ellie Patterson then kicked the victim in her back while she was lying in the road unable to move. Toni Patterson then stamped on the victim’s head twice, before kicking the victim fully in her face as Abbie Patterson stood over the victim’s motionless body.
A number of people began to surround them, some to try and help the victim. Toni Patterson then pushed through the growing crowd and once again kicked the unconscious victim in the head Stott, who had not been involved until this point, other than the initial disturbance with the doormen, then got involved and began pushing people out of the way. The victim attempted to raise her head off the floor, appearing dazed, before Toni Patterson again kicked her in the head with full force. Ellie Patterson then kicked the victim to the body.
Despite attempts by door staff to restrain her, she repeatedly kicked out and spat at the door staff.
The victim also praised the emergency services in her statement thanking the police, the ambulance service, the hospital, specialists and nursing staff who “got me through the worse time of my life.
The victim was treated in hospital for facial fracture and a bleed on her brain. She was already blind in her left eye and this attack has left her partially sighted in her right eye.
I have highlighted ATTEMPTS of saving the victim. 4 wild hogs in UK are unstoppable. Doormen, bystanders, friend (no gender) cant do anything.
Then in the end victim thanks everyone but anyone trying to help. Most likely because there was no real effort from anyone as proven by the description of the events.
Read More3h ago The Hub
@deeplydisturbed Trump didn't win only because he have shown the stonks charts, educated people about economy and people have started to feel poorer.
If he didnt use an emotional language, stories, promises, no HE would not make it IMO.
A s an external observer I start to think how much these mistakes are actually made up to piss off the lefties and how much to rally the pissed off follks against the lefties.
For sure there is a share of ppl below a normal IQ treshold that do not understand an economy but will believe the lefties are fucked up after this kind of stories.
If Trump politcs will work economically then it will defend itself for those above average IQ that can interpret economical data etc.
I realise that I might be in biased but lefties didnt really give much choice, even if I rationalize most stupid shit ever.
This is all waiting game.
Hopefuly it wont end badly which is always a possibility.
Read MoreNew clip from the podcast I listen to;
Young liberal women have far out surpassed young liberal men for being the most unhappy. In fact young liberal women have a six in ten chance of having been diagnosed with a mental disorder.
It's always; omg let me come do fun shit with you.
Never; omg you do fun shit, I do the same fun shit, let's do said fun shit together.
I don’t care if it was genetic mice transmutational mice or gay mice.
I want Trump to mispronounce every fucking word he says until the communists are completely and utterly obliterated.
The foreign influence on this country is out of the bag. He just cannot name it
But he can dismantle it
And I am so horny right now thinking about the rage these creeps feel at being outed for the evil fuckwits they really are
8h ago The Hub
I've learned to be a lot less judgmental of people mispronouncing shit over the years.
Trump did it AGAIN, and by "it" I mean not mispronouncing, but misCOMPREHENDING something, with serious results.
In his SOTU he called out Democrats for spending $8 million making transgender mice. In later remarks he doubled down on this claim.
However, the $8 million wasn't spent on transgender mice. It was spent on transGENIC mice, meaning inserting human genes into mouse lines so that human disease research could get enhanced and accelerated without the need for human test subjects.
Literally millions of MAGA supporters now actually believe "Dems spent $8 million on transGENDER mice!!1!!" and are going to petulantly resist un-learning this and correcting their mental record.
So no, I am not acting petty, partisan, or pedantic by calling out "minor" errors in speaking such as this one.
Read MoreNew clip from the podcast I listen to;
Young liberal women have far out surpassed young liberal men for being the most unhappy. In fact young liberal women have a six in ten chance of having been diagnosed with a mental disorder.