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@carnold03 Tbh, I only know 1 marriage where they were each other's firsts where she didn't eventually FOMO and cheat. Yet. Maybe there's more. Wish them best of luck.
TBH, I don't stress over my partners' past bodycounts beyond STD concerns, not because I'm above all that or my age or some type of enlightened maturity, I just find at the end of the day, I really just don't give a real shit about them to be jealous anymore. Maybe I'm just jaded or disassociated, but they sometimes fun holes, mediocre company, and little else.
Both things above are probably a sad testament of the garbage culture we live in.
@adam-l Heard enough bad about it, but been unsubbed from woke Netflix for years. I know enough get it for free or watch some legacy shows on it, that's why I used to have it. Now I just download what I wanna watch.
Microshaft stealing my identity would frankly be doing me a favor. I don't have nearly enough money to make scamming me worth it and I'm currently hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for medical expenses to fix me up after an auto accident last year.
Cliché but...
MS doesnt want any interference with the data collection.
An easy to hack system would actually divert the users to the competition.
Patching is delayed likely due to the stability reasons and maybe they use it themselves or the vulnerabilities are being used somewhere and some agency needs more time.
I'm still contributing here. Just not AskTRP
I'm still going to write original posts here
No, @Adam-l and occasionally @mentorpheus
Woujo gives advice on reddit and Titus and James skep occasionally pop in here
Does it mean lefties will not become oligarchs in the next 4 years, maybe 8?
@Vermillion-Rx very good decision, you wont be missed
till the 5th of April, after the new edition of the Chad Market will be over.
Bon voyage, 11th place on the millionaire list will be better for you.