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@Vermillion-Rx you talk 'Pacyfic rim' style, entertaining film BTW.
I have also predicted that weapons developed from the taxpayers m9ney will be used against them. As the technology and the arms disparity will be too large to stand up and make it alive. The Technological progress enables less and less ppl to control more.
Films that have predicted enclosed part of the city with crooks were not right. The small enclosed parts will be for the chosen. Clo9ser to truth was the film with that bird on a chest.
don't quite buy the 6 gorillion stat either, but you're limiting the scope to
That would be pretty easy to claim the dead bodies and count them into any group. They wouldn't protest.
I never got into analysisng the numbers, but whtevwr the number, you got mutiply it as there was plenty of other nations dying in the camps.
6 mil? Then minimum 12 mil total.
because the vast majority of concentration camps were in Germany and Poland.
I'd be careful to say camps were in Poland (France, Austria, Latvia...).
Such statements are used by the Germans to water down the crime.
To give some geographical clues as where it was ppl use term 'occupied'.
One could argue how accurate it is since not many will know where the former borders were anyway.
1w ago Tech Talk
I added Poland because the vast majority of concentration camps were in Germany and Poland.
Yes, there are claims that there were also camps in Austria, the Netherlands, and other German occupied land. But if the major fact related to "6 million" is in serious doubt and almost statistically impossible, then I do not trust anything else.
I have always wondered why the Jewish intelligentsia insists on supporting such bizarre claims. If they took a different approach and said something like...
We have listened to our detractors and we did research (see hypothetical source) and we found that it was not even close to 6 million. We are not sure why this number made it into the public consciousness and became conventional wisdom, but our credibility as a people is of vital importance to us. The actual number is 988,000 people. In our view this is no less horrific and it does not diminish our resolve to ensure that such ethnic cleansing and genocide never happens again. With this in mind, we are calling for an immediate cessation of all hostilities in Gaza, Palestine, and the greater Arab world. We will be pursuing hate and war crime charges against all those Israelis and others who have engaged in these atrocious behaviors against Muslims and others. Israel has the right to exist, and so does Palestine...
That would rock the whole planet and I would argue move the entire planet SO far forward. it would be a game changer and give all these justifiable doubts the respect they deserve.
Once on a path of honestly like this, I would speculate the anti-Semitism would cut in half over night, and it would abate to levels that every other ethnicity faces - in other words, they would be treated (and mistreated) just like anyone else.
A few other issues would also be nice:
- Denouncing the Talmud in all forms and the practices espoused therein. (ie, infant rape)
- Denouncing the rape, sexual assault, pedophilia, and other barbaric behaviors found in many sub-sets of their population (Hollywood, we're looking at you)
- Denounce the barbaric practice of genital mutilation (ie, Circumcision).
- Denounce all messages that claim the Jews are racially, ethnically, intellectually, or otherwise superior to the goyim/gentiles (ie, the rest of the planet)
- Reject dual citizenship for any Jews holding public office in other countries outside Israel
- Ensuring that ALL bodies that oversee the bestowal of awards is no overly comprised of Jews- perhaps no more than 10% or something closer to fair. (ie. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Nobel committees, the Hollywood Foreign Press, and just about every other award granting body in the West)
This is not to mention the Nepotism/favoritism in industries like big tech, Finance, Banks, Venture capital, etc.
My main thrust here is NOT to spew anti-Semitism. That claim is old and no longer works on most people and many can sense that this has been overused to the point of exhaustion.
The goal with such actions is to ELIMINATE or at least reduce anti-Semitism worldwide.
These things are not that hard to do folks. I know it means giving up a lot of influence and power - but Jews are still going to be powerful with any number of these things in place.
Something needs to be done and these are just off the cuff recommendations.
I do not hold out hope that any of this will happen - until the 6 million lie is addressed.
Everyone KNOWS this is a lie, and more are learning every day. And this is dangerous because one could argue that it contributes to anti-Semitism.
Read More1w ago Tech Talk
We did Germany and Poland and that was still far short of one million.
There is no fucking way they travelled throughout Europe and abducted 5 million people to house them and kill them later in a camp.
I am just pointing out the obvious.
According to the lore, most (if not all) Jews died in Poland and Germany.
Either way, it doesn't math.
1w ago Tech Talk
@deeplydisturbed @Ill_Will7 I don't quite buy the 6 gorillion stat either, but you're limiting the scope to Germany.
They also rounded up and exterminated Jews, gypsies, and others in occupied Austria, occupied Poland, occupied France, occupied Netherlands, occupied Belgium, etc.
I doubt the grand total was as high as they've said, but you're not taking the full scale into account by only mentioning Germany.