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23m ago The Hub
Before I tried a carrot cake I was sure it will suck big time.
Before I tried spinach cake I was sure it will suck. (below)
33m ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv thats the single podcast I was listening to 2/3 times. But instead of not looking for problems I have (hopefully) found an equilibrium.
You don't know what will wipe you out in a psychological way. Knowledge or lack of. Many chumps are said to finish themselves off because of the persistent lies and a sudden dissonance clash between a lie and the reality.
I'd say the dose of the new medicine and the initial state will play a role.
@Vermillion-Rx experienced a dissonance. Its good to know how the women are and preemptively prepare yourself mentally and preemptively adjust the game, but not necessarily it would prepare you for the real thing.
Got to wait for the brain to actually rewire.
In the same way you cant redpill someone you cant be really prepared for a new better evidence.
Read More50m ago The Hub
I'm too kind to these women.
You cant be unkind to the point of this coming back onto you.
WaiT some time- it will settle. It 's caused by the same thing° that caused you to feel shit after breakup.
° not enough cheescake with a gooseberry jelly topping and soft base
not to go around and look for trouble...
Rian Stone says similar about when a husband suspects a wife is cheating
If he is convinced that she is, no amount of evidence will convince him that she really isn't
Conversely, if he wants to live in denial, no matter what of evidence he finds he'll keep moving the goalposts and making excuses for her
Better off just not worrying about it unless you stumble across something
Fag why didn't you report that post with the report function
No report function in forums
Clean up your act, hoe
1h ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx Unrelated, but related because it involves going through her stuff, I opened some drawer at my girlfriend home, and found there a dildo twice longer as my dick and about four times thicker.
Took some hit on self confidence, especially because I am on smaller side of average. I got out of that but it reminded me not to go around and look for trouble....simply assume the worst but dont look for evidence.
One thing I don't like about this experience is how i view myself now. I'm too kind to these women.
It's making me introspect about how to treat them. If knew what I knew I would have been a lot more aloof.
Sure you can say "of course RP says that" but it's quite different seeing it raw in their own admissions that they never thought you'd see before you ever even knew them.
I learned a lot reading that shit. Basically TRP is accurate (duh) but this is the first time I've ever seen page after page of self report like this
I'm surprised she organically told me so many things in her diary. It was like hearing/reading it for a second time
Women do trickle truth pretty badly. There were men she said she had no interest in who she explicitly wrote down that she wanted to fuck.
You're not going to look at a girl the same way again after reading her shit. Likewise to our should never take their word at face value
Update III:
Finished her second diary. I can't say I'd recommend it. I have a couple questions I'd like to ask her and must suffer the burden of never knowing and never asking
If you want answers about a girl you're seeing read her diary but forever hold your peace.
You just have to live with it