Discussion about the 5th gen war
3h ago 5th Generation War
@ColossalEarthsFan You’ve conflated teenage boys with “yoofs” who enact a culture they pick up from their enclaved communities. That is who the police treat with a light touch.
UK doesn't have a teen boy problem
That is way too exaggerated man
UK actually have plenty of teenage or even before teenage boys problem.
The KIDs are largely untouchable unless they rape or mutilate a corpse.
Some kids have learnt that they can do almost anything and they wont be punished and then the UK have the born and bred cryminals.
Not once I came across the news of the youths hamerring a random dude passing on a bike, stabbing rando, terrorising neighborhoods because no adult can stand up FOR THEMSELVES without risking a prosecution.
This is a well known problem.
SAYING that, that is A problem induced by the government and has nothing to do with the RP.
10h ago 5th Generation War
@Stigma I looked up that documentary and associated memes
How have I never seen this before?!
23h ago 5th Generation War
@Typo-MAGAshiv I found out that the attached meme is from a documentary of Chinese workers laying roads in Africa, and the African work force is lazy, destructive and disruptive - leading to this moment which immortalised itself as a meme.
Thus, it seems only appropriate that I use it in response to that information.
23h ago 5th Generation War
"the reality of the show".
Here's the fucking reality:
Based on the actual event that inspired this story, the UK doesn't have a teen boy problem, or a "ToXiC mAsCuLiNiTy" problem, but rather an importing-the-Third-World problem and an Islam problem.
@Stigma So thankful my own are 36 - 40 years old and missed out on the hysteria. If I recall, they were out of school before the "movement" started to take hold.
1d ago 5th Generation War
@MentORPHEUS Y’know, that tune puts me in mind to reflect on my own life at 13… and it was the pits for sure. Teenage angst is real, very real.
What it sure as fuck doesn’t need, is society as a whole having a moral panic over teenage boys, and subsequently demonising their existence. I’ve listened to multiple radio shows this week that have had parents saying how they’ve performatively sat their teenage sons down and and made them watch the show.
It’s a fiction! And yet, unsurprisingly, the halfwit population has drank the koolaid and ran with the zeitgeist…
“how can we help teenage lads achieve better outcomes”
“as a teenage boy you are innately dangerous and must have measures figured out around you”
It’s literal castration. The UK is immeasurably fucked and everyone’s okay with it.
What would I feel amongst my teenage angst if society had only that message for me… I’m scared for them.
Read More1d ago 5th Generation War
that adolescence tv show
Everyone here seems to agree that the show Adolescence is The Pits. Every post about it triggers another memory from my own adolescence in the early 80s listening to Dr. Demento. This song was lost to me when I could no longer play the 8-track I recorded it off air onto, but thanks to the internet it's available to everyone forever.
Adolescence is the pits, 1981