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Tbh, I only know 1 marriage where they were each other's firsts where she didn't eventually FOMO and cheat. Yet. Maybe there's more. Wish them best of luck.
TBH, I don't stress over my partners' past bodycounts beyond STD concerns, not because I'm above all that or my age or some type of enlightened maturity, I just find at the end of the day, I really just don't give a real shit about them to be jealous anymore. Maybe I'm just jaded or disassociated, but they sometimes fun holes, mediocre company, and little else.
Both things above are probably a sad testament of the garbage culture we live in.
You strike me as being defeated.
@woodsmoke I've been saying similar since I was a teenager in the late 1990s.
I still want mine back. I've paid a shit ton in over the years.
They somehow block the donations or the cash transfers during a podcast/live video.
I hadn't gotten that far in the stream yet when I read that from you, but now I know what you're talking about.
That's a strange way to go about things. I would think that's a bug rather than deliberate.
@Kloi have you ever read "No More Mr. NiceGuy" by Dr. Robert Glover?
One of the NiceGuy habits he talks about ceasing is DEERing: Defending, Excusing, Explaining, and Rationalizing.
Last time I interacted with MRP, they were still suggesting marriage as a good option
If you're referring to this, then:
A) that was 9 years ago
B) only that "The Family Alpha" guy was advocating it. If you read through that thread and the follow-up post, you can see that most of their mods (such as Archwinger and BluePillProfessor) actually agreed with you, that marriage is a terrible deal for men. I have no idea why they banned you, unless TFA did it because he's a pussy and the rest just backed him up out of solidarity (for example, at WAATGM, none of us will undo another mod's ban without his input and blessing. They might have a similar SOP at MRP).
C) that TFA guy is a subject of ridicule among the ones who know who he is. Rian Stone has shat on him many times.
D) in this post here you said:
It wasn't until years later the new mods tried to get me back and said it was wrong to ban me.
...so by your own admission, they at least did try to make it (their treatment of you) right.
E) it's early and my coffee hasn't kicked in yet, but in case I haven't been clear so far:
it is not MRP's stance that getting married is a good idea for men; they are not "pro-marriage" so much as "anti-divorce-rape".
MRP is still active because they banned uncomfortable truths in a deal with the devil to avoid quarantine by the reddit admin.
Not at all. They only avoided quarantine by being so small. If their sub had ever had the numbers that TRP or The Donald MGTOW had, they'd have been quarantined.
Read More3h ago The Hub
Last time I interacted with MRP, they were still suggesting marriage as a good option in western culture, so .. smart? Or rationalizing bad decision making? You be the judge
I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a good option. But whether it's a bad option depends on the marriage-and-divorce laws you're subjected to, which varies within western culture also.
I personally find that having kids with someone is the real kicker when it comes to potential reverse dread. Wanting to keep a family together (and there's no "family" without kids) is what would make me go the extra mile before nexting.
@MentORPHEUS looooool I'll watch soon and comment