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a few seconds ago The Hub
@Vermillion-Rx If you've lost your ipecac and really need to lose a lunch more than a boner, there's always Dank Demoss...
"Not chasing any skirt?" I asked. [...] "Why, is something wrong??
I see this more and more often. Across age range actually. Is this end of dating?
Answers can be summed up as women are impossible to deal with and their standards are too high.
In short, the juice ain't worth the squeeze. Not even for the young bucks still pumped full of testosterone. Particularly for those men interested in more than just getting their dick wet.
You'd think that would be enough to act as a wake up call to those in positions of importance that the wheels are coming off the wagon, but what began as a grift has long since become doctrine and the inmates are running the asylum.
At this point I'm pretty well convinced the only way out is through. It's gonna' get worse before it gets better and the faithful will fight it every step of the way.
Read More@Typo-MAGAshiv Also I should note that most of what I write will also end up on forums.red in the appropriate forum as well.
@MentORPHEUS Am I the only one who sees this as a big discount and time to buy?
Faggross instead of gross fag vcards? Are you dyslexic?
@Typo-MAGAshiv I'm going to be cross posting my posts to the .red blogs, I'm currently having a substack cross post feature built to make it automatic.
I'm trying a few experiments right now with substack and twitter to see if we can use outreach to bring people back to .red.
My signature on substack is "follow and chat with me on trp.red"
Time for some fresh blood!
4h ago The Hub
every little thing
The stock market losing over 3 TRILLION dollars worth of valuation on Trump's Tariff announcements and Federal workforce slashing... is not a LITTLE thing. Certainly not for whichever of his insider buddies got even richer shorting the market. For average Americans, it's pretty much all pain and no gain so far with the Trump administration.
What are you talking about?
A) how you and MSNBCorpheus, er, @mentorpheus have been clutching your pearls non-stop at every little thing
B) how it's completely ridiculous for you to say that Trump has no long-term strategy, and then cite short-term stock price fluctuations as "proof"
It's an inatiquacy issue
Eh, for some men, sure, maybe it's an inadequacy issue. But really that's a pro-slut, feminist talking point. Female manipulative language. "If you don't like ____, then you're just insecure!"
In all men, there's a natural, normal, instinctive revulsion at sluthood. It takes some doing to overcome this, and some sluts have pasts which are insurmountable.