This tribe is designed to hold each other to account. Post your progress, your goals and how you’re going to achieve them, whether they are financial, health or hobbies. Better together!
Gentlemen, how the fuck is life going for you?
Have you got your meal plans in order?
Do you actually have any meal plans? Why not? Put that greasy slice of pizza down and make something worth eating you fat fuck.
Hows your money? Spent it all on that pizza didn't you... Well, it's never too late to turn it around. Delete your Uber Eats or Deliveroo or whateverthefuck and start putting that money to the side.
Hows your hobby going? Aced that solo yet? Finished that chapter? Perfected that beat? Stop jerking it to that attention seeking whore and get back to your god damned mission.
Studies going well? Whens that essay due in? Tomorrow? You better get writing my dude. Take your studies seriously, it's going to be the only thing that saves you from a life of flipping burgers (Trust me.)
Seriously guys, take all of your shit seriously. Be productive. Hit us up with your ideas and progress.
Read More3mo ago Accountability
Today it's day 01 of me starting my new diet + 16 hour fasts. I will update weekly
10mo ago Accountability
Forgot to add - on NoFap for one month; goal: Until getting laid with a gal once more
10mo ago Accountability
Approaching gals tomorrow - goal at least 5 gals; I am brushing off my skills only. Don't wanna come as weird. I can't dedicate as much time as I would like bc I am busy as hell, but I don't want to harm my future self, marrying a Gold Digger is NOT my goal Midday - Going to MMA class; the first one I begin work at around 20:00, then I join the lab at around 9 AM; returning home at around 13:00//14:00; followed by workout.
---- Keeping up with my studies; I will take the last American Board Exam around January of next year; only to travel sometime over there, mostly to learn new stuff about Medicine overall, not remain lol - America seems like a really nasty place for single men. ----Finishing - The Art of the Deal; about to read How to Make Friends and Influence People ----I will crush the gym; I am about to introduce to my workouts weight; I was really hoping to start until having lost around 20 more punds, I have lost already 20 - I went from 220 pounds to 200; really proud of meself. ---I promise to walk my dog more often than not
Read More10mo ago Accountability
Goal: 10 000 Games [Time: Till Death] (if I am not active for more than 48 months prior to achieving this goal; please note that I'm dead or I have forgotten my password)
1y ago Accountability
@Lebbaeus You can't edit posts here but the site uses Markdown similar to Reddit. Remember to put two spaces at the end of a line when you want single spacing otherwise it hoses your list format as above. No edit is a PITA sometimes but it keeps you on your toes when writing!