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Wish I did. It's not something I ever really had to work at; once I came to the realization outlined above it was as simple as flipping a switch.
I suspect disposition has a fair amount to do with it. One of my weekend pro wrestling buddies is naturally a lot more anxious than I am and he's also a news junkie who can't seem to kick the habit.
To be fair, he's also a father, which gives him a fair bit more reason to be worried about the state of things.
@woodsmoke Indeed, I meant that through my green tinted glasses she did appear perfect.
I can safely conclude she was far from perfect.
So @Kloi's right: she wasn't perfect, you saw the red flags but chose to ignore them because you wanted to bang her.
We've all been there, sir. No shame in making a mistake so long as you learn from it. The problem was in how you presented it.
The most pernicious lies are those we tell ourselves. Learn to spot and root those out and you'll be much better equipped to do the same with those others toss your way.
But then at the same time, I literally gave her a book on healing from emotionally immature parents. So I clearly recognised her mother was crazy from what I was being told, she got 10 pages into the book and gave up, despite recognising that I'd predicted her mum spot on.
AND THEN I started dating her??? And what would you know, she displayed the exact same behaviours.
I need to give this one a watch (the video, that is). I don't expect y'all are lying but I just can't quite being myself to believe a show about a female robot isn't "secretly" all about how men are terrible for being men.
My last girlfriend initially seemed perfect, and so I overlooked all the red flags.
That sir, is a contradiction. If she's perfect she wouldn't have red flags to ignore.
You willing looked over those red flags. Been there done that. Still probably do it.
@Vermillion-Rx @Vermillion-Rx I am in the same boat as you man. My last girlfriend initially seemed perfect, and so I overlooked all the red flags.
Two years into the relationship she was walking all over me. She couldn't take the gym and my friends away from me, but she dam sure tried. Making me feel guilty for absolutely everything. Literally tell me she loved my dedication to the gym and then the next second I am a terrible person for prioritising my own health. Flipping everything on me. I had to constantly double check my thoughts with my friends because she would make any reasonable decision seem like an attack on her.
I read WISNIFG twice, both times I started implementing fogging, negative assertion and negative enquiry. It was fun at first and seemed to work, conflicts would be resolved much quicker, I wouldn't get emotional and she would turn into a good girlfriend again for a month. But then her shit would just come back harder, take me off guard and I'd be back in the claws.
Girl knew exactly how to pull my strings and I thought it was all normal.
Read MoreThat's because you have good taste - which you got from ME.
Your mom thanks me all the time in fact.