Discussion about the 5th gen war
25m ago 5th Generation War
Familiarise yourself with rhetorical garbage and you may know who speaks it.
1d ago 5th Generation War
There’s a sudden push against the Irish natives. Apparently anyone can be Irish, Ireland belongs to everyone.
No, there are Irish natives as there are natives in the rest of the British isles. You cannot ‘become’ any of these things.
3d ago 5th Generation War
The same public outrages on college campuses regarding the Gaza issue (that the government violently represses while funding the genocide).
You should already know that performative and progressive leftist outrage is at the very best and most charitable… entirely impotent.
So no, not the same public outrage when it was Christian missionaries that changed the situation.
Oh I’d pay good money to see your face if it was Christian missionaries that brought an end to the violence in Gaza.
3d ago 5th Generation War
The same public outrages on college campuses regarding the Gaza issue (that the government violently represses while funding the genocide).
But the West is a multirecidivist psychopathic civilization that never learns.
Admit it, you would have jacked off to dead africans you fucking racist creep.
3d ago 5th Generation War
He isn't talking about the food.