MGTOW stands for Men Going Their Own Way. It's a celebration of bachelorhood, of avoiding the financial and social burdens of marriage, including "common law marriage" or cohabitation.
How to Cut Toxic People Out Of Your Life
There’s an old myth that frogs will pull down other frogs trying to escape a pot of boiling water. That’s likely the stuff of folklore, but the dynamic is real: in everyone’s life, there will always be people who will resist, threaten, and sabotage the possibility of self-improvement.
This general group of people — whom we can safely call “toxic” — might resent your progress for any number of reasons. Perhaps they think you’ll no longer be in their life if you improve too much. Maybe they feel like your improvement exposes their own shortcomings. Or perhaps they’re just threatened by the idea of change.
The causes are less important than the effects, which can take the form of anger, resentment, frustration, manipulation, or cruelty (or a debilitating combination thereof). At any given moment, you might be finding yourself dealing with toxic friends, family members, or colleagues who — consciously or unconsciously — are sabotaging your happiness and growth. Identifying these individuals and understanding how to manage them is absolutely crucial to your well-being, success, and happiness.
So in this piece, we’re going to discuss how to recognize toxic people and navigate the often difficult and emotional process of removing these toxic people from your life.
Because in a very real way, your future depends on it.
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Read More8mo ago MGTOW
As you know, most MGTOW dudes realize that AWALT means that all women have similar firmware and similar legal advantages they can use to do evil… not that every single woman on Earth is a cheating whore who’s one Appletini away from dumping her husband and doing a gangbang in a toilet stall.
Some guys do not understand that, though. There are guys who never get through the “Red Pill Rage” part of the journey, and get hostile at anyone who suggests that women are - you know - people who make both good and bad decisions just like men do.
Shoot… I’ve been called “blue pilled” by guys whose balls have barely dropped and who’ve never seen a bra strap.
8mo ago MGTOW
I’ll have to take your word for it, but I vaguely recall getting crap about not buying into the idea that AWALT was literally true. Whatever the real or ostensible reason was is irrelevant to me, and I have no interest in dumpster diving through some archive to find out.
I don’t pine over women who rejected me… I’m certainly not going to pine over them.
It’s been a long time, but now that you’re forcing me to think about it, I do remember having a lot of karma in the sub. I try to be judicious with my mod privileges, so even if the proximate cause was something else, I figure an instant perma-ban is a sign that my experience itself had ruffled some feathers.
8mo ago MGTOW
@lurkerhasarisen I remember that I found the comment that got you banned after you had expressed confusion; it had nothing to do with your marital status. I think you were supporting Trump or something equally surprising.
I imagine if you cared enough, you could search up the thread in which we discussed it in the WAATGM modmail, then search the /r/ MGTOW link at the Red Archive to see what your comment was.
8mo ago MGTOW
I’m not sure how I got tagged into this thread, but since I’m here anyway…
I was a member of the old MGTOW subreddit for quite a while even though I was open about the fact that I’m married and support the idea as a valid (preferred, even) choice for men in the current year.
Eventually one of the mods decided that they didn’t want any married guys around and dropped the ban hammer even though I was never anything other than supportive.
Consequently, I wasn’t particularly bothered when the admins nuked the sub from orbit, even though the reason they gave was complete BS.
I also concur with @Typo-MAGAshiv in his assessment that many guys in the MGTOW community simply refuse to put in the work to better themselves, then claim that their status as MGTOWs is voluntary as a psychological defense mechanism. I don’t throw the overused word, “misogyny” around lightly, but too many of those guys would rather hate the other team’s players than learn how to play the game (even though many would like to).
Having said all that, true MGTOWs can provide a valid perspective to the RP community.
Read More8mo ago MGTOW
@Vermillion-Rx I'd say that during my time at WAATGM, going from lurking without a reddit account all the way up to the present, our users were split approximately thusly:
10% MRP
20% TRP
5% wahmyns
30% undecided/newly- unplugging
(Not counting trolls/ detractors/ interlopers)
Plus, there was more overlap between MGTOW and TRP than you think.
The few times I got tagged in their sub, I'd say what I had to say and bow out saying that I didn't belong there, but they were always welcoming.
@lurkerhasarisen used to participate there, and might be able to speak more about it.
Also, many WAATGM mods were MGTOW. where_muh_good_mens, @Kevin32 (subreddit founder, and seems a blend of MGTOW & TRP (he is point flaired and has been for years)), @goodmansaysfuckyou (blend of MGTOW and TRP), and DangZagnut (hardline MGTOW).
Read More8mo ago MGTOW
mgtow bloops flooding the site for it and making it harder to teach TheRedPill.
How many MGTOW have you actually interacted with?
I wouldn't call any of the ones I've encountered bloopies.
They've taken the Red Pill, and have various degrees to which they separate themselves from women.
Some still date and fuck, just no marriage or cohabitation (example: Aaron Clarey).
Many have sworn off anything of the sort after being burned too many times (examples: Terrance Popp, Joker of Better Bachelor, and Hammerhand).
... and too many others aren't real MGTOW, but rather incels who were sent their own way and try to act like it was their decision. The original /r/MGTOW subreddit used to brutally gatekeep those guys out from what I heard, but that was before I ever had reddit (and even once I started, I rarely looked at that sub).
But I've never come across one who was blue pilled.
I mean, isn't TRP's rule zero "sexual strategy for men and positive male identity"? MGTOW fits that.
Besides, if you don't want to see their forum, don't look at it. :P
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