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"I don't want to be a nice guy anymore"
See, you keep putting a lot of emphasis on your own traits and identity instead of just doing what would get you laid.
Meet girl > make her feel some emotions > make plans /trade digits to fulfill said plans > meet up for plans escalate/pull > fuck
You guys who can't get laid on here completely defile that simple process with unwarranted mental masturbation. Nothing else matters. Not your philosophy, self evaluations etc. only the above sequence will get you laid. She'll skip some steps if she wants to fuck badly enough
Thanks man. I'll make it more of a post later
It doesn't help you get laid as I mentioned. I was just saying the only relevance money has is providing you the freedom to do more tingles activities. Which i also pointed out she will probably like more than you
It's not reliable. It gives otherwise unfuckable men more access to pussy than if they were unfuckable and broke
1h ago The Hub
@Goingthedistance she thinks you[re a fuckboy? Great. Do not disabuse her of this notion
Tell her you're quite busy - that you donj't really love texts. tell her that you prefer when you are together - tell her that you're tired from the grind - and that she can come over, make dinner and you can watch a movie. that you enjoy quality time with her. that's the move my boy.
1h ago The Hub
"I don't want to be a nice guy anymore"
Well then don't. Don't ever be the nice guy and then expect that to get pussy. Doesn't work like that. You should know this by now?
You can be nice to your dog. to your family, to your close friends.
Being nice is the hands down worse way to get or keep pussy. It just doesn't work. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Money helps you get laid IF money gives you access and freedom to do things with her that give her tingles.
You got a yatch? Invite her on it with wine = tingles.
Got a swanky penthouse overlooking a major landmark? = Invite her over and she'll probably put out more easily than some other location with the same man.
Own a ski condo with your own gear? = Tingles trip without spending any money on her specifically
Money doesn't make you better at seduction, but if you have assets and ability to use them, it can help you, even if you don't personally spend a scent on her because you own it already and doing the activity already. The drawback is she might like that shit more than she feels about you
1h ago The Hub
@Typo-MAGAshiv everyone knows but you dude. Even @Vermillion-Rx gets it.
Say it slowly to yourself .... I wait over here.
Pure game
@goingthedistance I've called unsuccessful men on here game bots before because all they think getting sex is is being some shitty ass game lord. Game is for men who can read a room. Game is not for men who can't get laid with basic social skills and making plans where they can escalate.
Game facilities interest and getting the lay more quickly through deliberate execution of sex signals at the risk of losing a set, compared to a normal social progression towards sex. Game is NOT for men who can't get a social skills lay. Women just want to have fun, with fun men. Even men slaying with "no social skills" are in fact socially succeeding. Their fun quirkiness and dgaf gets her attention, they make plans, and then he makes a move
This is really standard shit unless you're a game but lacking in basic social accumen. It is not hard to fuck with no game if she's even a tad interested
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